
Awakening & Yahweh's Gift

(Sorry for the late upload guys. I kinda got lost playing games that I forgot about the story. I will make sure that there will be no more delay from now on. Chapters will be uploaded every 3 days from now on. Thank you for reading and please keep supporting my work. Anyway let's continue reading.)

An ordinary child born to two ordinary parents with no heroic descent and no clue of the supernatural. At his birth his father Jay and his mother Elyae were overjoyed on the newest addition to their family and named the boy Felix White. One year later his younger sister Elfaria was born.

Felix was loved by his family and he was brought up from a young age well. He was kind, caring, friendly and happy for most of his days. He had some friends, most could be more accurately described as acquaintances, but he was particularly close to two. A young blue haired girl named Xenovia who lived in an orphanage nearby and a blonde girl with blue eyes named Lavinia Reni. They were Felix's treasured and most cherished friends; from the day they met, they were inseparable. For three years, they did everything together. Unfortunately, that time was soon coming to an end.

"Hey Felix?" Xenovia asked.

"What's up Xenovia?"

"I'm...moving..." the three sat in silence for a moment before it caught up to Lavinia as she shot up in surprise.


"Yeah..." She nodded sadly and sat up with Felix following behind "A nun adopted me, so tomorrow.. I'm moving to Vatican. "

"But...that means..." Felix whispered to his friend " We won't get to see you anymore."

Her eyes were already wet with unshed tears as she collapsed onto her friend and sobbed in his embrace. " I don't want to leave!" She wept. " I want to stay here! With you!"

"We don't want you to move either Xenovia." Felix muttered sadly, tightly hugging the world. "Are you sure you have to go?"

Xenovia nodded in his shirt. "What if we never get to see each other again?"

"Well then, we'll just have to make a promise," Lavinia reasoned after a brief moment of silence.

"A promise?"

"Yeah, a promise. To never forget each other. And that, someday we'll see each other again."

"Really?" Xenovia asked.

"Yeah! And when we see each other, we'll go right back to being best friends! No matter what! " Felix declared confidently, standing up causing Xenovia to let out a squeak of surprise."How about it, Xenovia?"

"Can we really do that? But dow do you know I'll see you again?"

"Because! I always keep my promises and I'll promise you, no matter how long it takes, I'll never forget about you and that I'll see you again! And you promise me the same thing!"

"OK!" Xenovia smiled and stood up, grabbing his outstretched hand.

"Well than, it's a promise!" Felix and Lavinia grinned.

"A promise..."

They spent the rest of the afternoon and evening making the most out of their limited time they had left, but soon, the next day came. Felix, Lavinia and their parents were in driveway of the orphanage as a nun finished loading her car.

"So.. I guess this is goodbye.." Xenovia said sadly unable to look Felix in the eye.

"I got something for you. As a present.. before you go.." Lavinia pulled out a pendent from her pocket. It was a fairly simple, inexpensive pendant, holding an ornament in the centre. "Often that part up."

Xenovia did and it showed a picture of three of them smiling, Xenovia's chin of Felix's shoulder as the three gave goofy grins at the camera. "Lavinia.. Felix.."

"I thought you might like it... something to make sure you don't forget our promise" She scratched the back of her head.

Xenovia just gave her a giant hug while she grinned and hugged her back."I'll miss you, Lavinia."

"I'll miss you too Xenovia..." with their parting words given, the nun called it was time to leave. Pulling back to leave Xenovia smiled and kissed Felix on the cheek before running to the car ad Felix just stood there stupefied.

"Hey! Not fare I wanted to do that first!" Lavinia said pouting, making everyone around giggle and Xenovia flashing a smug grin across her face.

"Bye Felix!, Bye Lavinia! " she called, waving from the window as the car pulled away while Felix stood unmoving, instinctively waving back with one hand while touching his cheek with the other.

"So, how was your first kiss?" Jay teased his son which seemed to snap him out of shock as his face blew up into an atomic level of red.

"DAD!" Felix shouted though he couldn't help the grin that stuck on his face for almost rest of the day.

That night everything would change for the young boy. Perhaps it was his dedication to Xenovia, perhaps it was his will to fulfill his promise or perhaps it was just fate going through the motions, but a new age would begin to dawn as the most powerful longinus to ever exist was born.

{Line Break}

After falling asleep that night, Felix began to dream. He dreamt that he was in a beautiful landscape in the clouds, a dazzling light sparkling over the land. There were none of the minor irritants that Felix usually experienced when outdoors, such as insects or an uncomfortable temperature. It was perfectly peaceful.

As he was looking around his dreamscape, something compelled him to look up behind him. So the boy turned and gazed up to meet the most dazzling sight he would perhaps ever see. What appeared to be an angel with eight pair of glittering golden wings began to descend before him as he looked on in awe. The angel landed in front of him and pressed his palms together, smiling at the boy. He had blonde hair and green eyes, wearing royal robes like the armor of a king. Gold, white and red trappings of power and royalty decorated his body which screamed regality.

"Hello my child," the angel spoke. "It has been a very long time since I've been asleep."

"Whoa..." Felix exhaled. "A real angel... This is the coolest dream I've ever had."

The angel smiled back at the boy."I'm sure it would be, but this actually isn't a dream, my child."

"...Huh?" Felix asked, tilting his head confused."But I just went to sleep and I'm looking at an angel, it's definitely a dream."

"I assure you it's not, child" he insisted, still smiling.

"Why is my dream trying to convince me it isn't a dream?" The boy wondered aloud, pondering what that meant. Of course, Felix being six didn't understand the subconscious meanings of dreams, so, even if he was dreaming, this question would go unanswered.

"Perhaps I should explain" the angel chuckled. "First, child, what is your name?"

"Oh, my name's Felix!, Felix White! Nice to meet you!"

"The pleasure is mine Felix. Now, Felix, tell me. Are you religious?"

"Religious? I mean, not really. I went to church with my parents and friends a few times, but it was kinda boring. I didn't really understand that much."

The angel chuckled at the child. "Indeed. There is quite a lot to understand, but at least you know what I'm talking about. Well, child, I should properly introduce myself. You've probably heard of me before. I'm God, as written about in the bible."

"...HUH?" Felix exclaimed. "YOU'RE GOD?"

"I am," God answered, smiling at him.



"God's been alive, like, forever! And you look only a little older than dad!"

"Well, I can't really age Felix..." God scratched his head awkwardly. "So this is what I've looked like for as long as I can remember."

"I guess that makes sense." Felix nodded, sitting down "So, if you're God, why am I dreaming about you? Wait, apparently I am not dreaming,,, So, why am I not dreaming about God?"

"Well, Felix, to answer that question I need to tell you a atory. Would you like to hear it?"

"I guess so" Felix shrugged."That would be more entertaining than sitting here I guess."

God chuckles before beginning. "A very, very long time ago, a great war began..." God proceeded to tell Felix about the great war between the three great factions, the decision to create sacred gears, the decision to create Longinus, and, finally the legendary battle that lead to the sealing of the two heavenly dragons.

"That's so cool!" Felix shouted."But I don't see what that has to do with you being here."

"Well, Felix, after I sealed Albion and Ddraig, my son, Lucifer, had already passed away and I was on my dying breaths. With my last bit of power, I, too decided to give myself the same fate that I gave them and sealed myself in a longinus. That longinus had never awakened before. Well, not until now."

"So, I am the first user?"

"Indeed you are, child."

"What have you been doing all this time?"


"Well, you sealed yourself away and you haven't come out in... how long did you say? A few thousand years? Didn't you get bored? And how come you haven't come out?"

"I...well... it's hard to explain," God scratched his head. "It is very boring I suppose, but I was waiting for a special feeling, and I haven't gotten that until I was with you. Many people have contained my aacred gear before, Felix. The system I developed will continuously give me to new hosts until the end of time or the end of the system, but no one has awakened me yet."

"So, why did you get a special feeling with me?" Felix asked.

"I'm rather unsure, Felix. I've just been awakened, so I haven't had access to your memories yet. May I take a look?"

"Er... I guess so. I mean, you're God and all...I guess..."

"Thank you child." God reached over and gently touched Felix's forehead. The two stood there for about a minute while he processed all of Felix's life so far. "I'm so sorry that Xenovia had to leave, Felix. I can tell you felt very strongly towards her."

"Yeah...it's gonna be weird not having her around" Felix said sadly. "But we made a promise to see each other again someday and to never forget each other! And that when we do see each other again, we'd go right back to being best friends!"

"Perhaps that's why I was awakened." God theorizing. "Maybe it was your unbending devotion to your friend and unwavering compassion that gave me that special feeling."

"Thanks, -uh...can I call you something other than God? I feel weird calling you that." Felix admitted sheepishly.

God looked at Felix in surprise for a moment before laughing. "It's been a long time since anyone has called me anything other than 'God', Felix! I suppose a change would be nice, wouldn't it? Alright, I suppose I'll tell you my real name. My name is actually Yahweh."



"That's a really weird nickname..." Felix deadpanned.

"Well, remember I first existed eons before you, Felix. Your name is as strange to me just as mine is to you. The only reason we're able to understand eacb other is because angels have an ability known as Universal Tongue, where they can speak and understand any language as ig it were their own."

"I guess that's a good point. Wait, if you're God, that means you created just about everything, right?"

"Well, I suppose I created almost everything. There were a few things before me like Great Red and Ophis and a few primordials that were born alongside me I suppose."

"So, who created you?"

"That, my dear child, is a paradoxical question that I can't answer. I believe that we should move onto something else. If I tell you how I came to be, the universe itself would implode."



"I guess if the universe imploded I wouldn't be able to keep my promise to Xenovia... ok, I guess you don't have to tell me." Felix decided.

"Right..."God deadpanned.

"So, what does all of this mean? Am I your successor or something?" Felix asked.

"Well, my child, I believe that is upto you to decide. As a sacred gear, it is my duty to aid you in any way I can. While I would truly implore you to join Heaven and try to make peace, should you decide and try to destroy the world, I can't actually stop you."

"Isn't that... you know... incredibly dangerous?"

"Yes, I suppose it is. Well, Felix, it looks like our time is up. You're about to awaken. I'd like you to take some time to think about it. You may ask me anything you wish, I'll always be here to aid you. Decide waht you want to do with your life. Do you wish to join a faction? Do you wish for wealth, power or women? Do you wish to aid others? Think about what would make you happy, what would make your loved ones proud, and what would happen ro the world should you make any decision. Remember, you have the power of the strongest longinus of the sixteen in existance at your disposal. Once you're able to utilize it, the world will change."

"I think I understand. Thanks, Uncle Yahweh!" Felix shouted, grinning and waving to the angel as he rejoined the realm of reality.

'Uncle Yahweh, huh? ' God chuckled to himself. 'This child is definitely something special. '

{Line Break}

Felix woke up to the morning sun flooding through his window. He cracked his eyes open and stretched, trying to get the stiff feeling of sleep away from him.

"That was a crazy dream I had..." Felix said to himself.

"I recall telling to that wasn't a dream, Felix," Answered an amused God,"What happened to 'Uncle Yahweh' ? "

'THAT WASN'T A DREAM?' Felix mentally shouted.

"Of course it wasn't. Now you should probably get out of bed and go eat breakfast. Remember, think about what you want to do."


The young boy headed downstairs where his mother was already cooking.

"Good morning, Felix dear. How are you this morning?" Elyae asked her son.

"Morning, mom. I'm ok. I still miss Xenovia though..."

"Of course you do, honey. Maybe some breakfast will make you a feel a bit better."

"Did somebody say breakfast?" Jay asked, coming down the stairs.

"Good morning dear."

"Yay! Breakfast time!" Elfaria said with joy coming down the stairs.

"Be careful Elfaria sweetie. Don't slip on the stairs." Jay said with a bit of worry.

Their standard morning chatter and pleasantries continued until they sat down to eat the meal Elyae had prepared for her family when Felix decided to ask something different.

"Hey, mom? If you could change the world in any way you wanted to, what would you do?" Felix asked.

"I don't really know. Where'd this come from?" She asked curiously. He was always smart, but asking a theoretical question that tested one's goals, ethics, morality and sense of realism was not something she particularly expected early on a Sunday morning from her six year old son.

"I was just wondering, I guess. What about you dad?"

"Hmm... I don't really know either. I'd make sure everything was safe for you and your mom, I guess," Jay answered his son.

"That's it?"

"I think so. Maybe if I had more time to think about it I'd have a better answer, but really, what else do I need? I have you and your sister and I have your mom. As long as you three are happy and healthy I don't need much else."

"I see where you get it from, child. Truly wise and selfless words." God commented.

'Should I tell them you're here? 'Felix asked mentally.

"That's entirely upto you. Remember, I can't make you do anything."

'Ok, well, what would you do if you were me? '

"Well seeing as you have quite a close relationship, I think I would tell them. Should you tell them, there is always the chance that the family dynamic should change or that their knowledge of the potential danger any decision you make causes will increase by restrictions they'll place on my training of you-"

'You're going to train me?! '

"Of course,I am. What, did you think you were just magically going to become strong enough to change the world? If I'm going to make a resurgence, you will have to be very powerful. Anyway, back to what I was just saying. Considering most things to do with supernatural are rather dangerous, there is a chance they won't let you spread your wings and do as you like. However, if you don't tell them, you'll be spending a lot of time lying to them, and eventually, they'll notice you stop aging while they grow old, and your actions within the supernatural could put them in harm's way."

'I guess I should tell them then...' Felix thought. 'How should I do that? '

"Well, here's what I would say..."

"Hey, Elfaria? Mom? Dad? Do you guys believe in the supernatural?" Felix asked aloud.

"Of course! I do!" Elfaria said jumping from her chair.

"Of course not, silly. What's with all the questions this morning?" Elyae asked.

"I do!" Jay announced proudly.

"You can't be serious dear..." Elyae sighed.

"Of course, I am! They have to be real! Where would we get all these ideas and beliefs from?"

"I'm sure someone made them up. Just like everything else," reasoned Elyae. "Anyway Felix, why do you want to know?"

"Well... all of its real." Felix said.

"Not you too..."

"That's my son!" Jay announced proudly.

"No listen!" he interrupted, "Last night, I had a dream. Well, it wasn't a dream, but it kind of was? It's hard to explain... anyway, while I was asleep, I met God, and he told me all about the supernatural and all these things called sacred gears."

"Just because you dream something doesn't make it real," Elyae pointed out.

"While that is very true, in this case, it does." God reasoned.

"EEP!" Elfaria jumped in surprise.

"WHO WAS THAT?" Elyae shouted.

"WHO'S IN MY HOUSE?" Jay asked, standing up quickly. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

"Calm down!" Felix yelled, causing both to pause, "I told you guys, I met God while I was asleep and he told me about sacred gears. Apparently, God put himself into one but hasn't been awakened before.Well, before last night. He woke uo, so now I have his sacred gear. Uh, what did you say it was called again?"

"I don't think I told you, actually," Yahweh hummed."It's known as th Heavenly Crown. This can be your first lesson! Imagine something very powerful, the strongest thing you can imagine. Then, think about something you desire and how you could achieve it if you had that kind of power. Finally, imagine all of that power was in a crown or halo above your head. Don't worry too much about the details, it's only this hard the first time."

"Got it!" Felix exclaimed while both his parents looked at him in shock. 'Strongest thing I can imagine... what I really desire... a halo above my head...'

"Looks like you did it! Great work, Felix!"

"Really?" Felix looked above him and saw a glistening golden crown, illuminating the entire room in a heavenly light."Awesome!"

"So... you're... uh... my son... God..." Elyae babbled, before fainting in her chair.

"I was right!" Jay said proudly. "I always knew it! Why don't we wait until your mother wakes up and we can talk about this more."

"Of course, Mr. White. I would be glad to tell you everything you need to know." God said.

And thus, the legend of Felix White, weilder of the sacred gear, The Heavenly Crown, was born.

(As I promised in the prologue folks here's a chapter with 3.4k words. Enjoy it and leave your reviews. I promise to maintain the consistensy of the words per chapter. Thanks for reading.)

To be continued.