
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Chapter 43 : "Kuroka please."

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"There is no way in hell something like THIS could be a Holy Creature." I shouted pulling off a Quick Draw that hit the creature in the eye, but sadly didn't stun it as the horse leapt at me.

I pulled out the 1887 Shotgun I had and fired at the creature while it was in mid air, honestly it was such a big creature I think I could compensate for the distance, and I did as after it took 33 Damage after three shells it landed with a tumble.

While it was stunned from it's landing I jumped onto the horse head and kicked off to grab the chest armor and pulled myself up to the head and drew Muramasa and began to stab it repeatedly.

I dealt a total of 45 damage from four strikes before it grabbed with it's free hand and threw me to the ground, causing me to take… 293 Damage!? That's it! No more reckless fighting!

I rolled away and put some distance between me and the creature as it's horse jaw went slack and- Oh dear god is that it's tongue?

A twelve foot tentacle of flesh shot out of it's mouth and toward me, however a, admittedly panicked, swing of Muramasa cut the tongue off and caused the creature to recoil…

Right before I saw the Power of Destruction tear off it's head and left arm, causing the creature to collapse.

[OST End]

"Vincent!" Rias shouted running toward me and lifting me up, "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Sore, but alright." I said only now realizing I was still on my back as Akeno, Koneko and Kiba showed up, I looked eyes with Kiba, "You must be Kiba, nice to meet you."

"Same here." Kiba said, "How was your fight with the Stray Devil?"

"I don't think that thing was a Stray." I said holding out my Executioner, causing Rias to stiffen, "Got this from a retired Exorcist, said he wanted to die of old age rather than in a fight, he said it was a custom made Light Elemented gun and gave me some Bullet's filled with Holy Water. It didn't even tickle that thing."

"Then what is it?" Rias asked looking at the creature that was lying against the fountain.

Then in a sudden jerky movement it righted itself back upright, blood gushing excessively from it's wounds as a new head, this one more bestial than human, but still somewhat the same with what was on the head, and on a longer neck with it also growing a pair of left arms.

"W-what the-" Rias stammered.

The bestial head opened it jaw and let out a long moan.

"Aaaaaaaaaaalllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccce…" The creature moaned before it began to melt into blood and sunk through the cracks in the pavement.

[Quest Complete]

[Unknown Entity Repelled]

[Reward: +500 EXP]

"Nope." I said walking over to where the creature dissolved, picking up the relic piece it dropped, based on the fact it's finger armor I'm assuming it's the last part of the Void's Grasp Gauntlet, woo hoo, "I'm go home go bed." I said shaking my head, "I'm done with today."

"Agreed." Koneko said walking away, looking rather disturbed.

'Just what in the name of Great Red was that?' I thought as I looked past where the creature dissolved.

* * *

Regrettably, I didn't sleep. I just found myself staring at the Creature on my phone.

I called Murayama and Katase and told them to come to my place as we have an un-identified creature on the loose, and I asked Koneko to come to my house tomorrow as well… And I had to tell her I'd have a box full of M&M's for her to keep whatever was seen and spoken of at my house a secret from the other devils for now.

Thankfully Koneko is easy to bribe with candy so long as it's nothing too extreme.

So right now it was nine in the morning, I had Bacon Egg and Cheese Sandwiches set on a platter in the middle of the table, with said box of M&M's where Koneko was going to sit at and all my guest's for the evening had arrived saved for Koneko and the two humans.

"Kuroka please." I said trying to stay as calm as possible as Yasaka and Misha stared angrily in my direction, while Rouge was blushing and Kunou was, thankfully, sleeping on the couch, "Put a shirt on, we have guests coming."

"I don't want to nya…" Kuroka said as she sat her chin on my head, while her bare breast's were wrapped around my head.

"I'll let you sleep in the nude with me tonight." I offered just wanting to get this phase over with, because after last night I really want as much help with this thing as I can get.

"Deal." Kuroka said running out of the room and running back in with her clothes on.

"Finally." Misha whispered as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted, and soon enough Murayama and Katase walked into the house and sat at the table.

"What's got you so spooked anyway?" Murayama asked as she sat down, "A midnight text isn't something I'd normally expect from a man I just met."

"What were you doing up at Midnight anyway?" Katase asked.

I closed my eyes in thought, "Well the answer is something I can really only give my allies." I admitted, "Sorry but I don't want this kind of thing to get too spread out."

Murayama and Katase looked at each other and began whispering to each other for a moment before looking at me, "We'll do whatever we can to help you." Murayama said, "Well, except anything perverted."

"Fair enough." I said shrugging, "But we need to wait for one last person before I explain everything."

"Who?" Katase asked.

"I'm here." Koneko said pushing my door open and walking (read gravitating) to the box of candy and her sister, "That explains the bribe." She added opening one of the packs of M&M's.

"K-Koneko!?" Murayama cried out standing up in shock, "W-Why are you here?"

"She's my little sister, why wouldn't she be here?" Kuroka asked, with Koneko backing it up by letting her ears and tail pop free.

The kendo girls were silent for a moment before Katase spoke up.

"S-she's even cuter with those ears." Katase whispered loudly, "We've got no chance."


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