
Chapter 039

Akeno blinked, surprised by this attack, before laughing "gently".

- Ara? And even? He is sure? - She covered her mouth with her hand. - And who said it's not the other way around? As far as I know and remember, you are the one who attacked me every time... You are the one who is in love with me, Uzumaki.

-I didn't say no. - He shrugged, laughing.

Akeno's eyes widened.

Wha... Maou... Hell... What?! posture in the face of this admission. She lost all posture in the face of this admission.

- That's the truth. Naruto said laughing. I'm in love with you, you with me... Why deny it and run away? Lie and hide? Let's get together and fuck this orange world!

Akeno was frozen for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

Then she laughed.

-What is that? She asked. Got crazy? Why the hell do you think I would be in love with you, Uzu....She was interrupted when she felt a pair of lips against hers.

She tried to resist...

She wanted to resist...

But who was she trying to fool?

It was true...

She had fallen in love with a blonde idiot.

And worst of all: It didn't make any sense for them to be in love.

And then... She stopped resisting.

Her own tongue attacked Naruto's, while she grabbed his hands as he pulled her closer and pressed her against his breasts, at the same time as she climbed into his lap and took the high-ground of the situation.

She now had her legs around his legs, kissing him madly... Her hands had already let go of him and he was feeling her thigh and ass, while she squeezed his hair and neck.

That was when Naruto knocked her onto the couch and he himself fell to the floor, before quickly recovering himself by getting on his knees and kissing the girl lying on the upholstery.

They both smiled widely.

Words were no longer needed.

- What the fuck is that!? It was Issei's voice that took both of them out of their moment, making them find themselves in an embarrassing situation.

All of Rias' nobility was there at the door, next to Rias herself, who watched the situation in shock.

Naruto and Akeno stared at each other for a moment, before Naruto quickly stood up.

-Akeno! Ahh! You bastard! - He said dramatically pointing at her. Trying to choke me to death with that terribly tasty tongue of yours!

"Terribly tasty?" That's what everyone except - Rias thought. The redhead was still lost, completely frozen in the same position. Mouth open, eyes wide...

What?! Akeno shouted, understanding everything and entering the situation. You were the one who attacked me! Buchou! I demand the immediate expulsion of this... dirty blonde! - She said, pointing at him.

Naruto grunted.

- Wants to know?! I don't need to stay here and put up with this! - He said dramatically, as he turned and left through the window... Which happened to be on the second floor.

Akeno flipped her hair in the air, a falsely furious expression.

- I hate him! She said. And I was the one who should leave! This room stinks of stupid, naughty and disgusting blondes! - The brunette didn't even hesitate to quickly pass by the group and get away.

There was an eerie silence in the place, now that they had both fled.

Rias was frozen, Issei disbelieved the situation, Asia seemed confused, Yuuto had a surprised and embarrassed face, while Koneko... She faced the situation with a slight frown.


- Wha?! Is that what you have to say, Koneko- chan?! Issei shouted, completely unresponsive to the situation.

Issei's scream seemed to wake Rias, who blinked in confusion.

Wait... Is Naruto-kun back to normal? It was the first thing Rias said, upon coming out of "thawing".

-Is that what you have to say, Buchou!?

Yuuto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Sometimes this nobility was so strange...

"What should I do in a situation like this...?" - He asked himself.

- What do you think about us having ice cream? - He gave his opinion.

Don't try to change the situation, Kiba! - Issei shouted, not wanting to escape the situation.

-Ah... I think it's a great idea! - Asia said with joy in her voice.

- A-Even you, Asia-chan!? - Issei whimpered.

Right... Issei just couldn't believe some things. When everyone was leaving to eat ice cream, he followed... Slowly and with dead steps.

Sometimes it was difficult to be "invisible".

On the other hand, Yuuto was very satisfied.

"It looks like I've alleviated the problem this time." He smiled to himself. "I deserve a double chocolate this time!"

Naruto smiled with his hands in his pockets as he saw Akeno run towards him, a smile on her face.

When they approached, they held hands, before

heading out of the school, a little hurriedly.

So... Boyfriends? - Akeno asked, before laughing. - Ara ara~... I must admit that I feel strange.

- It's called hunger. - Naruto shrugged. - Good thing I have a reservation at a cafe nearby.

-... Did you plan all this? - She laughed. - What if it was just my lust... What if I didn't respond?

So I would have a snack there anyway. He replied.

Well... You're paying, anyway. - Akeno said, before making a small pause. - Damn it! This is very strange!

Naruto shrugged.

- I'm used to it... My first wife beat me the first time we met. He said laughing. this... Love starts like

- Only if it's in your life.

- Yours too now...

- Let's take it easy, okay?

-As you wish, Akeno-chan.

-Do not call me like that! Is weird!

- Aken~o~ch~an~!

-Ah...! Stop...! She put her hand over his mouth and pressed his lips together, preventing him from speaking.

-...No-chan... That was all he could say.

Akeno rolled her eyes.

-Na~ru~to~kun~! - She whispered, joining in the fun. - That's perfect, isn't it? Should we run towards the sunset?

Naruto shrugged.

Wouldn't that kill us? It's too hot.







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