
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · Anime e quadrinhos
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108 Chs

Chapter 54 Leave his legs open.

"Ile, Nel!" Siris shouted to her companions who were not going to wait until he was done. Issei broke off the attack and had to jump up to avoid being hit by the two.

Nothing was more dangerous than two bodies with a shared mind. He could know.

He wouldn't fire the bullets until he was sure he could their mark. But that did leave his legs open.

A roundhouse kick did wonders on Nel by being shoved asides. It was getting more fun like this.

Although he hoped that Riser would come out soon enough.

He didn't worry about the other two.

Koneko enjoyed the fight with Isabella as she understood why Issei was so deadset on making her go faster in a fight.

As [Rook], she could take a hit.

But being faster and dealing them out harsher, did more wonders on her foe who could have no real way to defend against the fast kicks and punches. Isabella couldn't guess where the next punch would kick from while Koneko didn't worry about dealing out as much as she could.

There was no worry in her mind. The confidence that even if she were to fall, Issei would be there to hold the opponent down.

Not that she wanted to give her senior more work.

She avoided the fists or in more cases blocked them and countered Isabella.

Elbow kicks to the shin, roundhouse kicks. It all just worked.

For Kiba, it was the time for his [Sacred Gear] to shine.

The blade of his opponent engulfed in flames as it broke through his own.

"Too bad for you that the flames of Phenex burn through mine as well."

Kiba stood back and just summoned a new sword.

"I am afraid you're the one who is to be pitied." The new sword was made out of ice and Karlamine's sword was shattered from the ice on Kiba's sword.

"Another sword? How many do you have?"

Karlamine threw away the hilt and flew up where she pulled out a small dagger that she engulfed in fire.

"How many [Sacred Gears] do you have?!"

Kiba laughed back at her.

"Just one. But it is one that gives me as many swords as I need. As for my [Sacred Gear] is [Sword Birth]."

Issei could hear Kiba talk and began to think about the words that came out of his mouth.

'[Sword Birth]? Well, what do you know? I wondered where one of you turned up.' Despite his thinking, Issei didn't worry about the two [Pawns] behind him.

Using Joyeuse to push the Zweihander asides, he headbutted Siris and turned to the red one of the twins. Jamming the Jackal in her mouth, Issei didn't care this time if she would die.

Turning her around, Issei forced her to her horrified sister. With one bullet, Issei took down the last [Pawns]

[Riser Phenex. Two [Pawns] retired." That sudden show was enough for Karlamine and Isabella to be horrified by the way how Issei had taken care of their Peerage mates.

But their shock would prove to be what their foes needed.

Kiba had summoned a simple blade and he didn't hesitate to take care of Karlamine. A blur was all she saw when the [Knight] of Rias Gremory smashed through her.

Yuuto looked back at her and sighed.

"Sorry, miss but I can't afford it this time." Her body went up in particles.

Koneko decided to go for a longer route. She first hit Isabella in the stomach, after that, her left and right hook took care of the jaw. When the older [Rook] was dazed, a few lighter punches hit the stomach which was followed by a lighting-fast uppercut.

It brought Isabella to her knees where Koneko finished her off with one last punch to the head.

[Riser Phenex. One [Knight]. One [Rook] retired.]

Siris was the last one of the active Pieces still fighting and her eyes flickered to the two [Bishops]

"Ravel-sama. Please, don't interfere with this."

Before her request could be answered, the lighting had hit from the other side of the map, taking down both [Bishops] in one fell swoop.

[Riser Phenex. Two [Bishops] retired.] Koneko and Kiba turned to their surrogate older sister who didn't have the slightest inkling to feel guilty.

[Buchou allowed me that much as I didn't have much else to play with.] Issei smirked as he heard the same thing.

He wasn't sold out on mercy when he watched the horror on Siris' face.

His blade went under her throat while her eyes flickered to his.

"Now, you can choose the way out. By yourself or by me? I give you ten seconds. This fight is lost."

Siris looked at him and back to the two who had taken out the other two. While beaten, they were still standing.

She knew there was no way she could win this fight. Even if she by some unholy miracle could take out Issei, those two would finish her off.

Her eyes went back to the sword and to Issei. She had a sad smile on her face when she realized how this would go.

"Please." It was a small, simple request that came from her. Even if she hadn't spoken, Issei could read her eyes who pled her for this small grant.

The small cut on her throat marked her end.

[Riser Phenex. One [Knight] retired. Riser Phenex has no other pieces.]

The [Knight] and [Rook] joined the Dragon who stood back while he watched the particles fly.

"One more left. Let's see how this."

Before Kiba could continue to talk, the school was engulfed by a giant fire. It wasn't just the school. The ground began to boil and Issei felt like literal magma taking hold of the place.

It was like the pit of a volcano.

Only words that Issei heard before the heat engulfed them was Albion's shout.

Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!]

Scene skip

Ravel Phenex was miffed beyond reasonable belief. She had never expected to be taken out like that.

She, of course, had looked up the fighters.

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