
DXD : Kraken

MC reincarnated into the DxD world and has a Sacred Gear. MC's purpose is to protect his family and have a happy life. If you don't like MC catching pokemon then you should skip this fanfic. If you hate Rias and devil then you should skip this fanfic… This is my first time writing a fanfic and I'm not good at English… Thanks

SSasuketamin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 5: Sacred Gear.

A week has passed quickly since Sasae revealed to Ranko about the supernatural world. Everything went according to what Sasae calculated. Rias' group seems to be trying to get closer to Ranko. However, they also only reach a certain level and do not go any further.

Currently, Sasae is training for Ranko. They are in an abandoned construction site. Sasae kidnapped a few stray devils and beat and cut off both their hands. Most of the stray devils that Sasae caught were quite weak and after being tortured they were so weak that Ranko could handle it.

Sasae sat on a chair and just quietly watched Ranko fight. Ranko held a wooden spear in his hand and repeatedly stabbed the stray devil. After each attack, Ranko dodged and counterattacked. This has almost become a continuous cycle.

The stray Devil gradually became angry and humiliated, it rushed towards Ranko. However, she did a flip on the ground to dodge the opponent's kick. She then swung her wooden spear and hit the stray devil's leg so hard that it lost its balance and fell.

"This girl is very talented." Kraken commented as he also observed Sasae training Ranko.

"Yes, Nee-san is very talented in Soujutsu. Her physical strength is also very good compared to a human. It's just that she hasn't been properly trained up until now."

"So are you really going to let her fight alone? Even though the stray devil has weakened a lot, it still seems a bit too much for a human like her." Kraken wondered.

"It's okay, putting her in danger will help her awaken her Sacred Gear. And if things get out of hand, I will intervene." Sasae replied.

And as Kraken and Sasae predicted, the stray devil began to lose control. It went crazy because it had been tortured for days too .

"Bastard, even if I'm killed, I'll have to drag you along." The stray Devil took a large amount of acid in his mouth and sprayed it directly at Ranko. Everything happened so quickly and unexpectedly that Ranko caught off guard, so she didn't have time to react.

Ranko instinctively closed his eyes and raised both hands to protect himself. Sasae was about to intervene to protect Ranko but he stopped when he saw what was happening in front of his eyes.

"It was a surprise." Sasae muttered while showing an amused smile.

Returning to Ranko, she thought that she would be seriously injured or worse, would die. However after a few seconds passed… she still didn't feel anything happening. She slowly opened her eyes, floating in front of her was a red orb with a thin barrier that protected her from the stray devil's attack.

"This… This is?." Ranko looked at the jewel in front of him passionately. It's so beautiful, with the aura around me that makes everything so surreal.

"Congratulations Nee-san, you have awakened your Sacred Gear." Sasae's words startled Ranko and reminded her of what she was doing.

"Is this my Sacred Gear?."

"That's right, this is your Sacred Gear."

Immediately afterwards, the orb crumbled into tiny particles, which floated in the air before they gathered together into a long halberd. The shape of the halberd was evolved from a spear or spear, but had two steel blades resembling crescents on either side.

Seeing the shape of this weapon made Sasae immediately think of a famous weapon of a general in the Three Kingdoms period.

"Heaven Scorcher Halberd…" Sasae said.

"Heaven Scorcher Halberd?."

"I'm not sure either, but based on its appearance, it's quite similar to the Heaven Scorcher Halberd. The Heaven Scorcher Halberd is the famous weapon of LuBu, a famous general who lived in the Three Kingdoms period." Sasae explained.

" heh… Really, my Sacred Gear is such a famous thing? " Ranko said excitedly.

"I'm just guessing… I'm not sure if this is really Heaven Scorcher Halberd either. It's strange that god created a Sacred Gear from a weapon in history."

"Well , that really is Heaven Scorcher Halberd . My former host fought a Heaven Scorcher Halberd user." Kraken suddenly spoke up.

"Explain about this Sacred Gear, Kraken."

"I don't remember too well, if I'm not mistaken, the Heaven Scorcher Halberd can create extremely flames. In addition, this Sacred Gear is very strong in 1 1 combat thanks to the combo star. Combo star is a power-boosting ability. As long as the owner continues to attack his opponent without interruption, each successive blow will receive 400 pounds more force than the previous hit. In Balance Breaker state, it will be 4000 pounds of force. (Author: I think this is still pretty weak compared to 180kg in the 400 pound DxD world, which means that if she hits the 10th attack, the weight of the attacker will be close to 2 tons… you think so? Is it strong enough or still too weak?)

"…Nice." Sasae was a bit surprised by the information Kraken had just said.

At this moment, the stray devil decided to take the opportunity Sasae and Ranko were talking to each other. It wanted to run away from this place but Sasae didn't let that happen. He used his tentacles to tightly wrap the stray devil's leg before hanging it upside down. The more Devil struggled to escape, the more tightly the tentacle became tangled.

"Nee-san, kill it." Sasae told Ranko.

" …" Ranko began to hesitate, she could fight but killing a living creature was a different story. Seeing Ranko's hesitant gaze, Sasae spoke up.

"In order to survive in this world, killing is necessary. in some forced situations, killing the enemy is essential. In addition, this stray devil has killed a lot of innocent people. Just think that what you do is to comfort those innocent souls." Sasae explained.

Ranko took a deep breath before looking at him with steady eyes.

"Okay… I'll do it. "Then Ranko gripped his spear tightly before walking step by step towards the stray devil. She stopped in front of the stray devil for a few seconds before thrusting the spear straight into its chest without a moment's hesitation. However, Ranko still felt annoyed that she had just killed a living being. She tried to squeeze her stomach so she wouldn't vomit.

"Very good Nee-san, you will soon get over this and get used to it." Sasae gently comforted her older sister.

"Sasae-kun, when was your first time?." Ranko asked.

"When I was 13 years old, I killed a fallen angel." Sasae said, then he looked at the corpse and didn't know how to handle it. He couldn't absorb this corpse because he could only absorb those he killed with his own hands. Sasae sighed and decided to use poison to corrode the corpse before leaving.

"Let's go home Nee-san."

"Yeah, okay."


Then the two of them went home together, after arriving home. Sasae and Ranko went through the kitchen and found Nari drinking water in front of the refrigerator.

"Ah, Nari-chan. Did you finish your lesson?" Sasae said happily, then he handed her a bag of cakes he bought from the convenience store. However, Nari only looked at Sasae and Ranko with suspicion. Lately they often come home very late , moreover their clothes are always covered with a lot of dust .

Nari understood that the two of them were hiding something from her but she had no idea what was going on.

"Thank you Nii-san, you two should go change your clothes before Kaa-san sees your appearance." Nari answered simply before she coldly turned away making Sasae sigh. He couldn't understand why Nari always treated him so coldly, despite the fact that they were close in the past.

After receiving the cakes from Sasae, Nari quietly went up to her room. She immediately lied down on the bed, at which point Nari felt very jealous of Ranko. Ranko and Sasae are very close to each other, they are always next to each other like a picture and a shadow. Sometimes Nari even feels that they are very similar to a couple.

" Baka ." Nari muttered as she took out a photo from under the pillow. In the photo are two cute children. The girl in the photo is none other than Nari while the boy next to her has a very similar face to Sasae.


The next day Sasae and the others went to school as usual. Now in Ranko's classroom, she was about to leave to have lunch with Sasae when Rias called her over.


"Huh, what's wrong Rias-san." Ranko asked.

"May I speak to you privately? By the way I would also like to invite you to visit my club."

Ranko was about to agree when she recalled Sasae's instructions.

"Fine… But can I take Sasae-kun with me?."

"Huh… Why bring him along?" Rias wondered.

"...hmmm I just want to take Sasae-kun on a tour of the occult research club with me." Ranko said.

This made Rias a little suspicious, she was afraid that a normal person would find out they were devils. The purpose of inviting Ranko to the main occult research club's office is because Rias wants to recruit Ranko to join her peerage. Now that Ranko's aura was much stronger, Rias didn't want to miss this opportunity to recruit another powerful member to her peerage. After thinking for a while, Rias finally agreed to this. If things get out of hand, she will erase Sasae's memories of them being devils.

"Okay… Akeno told Kiba to invite Sasae-san to the occult research club." Rias tells Akeno.


At the same time, Sasae was about to leave to meet Ranko when Kiba grabbed his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Kiba-san?" Sasae said.

"Nothing much… Just Rias-buchou would like to invite you to our occult research club."

"occult research club ?"

"That's right, even Ranko-senpai is there. Rias-buchou would like to invite you and Ranko-senpai to visit our club." Kiba said.

" … Alright . Lead the way."