
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 80: Saving Private Nun

At the HQ of Mordred's School for Gifted Children, Jeanne who was reading a doujinshi that was made by one of the top magicians in the mage association named Golden Temptation that starred Mordred and Dulio suddenly received some news from Griselda.

"Jeanne! You have to hear of this! Scrap it, every one of you needs to do so." Griselda was in a rush and Jeanne looked at her in annoyance.

"Griselda~ I was just getting to the good part." Jeanne pouted at her and Griselda smacked her. "Burn that heretical trash and listen to me. Remember sister Diana? She has been excommunicated from the church because of colluding with a devil!" Griselda informed them.

The church trio gasped and they remembered the older sister figure that guided them with a smile on her face.

"Sister Diana? But isn't she like a holy woman that is strong in using magic?" Xenovia was shocked to her core.

She might have been a few ranks below Jeanne in importance due to having saint Jeanne's soul inside of her. But sister Diana couldn't have been excommunicated that easily.

"This smells fishy, shouldn't we inform Mordred about this? She's a good person… And all she ever wanted is to be of use to the house of God." Irina prayed for her immediately.

"What is this about that you should inform Mordred-sama?" Arthur who was stalking Le Fay to check if she was still being hounded by boys heard them. After all, Le Fay is a cutie pie.

"Ahh… Arthur, you see." Griselda started telling him the story and Arthur squinted his eyes.

"It is definitely possible for excommunication, but that is if you are a normal nun." Arthur raised a brow at what just happened. He smelled foul play.

"Ohh? What is this about a nun friend of yours being excommunicated?" Mo-chan put her arm over Xenovia and Jeanne's shoulders.

They gulped, knowing that Mo-chan was an extremely temperamental person. The only reason why she was at the bottom of the barrel in Mordred's group is because for dragons, strength is supreme.

Though her behavior was starting to get softer. Being humbled every single time, being pummeled by kids that is at your chest height would break down anyone's ego.

While the church trio told Mo-chan the story, Griselda received another revelation. "Is that so? What a shame then…" Griselda dispersed the communication magic circle she had on her hand with a grim expression.

"What is it sister Griselda? Did sister Diana's sentence turn into execution?" Xenovia asked with anxiety and Griselda shook her head.

They sighed in relief, but she was still downtrodden. "What's the problem then sister Griselda?" Irina tilted her head and Griselda frowned heavily.

"The Vatican also excommunicated Asia Argento. A wielder of Twilight Healing." Griselda squinted her eyes.

With her limited interactions with the little sister, Asia Argento was a kind soul that healed everyone that needed it.

"Asia Argento!? Isn't that one of the most valuable holy women in the church? Something is really fishy here." Lint who arrived, listening to the church trio, added.

"Yes, there is certainly something wrong. But, you know Mordred-sama. He is very busy, especially now. Because our faction is growing." Griselda didn't want to burden Mordred with something that concerned them.

"Oi, oi. Aren't you forgetting about this Mordred-sama right here?" Mo-chan pointed at herself and she grinned.

"O-oh, what's the plan Saber-sama." Xenovia didn't have a good feeling about what she wants to do.

"Of course, we storm inside of there and demand an explanation. If they refuse? Well, what are secretive, corrupt pricks good for? To be butchered of course!" Mo-chan's twisted grin on her face widened.

"We'll cause an international incident…" Griselda winced at Mo-chan's brute force plan, there was no afterthought to it at all.

"Hmph, this great knight of the roundtable will be demanding answers from them. How dare they try to not answer?" Mo-chan huffed. She might be subtler, but that's with Mordred's group.

"I will contact Mordred-sama about this." Arthur was about to send Mordred a message, but he was stopped by Mo-chan immediately.

"Now, now, why would you go and do that, squirt? I'm the one who's calling the shots here." Mo-chan snorted.

"Come on, onwards to your cult or whatever." Mo-chan was impatient and the church girls gave her a deadpan stare.

"What? I call it like I see it, a goddamned cult. After all, who tells people to fucking beg the guy who's beating you to give it to you harder? A goddamned perverted masochist is who." Mo-chan laughed as she remembered some of the lessons that Cleria beat into her head.

"You read the bible?" The church girls were dumbfounded. "Yeah, but I only remember the weird shit like that. There's also this one that says women should shut up. And those who help her man when fighting by grabbing the other guy's balls should have her hand cut off. Pretty weird obsession with balls if you ask me."

"Another one is where Yahweh has a hissy fit because one of his guys didn't want to circumcise his son. Whoever wrote that little book you cultists read is a goddamned pervert." Mo-chan huffed and they couldn't really say anything against her.

"You also preach to love even your enemies; then why do you fight against devils? Why did Yahweh cast out the fallen for sinning when his love is unconditional? It's a bunch of bullshit is what, he went to war against them." Mo-chan huffed at them.

"Okay, okay, it isn't perfect okay?" Griselda was especially guilty of that. After all, she is an exorcist of the church once. And she has fair share of killing devils, even ones who she is sure that were just there at the wrong time and place.

"Good, now we march! Fuck your little cult, nobody cares about that shit." Mo-chan was excited to have a solo mission.

"We're so going to be chewed out by Mordred-sama later." Griselda sighed as she gave Mo-chan the coordinates of the Vatican.

Thankfully, while Mo-chan was rambling. Arthur managed to send Le Fay an SOS and her little sister immediately contacted Mordred.


"Hmmm, is that the place?" Mo-chan pointed at a cathedral and they immediately shook their heads.

"That's just a small chapel…" The former members of the church deadpanned at her. Christianity was one of the largest religions in the world. And she just pointed at a random chapel as their HQ.

"Sorry, sorry, I thought that cultists liked smaller bases. You know? To run away faster when people start to rebel." Mo-chan had a smile on her face.

"It's a bit away from here, heavily guarded by exorcists too." Siegfried commented.

"Aneki, I'll lead the way." Freed who is slowly taking in Sigurd's essence once again turned out to be a delinquent. And he idolized Mo-chan who is in his opinion, cool. Though Mordred who was like a mafia boss that runs everything in the shadows was cooler for him.

"Umu, see? You should be more like this guy." Mo-chan pointed at Freed and he bowed. "Osu!" He saluted and started guiding her towards the Vatican's main base.

"Will brother Freed be fine?" Lint looked at Siegfried and he sighed. "He can't copy Mordred-sama, he's like an indomitable fortress. So he looked up to his sister instead, don't worry. He'll most likely be fine, probably."

The group started walking leisurely to the Vatican. Freed and Mo-chan were relaxed, but the others were quite tense.

After all, even if they had superior weapons and armor against them. They were outnumbered by thousands of exorcists.

And unlike Mordred and his kin that can fight armies on their own, they were still human in the end. Le Fay has the potential to do so, but she's still young.

They also know that someone there can most likely fight Mo-chan, not beat her. But stall her until they were dealt with; the strongest exorcist. Vasco Strada; a skinhead who fought one of Azazel's cadres in the second world war.

Mo-chan also liked to enjoy fights which even Scathach is still trying hard to beat out of her. So they would be in deep trouble when Vasco appears on the battlefield.

Arriving at the front gates of the Vatican, Mo-chan grinned and her companions had a bad feeling.

"Everyone, prepare yourselves. We will be having a bad time!" Arthur looked at Jeanne and she created holy swords with blade blacksmith, arming the Sigurd kids and the Pendragon.

They tapped on a small, black scale on their chest and black full plate armor appeared on their bodies. Being the humans that Mordred were giving extra care, their armors were made of his scales. (pic)

Power surged through them as they felt the aura of a dragon flow inside of their mana circuits. It was surreal, a power of a dragon was intoxicating. And the kids felt like they were invincible.

Arthur and Siegfried quickly got out of their funk though. With the two, knowing that even with the power boost and armaments they received. They can't even take down a single one of Morded's kin.

"Calm down everyone, we're not invincible. Against weaker opponents, that might be the case, but not against people like her." Arthur pointed at Mo-chan.

"He's correct, don't do anything reckless. We're in enemy territory." Siegfried added and they were all on guard.

Getting into groups, they watched their backs and were ready for a rumble.

"Who are you!?" They heard an exorcist screech, basically frothing in the mouth like a rabid dog.

"Me? This great Mordred-sama is gracing your presence right now. Take us to that pedophile loving pope." Mo-chan squinted her eyes.

The exorcists that started to gather gasped and through their armor that has a slight empathic ability, the kids were feeling their rage stew.

"What is with this commotion?" A 4 winged angel appeared; Adnachiel.

"Hmm? An angel, I guess you did listen to my brother dearest." Mo-chan nodded at him.

"Brother?" The angel was confused and Mo-chan took out her sword.

"But explain why were there two holy maidens exiled when you are here, hmm?" Mo-chan exploded with battle intent and Adnachiel was horrified.

Mo-chan is a certified ultimate class being after all. And that was a bit incorrect, as their magic reserves were compressed.

Her dense mana indicated that she was high class, but her attacks and magic were much different.

"Who are you? And we are currently looking for Asia Argento and Diana Wolfram right now." Adnachiel explained with a frown.

"Looking for them? Why are they exiled in the first place, bub? Keep talking." Jeanne squinted her eyes and swords were growing on the ground as she used blade blacksmith.

"Adnachiel-sama! We do not need to explain anything to these blasphemers!" An exorcist cried out and the others agreed wholeheartedly.

'Fools, the lot of them… How I wish that I could return to heaven as fast as I can.' Adnachiel shook his head in exasperation.

"Silence! Please tell me your name first?" Adnachiel didn't hear her earlier.

"Hmph, very well." Mo-chan stabbed her sword on the ground. Vali was rubbing off on her a bit.

"I am Mordred Pendragon, the knight of treachery. Camelot's downfall, king Arthur has fallen by my hands. The people of England whisper my name to this day. And you, shall tell me what is happening here." Mo-chan spoke in a calm and regal voice.

"Hey, didn't I sound just like my brother just then? Whenever he monologues like an idiot, he still manages to look cool. Damn him." Mo-chan tried imitating her father and Mordred.

The kids deadpanned at her and Adnachiel started sweating bullets. "Adnachiel-sama, it seems we have visitors." A muscly skinhead appeared.

"Vasco… This is very complicated." Adnachiel's expression turned ugly as he looked at Mo-chan who was related to the savior; Mordred Pendragon.

"Indeed, Mordred Pendragon's sister. The berserker knight. We will explain succinctly." Vasco wasn't afraid like Adnachiel, but he knew that if it came down to it, she would fold him like a lawn chair.

Mo-chan's small frame was screaming power at him, his instincts that has been honed for decades can feel her well concealed strength, hidden under her slender build.

He even thought that air resistance wouldn't decrease her speed much. Because she was every biker's dream, aero.

"Umu, go on." Mo-chan squinted her eyes a bit as she felt that he thought of something rude. But she let them continue, though acting all calm and collected like Mordred just wasn't her style.

"It was due to a devil that infiltrated the church. He was able to fool Diana with flowery words. That was how he clawed his way in here." Vasco frowned heavily.

"A filthy devil huh? Good, tell us what he looks like and his name." Mo-chan got excited as she thought that they will go on a manhunt.

"Sadly, we do not know the name or face of the devil. Only Asia and Diana do, so we are looking for them." Adnachiel sighed.

"Then how in the hell did they get exiled in the first place?" Xenovia who was losing her temper, shouted.

"The bishop that exiled them were in cahoots with the devil. Saying that Diana was colluding with one. And Asia was a heretic for being able to heal a devil." Vasco explained and Mo-chan's anger started to rise.

"Fuck this shit, I can't be like Mordred anyway. Where the hell are they?" Mo-chan asked with impatience and the two looked at each other.

"We currently don't know. The bishop that exiled them was found dead. And there is no leads to them." Vasco huffed in annoyance.

"Anything at all? Not even a strand of hair or a piece of clothing? Asia healed the devil right? She didn't leave behind any article from the devil?" Arthur's analytical mind thought of a plan.

They had a bloodhound amongst them after all. Even better than one even, Mo-chan would sniff that bastard out faster than he could say Satan.

"We could lead you to the scene where Asia was supposedly found healing the devil." Adnachiel gestured for them to follow him.

Everyone else nodded and they were lead deeper into the church. The exorcists were glaring at them, but they were ignored.

When they arrived at the scene of the crime, Arthur started sweating as he looked at Mo-chan.

They all knew how unpredictable she was. And if what he asks next pissed her off, then he was good as dead meat.

"Saber-sama, can you check with your better senses and then we'll track the devil? Asia and Diana might be easier to find, but the main cause should be eliminated, no?" Arthur crossed his fingers.

"Good idea, squirt." Mo-chan patted his head. Lint, Jeanne, and Irina snickered at him.

But he was a man on a mission. And ensuring that Mo-chan doesn't rampage out of control is his number one priority.

'Hmph, just wait when Mordred-sama intercepts us.' Arthur imagined and he had a smug look on his face that made Xenovia a bit wary.

Mo-chan surveyed the area with a quick look and she immediately saw a few drops of what seemed to be red liquid.

With a twisted smirk on her face, she immediately locked onto it and sniffed the air deeply.

"Hmmm~ I've locked on to that prick's scent. It has a really sweet smell next to it, must be that Asia Argento." Mo-chan gave a toothy grin and she looked at the kids behind her.

"I know what we're going to do today." Mo-chan's smile almost split her face.

"Wait! Pendragon-sama!" Adnachiel tried to reach out to her, but she already teleported away with the kids.

"We're screwed aren't we? This is definitely going to be an international incident." Vasco had a frown on his face.

"Michael-sama will burn me alive for this." Adnachiel already accepted his fate.

While the two old men were getting depressed for not being able to stop them. A magic circle appeared and Mordred suddenly teleported in their location.

"Hmm? Vasco Strada and a middle class angel. Did my sister possibly come here?" Mordred could feel her magic around the area.

"Y-yes, sir." Adnachiel bowed at him, Michael and all the Seraphs already informed heaven to be respectful to him like he was one of them.

"I see… What did she do?" Mordred looked around and there weren't any damage. Which surprised him.

He then focused once again and checked who was with her.

"The x-people huh? It seems that Arthur went with her to be a mole while Le Fay was his messenger." Mordred immediately pieced out the puzzle.

Adnachiel and Vasco then started explaining to him what was happening with the church and Mordred squinted his eyes.

"A filthy devil is trying to poach holy maidens you say?" Mordred raised a brow and the concrete below him cracked.

Adnachiel gulped nervously and Vasco could feel his instincts scream at him to run away.

"W-we do not know if that is the case, Mordred-sama. We didn't gleam much from Diana before she was exiled with Asia. But it seems that is the case. As he was trying to seduce sister Diana." Adnachiel elaborated.

"It seems that a filthy devil is lounging around here in the Vatican. Don't worry, tell Michael and Gabriel that I will take care of it with extreme prejudice." Mordred growled.

"A holy maiden that does her job earnestly and with good intentions, being repaid by fate unfairly. Nobody was able to do anything, and a kind soul will be damned. But fine, I will do it myself." Mordred cracked his neck.

He teleported away from the Vatican and the two officials from heaven's faction sighed in relief.

"Mordred-sama had another qualitative leap in his power…" Adnachiel commented with awe and a bit of fear.

"I guess the devils will have another unfortunate encounter." Vasco remembered the attacks on Lucifaad and Lilith.

"Indeed, whoever that devil is. He will be torn, limb from limb." Adnachiel sighed and they pacified the exorcists that were quite ready to throw their life away earlier.


Mo-chan teleported in the underworld and some scales appeared on her face.

Her draconic traits showed up as she tried to use the super senses of a dragon.

"Smells muted… But I've got a trace of you." Mo-chan grinned like a loon and the kids were really starting to get nervous now.

The underworld is much more powerful than the Vatican after all. And Mo-chan will be unable to protect them if things go awry.

"Let's have some faith on Mordred-sama's armor, yeah?" Lint gulped and they nodded.

"Follow me, squirts. We'll be hunting devils today." Mo-chan flapped her wings and the ones who were more knowledgeable about magic, used wind spells to keep up with her.

Looking left and right like an eagle that is searching for prey, Mo-chan got a whiff of the scent and magic of her target.

Snapping her head to the direction of Lucifaad, she suddenly grinned.

"Found you!" Mo-chan didn't wait for her side kicks and launched herself towards Lucifaad with a mana burst.

"Saber-sama! Shit, where's Mordred-sama and his kin when you need them?" Arthur clicked his tongue.

"Isn't it fine? Shouldn't we just wait for her to end her rampage?" Siegfried who was a bit cynical due to the Sigurd institute's experiments just wanted to leisurely fly towards where she went.

"Are you crazy? This is going to be an international incident. Mordred is going to have an aneurysm due to the paperwork." Jeanne who saw how many stacks of paper he needs to go through, shouted.

"If you say it like that…" Lint who agreed with Siegfried saw reason. Not that they knew that Mordred breezes through paper work with his forbidden magic that fries brains if used excessively.

"Come on then, what are we waiting for?" Xenovia gestured for them to go and everybody started flexing their back muscles.

Their capes suddenly turned into dragon wings and they flapped it with a flex of their middle back.

Being introduced to hypersonic speeds suddenly, the ones with less training almost barfed due to the disorienting speed.

Worthy of being the elites of humanity though, they soldiered on and flew with quick bursts of mana that propulsed them.


"Hello shitty devils, nice to meet you." Mo-chan who has pretty good instincts felt that the guards on the estate she arrived at aren't really innocent.

So she stabbed them right through the face without much of a word out of them. "And goodbye." Mo-chan kicked them away.

"Astaroth huh? I guess that nerd Ajuka will have a field day with this." Mo-chan chuckled darkly and she started walking inside.

"Disappointing, weak!" She opted not to use her sword on the weaklings.

But there was a lingering voice inside of her head. Mordred and Scathach's teachings were drilled into her hard skull.

The first set of guards were upon her immediately and she didn't even let them speak.

With a mana burst, the last thing they saw was her bloodshot eyes filled with bloodlust.

Grabbing the nearest one in front of her, she stabbed her thumbs in her eyeballs and Mo-chan ripped her head in two.

'A woman, supporting scum. You deserve to die a dog's death.' She spat on the corpse.

"A-attack her!" The others shot magic at her, but they just turned to wisps of smoke and magical energy as they touched her skin.

The largest guard amongst them then reinforced his fist to the maximum, thinking that she was just a slender girl.

But she returned the punch and the force shot out the bones in his forearms out of his elbows.

"Agh!" With a blood curdling scream, the other guards still shot her with magic. But it was a lost cause.

Mo-chan grabbed the guard's arm and she stabbed him right in the temple with his own bones.

"The only thing you'll fear, is me." Mo-chan's rage soared through the roof as she got a whiff of sorrow and despair in the estate, coming from a source with a holy element.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.