
Chapter 21

Truth to be told, my understanding of the timeless secret technique of going out for the sake of having fun is severely lacking as it is basically the antithesis to what one would expect of a cultivator focused on surviving the heavens. In fact, it wouldn't be wrong to say that cultivation had been a tedious chore that I must complete because I have to.

Then I met Kuroka, someone who would crack crude jokes and act either snarky or lasciviously whenever the situation allowed it. For the time in years, I was...having fun.

I had always made fun of the death seeking MCs risking their lives in order to have a fun time, but I probably decided to take a gamble and look for Master Ophis in the first place out of boredom. It is not like I could not have used my family connections to find a great expert and convince them to take me under their wings in a more controlled environment.

Hopefully, we both shall enjoy ourselves at this festival.


Rule 94:

Festivities are a honey trap for Young Masters. While undeniable fun and memorable, they tend to include either a bunch of assassins waiting to murder as many talented youngsters as they can or greedy MCs that enjoy winning all the games in it, causing the poor stall's owners to go bankrupt.

Under no circumstance should a Young Master put a foot in those, especially if it includes any kind of auction. For more information on the dangers of auctions, check Rule 99.


I'm pretty sure there are a few rules in the holy book involving festivals, but I cannot fully remember them. Whatever, the book probably would want me to enjoy myself as this is exactly the kind of activity that will make me grow even closer to Kuroka.

"This is my first time at a summer festival." It is as loud as I was expecting. "Maybe we should get some food first."

"We are in spring, but it does sound almost as good as me getting wasted with alcohol in our room, losing our clothes in the heat of the moment, and becoming a cock rider in more than one way."

Holding back when she is seductively blowing in my ear isn't easy, but the damn book states that blueballing myself is the only thing that I can do. It isn't that I don't want to answer to her advances in kind, but I don't know what may happen after the deed is done.

I don't believe that she would steal my stuff and castrate me anymore, but would she run away? I don't really want to know the answer to that question.

"How do you feel about cheating at the festival games with our techniques?"

"Those games are always rigged and I'm already a wanted criminal anyways.What are they going to do if a commit an extra crime? Execute me as they were planning to do and then seal my corpse in the Cocytus for the lolz?"

That actually sounds extremely plausible.

"They would totally do that, wouldn't they?" Kuroka tiredly sighs, unknowingly agreeing with my thoughts.

This subject is a little too morbid for an occasion like this one.

"As expected of the criminal that stole my heart." Not the subtlest way to change the subject, but it works. "Alas, I only have myself to blame for getting so close to the gentle rogue that stole the beauty of starry summer night."

"…Did Valerie help you to come up with that one?" She asks in a flat tone.

As a matter of fact, she did. She also suggested that I should ask my dear feline for a piece of her garments to tie in my arms before the competition to receive her blessing.

Taking my silence as an affirmative answer, she rolls her eyes and pulls herself away from me with a huff. It is both funny and frustrating that trying to be romantic is the best way to stop her advances.

While I will miss her softness, at least we could now focus on the festivities.

"Nice." The lonely word painted in nostalgia left Kuroka's lips.

Countless words came to my mind, yet I found the one that Kuroka uttered quite fitting. This is not the right time for glamorous and complex poetry; that simple and overused word already encompasses the whole essence of the festival.

From those lanterns shining on the roofs, their flames dancing joyfully without any of those petty worries that mortals suffer daily, to the traditional songs resounding through those streets overflowing with individuals from diverse supernatural factions enjoying the festivities. Even though the place was big, it felt like a miracle that there was enough space for all the stalls and people in this city.

I quickly grab Kuroka's hand as we make our way through the crowd. The smell of greasy food; those old men trying to sell masks; obviously rigged games waiting to be conquered.

It is not surprising that festivals are so famous even among cultivators who only touch grass once every few decades laughed, they are fun. Be it taking down the targets with some weak wind spell instead of using the fake rifle while Kuroka distracted the owner of the stall or watching the nekoshou eat enough trash food to feed, not a single minute of this day could be described as boring.

"Please, leave me alone and don't come back."

Things like holding my laughter at the sight of a stall owner bowing to Kuroka after she caught all the color fishes inside the tank with a little senjutsu trick never crossed my mind.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to take two steps without bumping into someone and that most people here have never heard about deodorants, I apparently can't get enough of this.

"Hurry up! I haven't tried eating those yet."

And I'm not the only one.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Though it is delicious, Kakigōri is still vastly inferior to regular ice cream. One is just shaved ice with some syrup on it, while the other is the greatest desert in existence." I watch in amusement as Kuroka continues her passionate monologue about ice-cream, which appeared to be a very topic.

"Nya ~ I'm a bit jelly of you and Valerie; they say that Italy has some of the best ice cream in the world. I would have loved to visit all the ice-cream parlors I could find and ask for a scoop of every flavor; you do pay me enough for something like that and it is not like I have to worry about becoming fat."

I wouldn't mind if I were to be honest. In a world filled female shaper-shifters who loved their slender figures, a slightly chubby Kuroka would be charming in its own way. It would give the kitty a more maternal look, which would make her 'I want your babies' stick even more alluring in my opinion.

"Personally, I prefer fruit-based flavors. The guy who invented the mint ice-cream deserves one thousand deaths."

"That's racist. I bet that orange is your favorite one just because you're a Phenex." She isn't wrong; that particular fruit has just the right mix of sweetness and sourness.

"It isn't racist...although I do admit that I fully believe that the fairies are full of shit." Those Tinkerbell wannabes won't let me introduce the lady of the lake to Valerie because I'm indirectly responsible for the civil war going on. It isn't my fault that their kin weren't ready to learn about Confucianism.

"I see how it is. Now you will say that all nekoshou love milk ~ nya."

I glance at the strawberry milkshake she's holding, but rather that pointing that out I raise my hands in mock surrender at her fake glare. It doesn't take look for her frown to crumble as we both start to snicker at the silliness of the threat.

Fireworks of colors that were only possible due to those secrets techniques that youkais have passed down from generation to generation for centuries could be seen in the distant starry sky. People of every size, shape and color were admiring the spectacle with the awe it deserved. The night breeze whistled at the sight of the cheerful yet pacific crowd that put their differences aside for the night in order to relish this future memory. Getting a seat in this particular Ice-cream parlor had been more expensive than the ice-cream itself due to the great view it offered as one could see the fireworks from here.

"I don't think I have visited an ice-parlor since I was eight. My mother took me there to spoil me for a while after a failed magic lesson where I learned that I didn't inherit her bloodlines techniques. Don't get me wrong, the Phenex is obviously the superior one, but having two bloodlines like Revive would have been nice even if presence concealment doesn't quite mix very well with the Phenex's peerless techniques."

It is unfortunate that Revive lacks the talent for combat to take advantage of his bloodlines in a meaningful way, but he is smart enough for that to not matter at all. Besides, his newly promoted queen is very scary on his own.

"Is this the part where you expect to share something about myself with the rest of the class?" Her tone was nonchalant at first sight, but anyone who knew Kuroka could tell that she was holding a sneer.

"If you want to." I shrug, because something like that isn't really important at point. "A Young Master doesn't need to know his woman's past...unless it involves a previous lover who would want to take revenge on me because I cucked him and plan to keep doing it in the future."

The nekoshou released a breath not even herself realized that she was holding.

"Oh, there is no need to be jealous, I'm more than willing to share a bed with you." Her tails playfully wrapped themselves around my leg.

"How about a kiss first?"

"Sorry, I'm your bodyguard, not your personal geisha." She immediately replies only for her eyes to suddenly open wide in realization the next second. "Wait! Maybe I should become your personal geisha, just without all the overly fancy stuff. Why waste time reciting corny poetry when we could just jump into the bed? Or you could always just bend me over the table like a wild animal in heat, putting your fingers in my mouth in a futile attempt to muffle my screams of pleasure."

"That sounds like becoming my whore, but with a few extra steps...which is still hot."

"Nah, they're totes different." I have problems believing that. "Geishas can play the shamisen."

Somehow, I doubt that she will play it for me. I would like to hear it though.

I don't have the chance to make a request before Kuroka slumps into her chair, her gaze fully focused on the roof. There is nothing there to be seen.

"My mother tried to teach me when I was younger, a little before Shirone was born, but I didn't want to learn. I don't exactly remember the exact reason since I actually liked the instrument, but I think it was mostly out of pettiness. It isn't like I regret it anyways; I am sure that I would have ended up hating the instruments otherwise. Besides, I learned to sing by myself, which fits my name much better. I would make a great ASMR actress without a doubt."

I can't disagree with the last part.

I don't understand Kuroka, not at all. I'm not even sure if I want to understand what she feels whenever she thinks about her late family.

"To think that my beloved Dao companion has never blessed this Young Master with her beautiful voice! What kind of personal geisha would not sing sweet words of love to her master?"

And despite the impossibility of reaching a true understanding with her, I think I want her for reasons that do not really matter in my opinion. Nobody understands what they are doing anyways.

"Oh, you're right. Guess that I'll settle with being your personal whore instead." Her mischievous smile only makes her look sexier. "Nya ~ should we go back to our room so I can start working on it right away?"

"I've decided that my reward for winning this tournament shall be a personal concert for my ears alone." I completely ignore her tempting offer and grab my phone.

"It's cute that you believe that I'll agree to t- what are you doing?"

"Sending a message to Lady Yasaka to in order make my request official." I have no use for some extra pocket money so having Kaguya singing for me is a much better prize.

"Riser, don't you fucking dare! I can see that cow youkai giving this the green light in an official announcement just to troll me. And don't just assume that you are going to win this just like that....nya."

Ah, she is so angry that she almost forgot the nya. I am so proud of myself right now for some reason.

"I won't lose unless some incredible specific bullshit circumstances happen." I shrug without a care. "But even if that were to happen, I only need to win the next one."

"The next one..." She slowply repeated as if tasting those words in her mouth only for then suddenly shake her head and grin mischievously. "Remember that I am still a cat. Maybe I will run away by then and-"

"Yasaka accepted my resquest."

"Oh, fuck me...and not in the fun way."

It is still fun for me, though.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

-Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to FIST, the First International Senjutsu Tournament. The only international senjutsu competition in the whole world.

Some of you may find it disappointing that there will be only sixteen candidates figthing for the title of this generation's greatest senjutsu user, but I assure you this is just a case of quality over quantity.

The only condition to join this tournament was to be under twenty and have a certain level of mastery of either senjutsu or touki, meaning that only those worthies of being called geniuses among geniuses had the right to compete in the first place. All the participants have been approved by lady Yasaka herself in order to remind the world of a single truth that has apparently been forgotten…


The crowd yelled and clapped from the stands. Despite the relatively small size of the stadium, it managed to hold a staggering number of youkais without crumbling under their combined weight.

-In the left corner, we have someone who proves that anyone can learn senjutsu, the only devil that managed to earn a spot in this tournament. A member of the famous Phenex clan, the immortal bird, a master of fire, a…cold beauty? I'm not sure why that is written in his file, but I am just a humble announcer. Let's welcome Riser Phenex.​-

Ah, that must have been Kuroka if the smirk on her face is anything to go by. She was likely still angry at me for the concert thing, especially since Lady Yasaka actually made it an actual prize that the winner could choose instead of the money and the high-quality talismans made by great experts. I still believe that it's unfair that she is only angry at me, while she is fine with pouring some tea for Lady Yasaka in VIP stands in her Kaguya disguise.

The boos and insults coming from the crowd are deafening, yet I continue making his way to the arena without a care for this obvious unpopularity.

My sky-blue robes are stainless, almost as if the dirt itself is too afraid to come close to them. My long blonde hair fluttered in the wind giving me an aura of immaculate perfection, the same could be said about my peerless golden locks that shone under the sunlight. A summer breeze follows my steps after him, singing my glory to the world.

-In the other right corner, we have a mysterious participant. Little is known about them besides the fact that they're a young youkai who was deemed strong enough to participate. Let's welcome the great, the only, mysterious flower master. -​

My opponent is already waiting at the other side of the arena. Dark robes covered them from head to toe, making it impossible to discern their true features. My only clue are those flowers sprouting at their feet. They are undoubtedly the crowd's favorite, which I find a bit racist. The peasant girls should be getting wet upon laying eyes on this handsome Young Master.

Yes, I'm aware that everyone here disliked those from the Devil Empire, but I thought that my undeniable good looks would be enough to make them forget about that in the same way as a MC would forgive some minor offenses to their person as long as they were committed by a beauty.

"Forfeit now." An ancient sounding voice commands. "You did well, I admit it, but this is a tournament for youkais and... "

I deliberately ignore the random mook's ramblings and focus on more important matters. Originally, I was planning to leave the crowd wowed by covering the whole arena in flowers, but the mook has already done something similar and I don't want to be a copycat. In normal circumstances, I would immediately kick their asses for stealing my thunder, but there is something about the mook that feels oddly familiar.

I swiftly glance at Yasaka who is currently massaging her temples, something that my parents do all the time.

Now I get it. Junior Sister Kunou must have disguised herself as a hidden master in order to participate in a tournament like any proper Young Mistress from a decently big sect would do. By losing against a powerful Young Master, the MCs taking part in this competition would be giving the opportunity to impress the fluffy beauty by beating the shit out of the person who beat her, thus avenging her.

Needless to say, I have no plan to become a sacrificial lamb for those horny bastards.

"Dear Junior Sister, it appears that you have magnanimously decided to bless this arena with your lovely presence." I proclaim with a genial smile on my face, causing her to flinch. "If you desire to exchange pointers with this humble Young Master, I'm more than happy to oblige."

The flowers at her are likely a product of her illusory arts since she had admitted that her Senjutsu Arts had not reached that level yet, meaning that by offering advice to develop her connection with the world those lustful MCs in this tournament will have kick my ass in her stead.

"I… I don't know anything about this beautiful Kunou. I'm a talented young senjutsu user from somewhere in Kyoto."

"Oh, this Senior Brother understands." I can't help but worry about Junior Sister's future if this is the best lie she can come up with, but I nod in understanding regardless. It is a common practice for mischievous holy maidens to hide their true identities from the vulgar crowd anyways.

It's time to show off a little.

-Samba of the whimsical breeze. Second move: Warm gale-

The fire happily danced in the corners of the arena, waiting for me to give it a command.

I carefully thrusted my open palm forward, making sure to give Kunou enough time to prepare herself for the incoming powerful whirlwind that accompanied the motion. She was pushed against the limits of the arena, but barely managed to remain to stay on the ring.

Tapping my feet to the rhythm of the world, I gently demanded the air currents to change directions. Kunou could not do anything and was soon blown away, only to find herself in the exact same spot where she was at the start of the match.

"Senjutsu means both connecting with and understanding the world." My dance continues as I explain the principles of this art. "Trying to connect with it without a proper understanding is foolishness and it will only end in your death; understanding without the will to connect with it is mere cowardice."

This dance is the product of me integrating my own understanding of the Dao and connecting with the world itself through it. A peerless series of diverse techniques worthy of being called heaven defying.

"That is not what mother told me." She weakly argued, but I could feel her hesitation.

Another step forced the illusory flowers to disappear, allowing them to be replaced by real ones.

"I dare not to judge her lessons as I am not part of the Kitsune Sect. I only wish to share part of my own personal insight on the matter with you. Just enough to give you some clues without contaminating your own Dao. Come at me, Junior Sister."

And so, she did.

Dozens of those fire wheels suddenly appeared in the air and rolled toward me with the sole purpose of purifying my soul thus forcing my reincarnation. A dangerous technique worthy of its reputation, but I ignored them. Illusions of this level are not going to work on someone who managed to form his Aureous Core.

"Maybe next time you could try to hide some real attacks within the illusions." That's what I would do.

"Wha.." She exclaims in surprise as I suddenly appear in front of her thanks to my movement techniques.

Whatever she is about to say is interrupted heaven defying head patting technique. Since this is still a fight, I force myself to stop after only five seconds...plus six extra seconds.

"I surrender." While her face is still hidden behind her illusions, I can easily sense her pouting.

Adorable. I completely approve of her deciding to forfeit with some dignity instead of risking accidentally revealing her identity.

"Stand proud, dear Kunou. You are strong." I amicably smile at the disguised little girl while basking in my extremely easy victory. "Let's meet again. I still need to repay this fluffy mistress for her teachings in hair care."

Hopefully the next round will be just as easy.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It is a shame that I could not continue my conversation with Junior Sister since the winners of the first round were asked to wait for their next fight in the waiting room.

At least I do not have to endure that vulgar crowd. Giving the middle finger to the plebe that decided that my peerless and completely honorable victory deserved insults was tempting, but it is likely for the best if I were to simply ignore their idiocy. Those morons have eyes, but they clearly can't see Mt. Tai before them.

"Not bad." An admittedly handsome young man with a long dark hair greets me with a confident smirk on his very punchable face.

What I did to deserve meeting a MC with a potential lustful self-righteous boner minutes after my first match? I have never hurt anyone...unless they annoyed me first.

"I have to admit that I never expected a devil to learn senjutsu." He muses out loud with a smile that failed to reach his light blue eyes. "Then again, I'm sure that the youkai in charge of this tournament didn't imagine that a human would be good enough at senjutsu to earn the right to participate either."

His words are giving goosebumps. I instinctively can tell that this good looking black haired fellow Daoist holding a powerful looking spear may be dangerous. Actually, the fact that he's holding a powerful looking spear in a waiting room should be enough for anyone to realize that he's an asshole.

This is bad, but there's always a chance that he isn't a MC.

"I couldn't have said it better. Your parents must be proud of you."

"Sadly, we will never know." The smallest of frowns could be seen on his face for a second before disappearing.

Goddamit, he's an orphan.

This guy is an MC for sure. Not only that, but he's also a human, the objectively weakest race in the world by fair margin, making him the perfect dark horse for this tournament.

"My apologies if my words offended you." I am not really sorry and honestly hope that he gets his ass kicked in the next round. "This Young Master is just happy to know that he will be able to exchange pointers with another supreme young master."

"I don't think I actually qualify as a Young Master." He disagrees with a smile of his own. "Yet I am also excited for the possibility of showing the world how dangerous a human can be against other species."

Oh, this bitch is not even trying to give me some face.

It is evident that this human dislike my whole race. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to tell me that his parents died at the hands of a devil in the past or something like that.

"Thats an interesting weapon you have there."

There is no shadow of a doubt in my mind that his weapon is a powerful relic from an ancient emperor. Since this MC is a human with a great fate, it is highly likely the spear is actually a heavenly defying Dao Bone just like Valerie's. The only spear shaped Dao Bone that I know about is the freaking Longinus, the most feared weapon under the sun, the god-slayer, the spear that killed Quetzalcoatl, the powerful dragon king from the America continent. This guy is planning to genocide my entire race with the fucking Longinus.

"I wouldn't worry about it until we meet in the arena."

And the heavens even put him in the opposite bracket, meaning that we are fated to meet in the finals.

"Anyways, my name is Cao Cao." He says as he turns to leave. "Good luck in the tournament, Phenex Riser."

This asshole wants to fight me in order to prove himself to the world, so now I have to deal with an MC who wants to stab me with his long spear….and I really hope that he only wants to do that in a literal sense.