
DxD: Dragons, Monsters, Me and Magical World.

I hadn't been overly special in my first life. When I'd died, I'd expected nothingness - oblivion. Instead, I rose again with the powers of a phoenix in a world of magic, monsters, and all-powerful Dragon Gods. If I wanted to avoid dying again, I would have to use everything at my disposal. This story will keep you engaged till the end. If you want to know well, you should add this book to your library and read it.

Real2024 · Anime e quadrinhos
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59 Chs

Chapter 41 "Go."

The pink haired girl bobbed her head up and down and said, "Yes, taichou."

My eyes caught on a flash of gold, and I realized things were about to get complicated. "Lady Sitri? That's her." I said, pointing towards the path leading up to the church.

The eyes of both peerages drifted towards a young girl lazily strolling towards the church, a bright smile on her face.

"We move now. Hit the Fallen hard and fast and be sure to support each other. Beware of their light spears." As our peerages moved off to carry out her orders, Sona turned to me and said, "I know this is not a good time, but Twilight Healing is an incredibly valuable and rare Sacred Gear. What would you accept to allow me to reincarnate the girl?"

Smirking internally, I made no move to tell her I'd already decided I didn't want Asia. If Sona wanted to pay me for exclusive rights to a potential peerage member I didn't want, I wasn't going to complain.

"I did not come here expecting to make a deal with you, so I do not have anything in mind. So long as I have your word you will compensate me in a way we both agree is fair, I will not make any move to reincarnate her." I made sure to stick the 'both' in there so there was no devil contract manipulation.

"I give my word as heiress Sitri that you will be compensated in a way we both agree is fair." Sona said immediately before turning around, her wings exploding from her back. "Now, we must support the attack." She took to the air just as an explosion hit the back of the church, shaking the ground.

Following Sona into the air, my flaming wings roaring forth from my shoulders, I watched as the front door team flooded into the church while the window team flew through a hole in the back of the church that was far bigger than the window had been. The sound of screams and battle overcame the church. Explosions, clashing steel, war cries – flying above the church, we couldn't see what was happening inside, but we were certainly able to hear.

Less than a minute after our peerages had breached the exterior, the cloaked form of Clarissa, her wings extended out her back, flew through the hole in the rear of the church moving as fast as she possibly could, a basketball-sized, iron pentagram clenched in her arms.

Right on Clarissa's heels, three more figures appeared. The first was Sona's knight, Tomoe. The pink-haired girl held a steel katana in her hands as she fended off two Fallen attackers in an effort to cover Clarissa's escape.

The first of the Fallen Angels was a man in a trench coat. He had black hair and was hurling spears of light over Tomoe's head in an attempt to hit Clarissa, but my bishop dodged his attacks, steadily putting ground between herself and the church.

The second fallen was a woman who, had she been human, would have been in her mid-thirties. She had hair the color of the deep sea and engaged Tomoe in close combat with her sword. While she wasn't able to overcome the knight's skill, the numerical advantage was beginning to weigh on the devil.

Without looking to Sona for direction, this was my job and therefore her orders didn't matter in this instance, I rocketed towards the two angels as they closed in on Tomoe. Holding my hand out in front of me, a spell circle snapped into being and conjured a large, snaking wall of scalding flame between the angels and Tomoe.

The two Fallen instinctively jumped back to avoid it, and both their eyes turned to lock onto me.

Pulling out of my dive, I came to hover just in front of Tomoe. "Follow Clarissa and make sure there aren't any others that are moving to trap her. Protecting her is your top priority. I'll deal with these two."

"But, Lord Riser, I-"

"I'll be fine." I cut off her protests. The Sacred Gear Extractor was too important to risk Clarissa getting jumped without support, and I felt confident I could take these two. "Go."

There was a rushing of air behind me as Tomoe began flying after Clarissa. The witch had a large head start, but Tomoe was fast, faster than I'd expected from her. She was gaining on Clarissa when I turned back towards the Fallen Angels.

A shriek of frustration accompanied a large gust of wind that scattered my flame wall. Two irate Fallen stepped into the newly freed space and stared me down.

"Devil scum!" the man screamed, rearing his hand back and entering a javelin throwing position. A spear of pure white light appeared in his grip, coalescing into a glistening javelin the color of a clear summer sky. With a grunt of exertion, the Fallen hurled his spear at me.

Coating myself in flame, I dodged right, leaving my flame behind. The flame coalesced into a flame clone, something I had yet to use in actual combat, that was almost immediately impaled by the light spear. The clone was knocked backwards, but otherwise was left unharmed.

With a mental command from me, the clone pulled the spear out of its stomach and twirled it around experimentally, the light magic that normally burned devils on contact having no effect on my fiery duplicate.

"Well that's good to know." I idly said aloud as I held my hand out towards the two slack-jawed Fallen, unable to comprehend the sight before them. Seven whip-like tendrils of flame shot out of a spell circle before me and snapped towards the two Fallen Angels.

The man noticed them moments before they connected, his eyes widening in panic as he flew upwards to avoid them. The woman was not so lucky. The flaming whips wrapped around her body and wings, searing into her flesh and causing her to scream in agony. I closed my fist and the fire hardened into thick chains, dragging the Fallen to the ground under their weight, completely immobilizing her.

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