
DxD: Adventure Of Black Flash

Nawin Makasha, a boy, changed after a dark event occurred in the past that left him scarred. He and his family moved to Japan to start a new life, but when Nawin joined Kuoh Academy, things began to change for him when he is thrust into the world of supernatural by force. Past will come back and haunt, Evil will rain down, Bonds will be severed. Will Nawin and his friends be ready? It's not my job, and it's not a translation. The author's approval has been received. Even though it was difficult. Somehow I found his mail. This is for distribution. Fan fiction author: DarkDracul1252

Charlottess · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Fallen Angel Strike


Huh? Is that my alarm? Give me 5 more minutes.


"Alright I'm up, you stupid clock" Nawin mutters as he gets up and shut the alarm. Suddenly, memories from last night event hits Nawin's mind, making him pause. The Makasha reaches down his stomach, checking if there are any injuries, but he couldn't find any.

"What the hell happen last night?" Nawin mumbles to himself in shock, before slowly getting up and walks to the mirror and looks at himself. 'There's no scars or anything, it's like last night event never happened, but that doesn't make sense, unless it's just a dream but it felt so real'.

"Nawin! Time for breakfast!" Yao announce from the kitchen, snapping Nawin out of his thought. 'Whatever it was I'll think about it later, first I need a shower'.

Time Skip

Nawin walks down the stairs and make way towards the kitchen to only see his mother is present "Mom, where's Dad and Lucy?" Nawin asked as he takes a sit. Yao puts a plate of American style breakfast in front of the black haired "Your fathers went to a meeting and Lucy left early because of her club activities" Nawin nods and digs in his breakfast.

"Mom do you know what happened last night when I got home from my date?" Nawin asked looking at his mom who looks confuse "Ummm, you had a date yesterday, Nawin?" She asks looking at her son weirdly. Nawin raise his eyebrow "Yuuma Amano the girl I told you" he replies looking at his mother who still held a confuse expression.

"Nawin are you feeling well today?" Yao ask, touching her son's forehead. Nawin moves his mother hand and glare at her "Don't toy around with me Mom!" He yells glaring at his mother. "I don't know what you are talking about. I never met this girl named Yuuma Amano, Nawin!" Yao shoots back, shocking the black haired.

'But t-that's impossible I told Mom about Yuuma, I'm sure of it, what's going on' Nawin thought in shock, he shakes his head and smile at his Mom "Sorry for snapping at you Mom, I just had a bad night" he apologizes and heads to the door.

"It's fine, but are you sure your feeling okay for school today Nawin?" Yao ask her son with worried look "Don't worry, I'll be fine, see you after school" Nawin replies, opening the door and leave the house.

Time Skip

'Huh, what's going on today? why do I remember Yuuma while my mother doesn't, and the event that happened last night could it have been real? But if It did happen how am I still alive?' while Nawin was deep in thought, a figure slam into him, knocking him down along with the person who ran into him.

"Oooooaaaaawwww, that hurts!" a high pitch voice moan, Nawin stand back up and look at the person who knocked him over and he is surprise to see a pink haired girl dress in Kuoh's uniform.

Nawin shakes his head "Do you need help getting up?" he asks, extending his hand which the pink haired girl accept. When the Makasha pulls the girl on her feet, she opens her eyes, taking a look at the girl fully, she is about the same age as him and have long pink hair that reaches down to her waist, light smooth skin with buxom figure and dark blue sapphire eyes.

The unnamed girl looks at Nawin and blushes "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" she apologize, bowing her head "It's okay I suggest you watch where you're going next time" Nawin reply then continue walking to the school direction.

"Huh?! Wait a minute are you the Dark prince of Kuoh?" The pink haired girl ask making Nawin stops and turn to her with an annoy expression "You know is a common courtesy to introduce yourself before question a person, especially the one you bump into" he reply making the pink haired girl laugh sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, my name is Misako Ichiru" The now named Misako extend her hands to Nawin who accepts it "Pleasure meeting you Misako and to answer your question earlier, yes I am the Dark Prince of Kuoh and before you say anything, my fan club made that title also The Great Makasha sibling is one of them" Nawin said with a little annoyance at the titles the fangirl has come up with.

"Are you new here?" Nawin ask, taking his hand back "No, I was born here" Misako reply. "So, you just move to Kuoh Academy?" Nawin question, resumes walking to school with Misako following at his side "No, this is actually my first time in school" She reply.

"So, you were homeschooled" Nawin confirms making the pink haired nod "Yep my Mother said that I should go to school and starts making friends since being homeschooled doesn't give me opportunity to make any friends and well… how do I say this… Be sociable" Misako said as the two stop at the gates of Kuoh Academy.

"Then how did you know that I'm the Dark Prince of Kuoh?" Nawin ask looking at her questionably "Oh I met some of the school girl from Kuoh while I was out and they told me about you and give me some of description of what you look like, even though I didn't asked but they keep talking about you and I got curious" Misako answers.

"Huh ok… anyway I have to go to class, enjoy Kuoh Academy Misako Ichiru" Nawin said, walking to his class. "Wait!" Misako yell making the Makasha turns to her "um are we friends now" Misako ask looking at Nawin shyly. The black haired shrugs then resume walking to his class "Who knows" he said leaving Misako looking at his retreating form with interests.

Time Skip: Lunch Time

Currently Nawin is taking a nap on the soft, clean, grass ground, his head rested on the tree, suddenly he feel someone poking him on the cheek making his eyes snap open, glaring at the person who interrupt his nap, his glare soften seeing his sister holding her lunch box, smiling at him.

"I see you're still lazy as ever bro" Lucy said, taking a seat next to him and opens her lunch box which was a bento. Lucy looks at Nawin to see him looking at her questionably "I got some free time from the club, so I thought I would hang out with you" the blonde reply as she starts digging into her bento.

There was a peaceful silence between the sibling "Lucy do you remember a girl named Yuuma Amano?" Nawin ask suddenly, looking at the sky. A look of shock crosses Lucy face before she smiles at him "No… I never met this Yuuma Amano" She reply. Nawin turns and look at her almost as if trying to search if she is lying.

"Ok, well I have to go now" Nawin said getting up, he knows Lucy is hiding something, but what could it be that it makes her to even hide it from her own brother.

"Where are you going Nawin?" Lucy asks her brother with worry tone, "Tell the teacher that I don't feel well so I'm going home" he said, walking away, not giving time for Lucy to reply.

Time Skip

Nawin is currently walking around the park and stops in front of the water fountain, suddenly a image flash, showing himself lied down in a pool of his own blood with a hole through his stomach, then a crimson light appears before everything turn dark.

'What was that crimson light? could that be the reason why I'm still alive?' Nawin thought, looking at the water fountain, all of a sudden, another image hit's him showing a buxom figure person with crimson hair staring down at his dying form with their turquoise color eyes, Nawin shakes his head as the image disappears.

"What was that? Was that a person? Why do I feel like I've seen that person before?" Nawin mumbles to himself confuse, suddenly his body screams danger making him jump to the side, dodging a blue light spear by an inch.

"I thought I smell a devil here." A voice state, making the Makasha turn to see a man who looks like to be in his middle age with short black hair and dark blue eyes while wearing silver trench coat over a white shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, and a black fedora.

Suddenly the man spread his black wings shocking Nawin, the unnamed man zooms toward him while creating another spear, ready to impale him. Nawin let his body take over as he dodges the attack and kick the blue eyed man to the tree.

Suddenly a light spear shoot towards Nawin making him spin to his left, narrowly dodging it. "Well I have to say for a new devil you sure have some experience. For that allow me to introduce myself I am Dohnaseek a Fallen Angel" The now named Dohnaseek said as he walks towards Nawin.

'He also has black wings and an ability to create same kind of light spear, then that mean the dream of Yuuma killing me is real, huh I should have thought so, but first I need to find a way to escape this person, I may have some fighting experience but not enough to fight a supernatural being such as a fallen angel that I thought never even fucking existed in the first place" Nawin thought looking at Dohnaseek.

"Tell me devil where is your master or are you a rouge devil?" Dohnaseek ask while creating another light spear in his right hand "What the fuck are you talking about Donut freak?" Nawin said glaring at the fallen angel "What did you just call me devil?" The fallen angel question darkly.

"I called you a Donut Freak because of that Fedora and I can just tell by looking at your face you are one piece of shit" Nawin said bluntly, pissing Dohnaseek off and immediately him flies towards the black haired with intend to kill. 'Huh me and my big mouth sometimes' Nawin thought seeing the now piss off Fallen Angel approaching towards him fast.

'Wait for it, wait for it, NOW!' as Dohnaseek was about to attack, Nawin catch his right arm stopping his attack, shocking Dohnaseek. "W-what how?" the fallen angel mutter out in shock, "Believe me, if you focused more you can find a lot of ways to turn the tide of a battle" Nawin smirks and raise his left hand, forming a fist, but before he could hit Dohnaseek a light spear pierce through his abdomen.

'Damn it again, really?' Nawin mentally curse himself for being careless, he coughs up blood then jumps back and falls to his knee. Nawin looks at the now smirking Dohnaseek walking towards him with two light spears in each of his hands "Hahahaha, you actually thought a new born devil like you could defeat me ahahahah" Dohnaseek laugh, but he was interrupted by a crimson light appearing next to Nawin.

"You know, I don't enjoy seeing my new cute servant being hurt especially, when he hasn't even met his master yet" A voice state in the crimson light, after the light disappear Nawin is surprise to see Rias Gremory, one of the Two Great Woman from Kuoh Academy.

Rias glances at Nawin, giving him a smile before turning her gaze to Dohnaseek "Crimson hair… hmm you must be from the Gremory clan, are your devil?" Dohnaseek said looking at Rias who smirks.

"Yes I am Rias Gremory, heir of the Gremory clan and I suggest you go back to your nest fallen angel unless you want to be parish" Rias warn, flaring some of her demonic power causing the ground crack as crimson aura surrounds her and her eyes flashes red.

Dohnaseek shivers a little, feeling the demonic power coming from the Gremory girl and he could tell she is serious "Tsk, fine but I suggest you keep your pet in place or next time they might end up died" Dohnaseek said, extending his jet-black wings and fly off.

Rias look at the retreating form of the fallen angel then let her magic drop "Huh, I guess I was right about you Rias Gremory" Nawin state, making Rias turn around, looking at him with confuse and a little worry "And what would your thoughts of me be Nawin?" Rias ask, kneeling down to him.

"Hmm the beauty that you held and the way you act, I knew you are different from the rest of the student, but Devils and Fallen Angels… well that's another thing" the black haired cough out, before passing out making the Gremory catch him.

Rias giggles and flick her fingers to activate her teleportation while she holds Nawin closely "You sure are an interesting person Nawin Makasha, I am going to enjoy you being in my peerage" Rias said and the two disappears in crimson light. Unknown to Rias, a pair of red slit eyes was watching the whole event unfolds.