
DxD: Adventure Of Black Flash

Nawin Makasha, a boy, changed after a dark event occurred in the past that left him scarred. He and his family moved to Japan to start a new life, but when Nawin joined Kuoh Academy, things began to change for him when he is thrust into the world of supernatural by force. Past will come back and haunt, Evil will rain down, Bonds will be severed. Will Nawin and his friends be ready? It's not my job, and it's not a translation. The author's approval has been received. Even though it was difficult. Somehow I found his mail. This is for distribution. Fan fiction author: DarkDracul1252

Charlottess · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Dark Power Awaken!

Currently, Nawin Makasha can be seen walking around aimlessly in the streets after just leaving the Occult Research building. He's face hold a blank expression and shows sigh of deep thought. 'What was that just now?' Nawin looks at his right hand, clenching it and reopen it. 'When that black aura surrounded me… It felt like I could take on the world. And my eyes felt like it they were on fire, but… There was something ominous about that power… It almost felt like someone was trying to take a hold of me... Almost like it tried to control my body.' While in deep thought, Nawin suddenly bump into someone. "Owie! That hurts" a high childish voice groan, snapping Nawin out of his thoughts and looks down to see a young blonde Nun.

'I seriously got to stop bumping into people' Nawin notes and extend his right hand to the Nun. "Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going" he state and watch the blonde takes his hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet. "It's okay! I wasn't looking where I was going either" the Nun looks up, giving Nawin a bright smile. One word went through the Makasha's mind when he finally sees the blonde Nun's appearance 'Adorable'. The Nun has long blonde hair that reach down to her slim waist, emerald green eyes that holds such innocence that it melts Nawin's heart. Her hair flows all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand stocking out from the top, sloping backwards. The Nin is quite short, probably around five feet tall, maybe an inch taller.

Nawin give the blonde a smile then extend his hand "Again, I'm sorry for bumping into you. My name is Nawin Makasha. May I know the name of a cute Nun that I just bumped into" he requests, holding a warm smile and offer his hand out. The Nun blush a little by being called cute. She takes his hands and shakes it "My name is Asia Argento! Pleasure meeting you, Nawin-san" the now named Asia said. Suddenly a look of realization appear on her face and she looks around to find her luggage on the ground, with her clothes scatter all around the ground. "Ahhh my clothes!" Asia said frantically, then quickly dash over to pick up her clothes. Nawin decided to help also.

After finishing helping Asia putting her clothes back in her luggage. "You're new here aren't you, Asia? " Nawin ask, making the blonde nod "Yes! I am kind of loss. You see I can't really speak Japanese so the people don't understand that I want to head to the church here" Asia said, poking her index fingers together in embarrassment. Nawin takes her luggage and throw it over his shoulder, confusing her. "I know where the church is, it's quite close by here. I can take you there" Nawin offer, making the Nun smile and bows in gratitude "Thank you so much, Nawin-san."

As the two began making their way toward the church. Nawin decides to start a conversation "So where did you come from, Asia?" Nawin ask, glancing at the Nun "Oh! I was born in America and was orphaned in church. They raised me. Unfortunately, one day some events transpired that required me to move to Kuoh" Asia reply and looks forward to see the church in the distance. 'Wonder what's event could that be' Nawin thought, taking note at the rather quick and vague answer the blonde gave. As the two continue walking in silence, they suddenly halt when hearing a whimpering sound. The two turns and see a white puppy with brown eyes laying on the ground with a bite mark wound on its right leg. The puppy seems to be a Pomsky breed. "Oh no, puppy!" Asia immediately rushes to the injured puppy.

Nawin follows and he was about to suggest taking the puppy to the vet, but what happen next shock him. Asia puts her hand on top of the puppy's wound. A green light start surrounding her hands and miraculously, the wound starts healing in accelerate speed. 'What the hell is that? Is she one of the supernatural races?' Nawin question in his mind, looking at the scene in front of him.

After a few second the puppy wounds were completely healed. The Pomsky gets up and start licking Asia face, causing her to giggle. "Aww you're so cute" she squeals and gives the puppy a big hug. Despite what Nawin just saw, he can't help but smile at the cute scene in front of him.

Nawin shakes his head and stop beside Asia. "That's quite an interesting ability you got, Asia" he comments, making Asia put the puppy down and look up at him. "Yeah! I have this ability since I was young. The first time I discovered this power was when I found a dog dying in front of the church. I ran to it and prayed to the gods to let the dog live, then it happened. This ring appears on my hands, bestowing me the power to heal the dog back to life." Asia shows Nawin the two silver rings on her hands, both rings are worn on her index fingers. The Makasha examines the object closely, the two rings have turquoise color gem on top of it. 'Is this the source of her powers?' Nawin question and watch the rings disappears, causing him to look at Asia, questionably "When I don't need it, it disappears" she informs, making him nod.

"Well, we should continue to the church" Nawin suggest, resume walking forwards, but he stop when noticing Asia isn't following. Nawin turn around to see Asia playing with the puppy. "Nawin-san, I don't think this puppy has a home" she state, sadly while holding the puppy close to her chest. Nawin walks back to Asia and kneel to pet the dog head, making it licks his face. Nawin's lips twitches upwards "What about I take it with me to my home?" he ask, surprising Asia. The bright smile form on the Nun's face "Really?! Can I come visit him when I'm free?" she asks, hopeful "Of course you can. Do you have any name for it?" Nawin ask. "Hmm… Wait a minute. Is it a boy or a girl?" Asia ask with a slight blush making Nawin chuckle. The Makasha flip the puppy with its belly facing upwards. "It's a girl" he replies and stand up, holding the puppy close to his chest. Asia stand up and the two resumes walking to the church. The puppy snuggles into Nawin chest while Asia is deep in thought, thinking of a name to give the puppy.

"Ahh I got it!" Asia yells out loud, making Nawin turn to her "Really? What is it" he ask "It is… Ms Snowflakes" the blonde announce, happily. There was a moment of silent, Nawin sweatdrop at the name while the puppy looks at Asia like she was crazy. Nawin noticed the look the puppy is giving to the blonde. "Asia, I think the puppy doesn't really like the name" he state, making Asia look at the dog, see it glaring at her. "Oww, but I think it's a cute name" Asia pout, making Nawin chuckle, before he thinks of a name. "… How about Sairis?" he said and looks down at the puppy, seeing it bark and wiggling her tail happily. "I guess she likes it… Sairis, that's a nice name" Asia said, petting the puppy now named Sairis. Nawin looks up see that they almost at the church.

'If I were you I would stop' a voice suddenly said, causing Nawin to stop on his track and scan around, but he couldn't find anyone. 'What was that?" he questions, then turns to the church. A sudden burning pain shoot through his body, causing the Makasha to wince. Asia looks back at Nawin, confuse "Nawin-san are you okay?" she ask in concern, snapping Nawin out of a trance. "Yeah… I'm fine, but I have to go now Asia, sorry" he apologize.

'Something tell me if I go in there… I might not come back out' Nawin thinks, looking at the church "Oww, do you have to? I want to make you some tea for helping me so much today" Asia pouts in disappointment. Nawin walks to her, place her luggage down, then gently pets her head. "Don't worry, Asia. I promise we will see each other again" he said and hand over Sairis to her "I'm sure Sairis would love to see you again" he comments. Asia hug the puppy goodbye while it licks her cheeks.

After a couple of second Asia hands Saris back to Nawin. "Nawin-san, I was wondering… Um… Are we friends?" Asia said in a hopeful tone, surprising Nawin by the sudden question. 'Huh, friends…. I like the sound of that' he thinks and gives Asia a smile "Yes Asia, we're friends" he said, causing Asia to smile brightly. She grabs her luggage and walks to the church. When reaching the door, the blonde stops and turn around to wave at Nawin, who waves back "Bye Nawin-san!" she yell and enters the church.

Nawin look at the church for a minute and feel another stinging pain shoot through his body. "What the hell was that pain? I've been to churches before and never felt this before… Could it be because I'm a devil now?" Nawin mutters, looking at the building for a few more second, before turning around and head back to his home.

Time Skip

Ten minutes silent walking, Nawin finally arrive back at his home. He place Sairis down and watch the puppy immediately sprint toward the kitchen. Nawin chuckle and quickly puts his shoes and bag down. "Ahh! What the hell is a dog doing in my house?!" Yao yells from the kitchen, causing Nawin to sweatdrop and quickly walk to the kitchen and sees Sairis scratching the fridge.

"Mom, that dog is Sairis" Nawin speak, walking to Sairis and picks her up. Yao looked at her son, surprise before her expression turn to anger. "Nawin Makasha would you like to explain why you left all of the sudden this morning without eating breakfast or saying good bye?" Yao ask in a dark tone that send chills down Nawin's spine.

"I left early because I got some school project I had to do" Nawin reply, hoping his mother would accept the lie. Yao nods and turns her attention to Sairis, then looks back at Nawin questionably, which he picks up. "I found this little stray pup when I was walking home, so a decided to take her with me. Her name is Sairis" Nawin inform and take a sit down on one of the dinning chair while placing Sairis on his lap.

Yao was about to say something, but she is interrupt by a stomach growling making her look at Nawin, who shakes his head and she turn to Sairis, seeing the puppy giving her a cute look. "I guess she's hungry" Yao sigh, then head to the fridge to carry out a piece of steak. "Mom you know that she's a puppy, right? She can't eat that whole thing" Nawin said, looking at the 6 oz steak "Don't worry. I'll cut it in small pieces" Yao reassures.

Sairis barks happily eyeing the raw steak hungrily, making Nawin chuckle while Yao laugh "Calm down, Sairis. The steak will be done soon" she reply.

After Sairis has her steak, she immdaitely pass out on Nawin's lap 'She sure had a long day. I'm not surprise she is out like a log' Nawin notes, gently petting Sairis's head, before carry to his arms. "Mom, I'm going to skip dinner. I'm exhausted today, so I'll be going to bed early" he state, exiting the kitchen and head up the stairs "Okay! Sleep well Nawin!" Yao shouts.

Time Skip

'Why can't I sleep… Huh, stupid brain' Nawin mentally cuss, laying on the bed. He turn toward the right to look at the clock and see it's midnight. "Might as well go for a midnight walk… Maybe it will help clear my mind a bit." Nawin sit up and turn to the right, seeing Sairis's sleeping form, laying on the side of the bed sleeping soundly. Nawin sigh in envy at the sight "I wish I could be like you, Sairis" he mutters and carefully leaves the bed to put on some clothes.

'So many things have transpired lately' Nawin notes, walking down the dark street, his thoughts went back to the dream he had and the mysterious voice. 'Tell me, Nawin Makasha can you give up your humanity completely?' "What does he mean by that? I already lost my humanity" Nawin mutters angrily, clenching his fists, before he calms down.

As Nawin continue walking down the street, he spots a familiar Japanese traditional house, which cause him to think about a curtain raven-haired girl. "Could I trust her? She is one of them… Huh, who am I kidding? I am one of them too. A devil" he utters with anger. "So, you are alive after all. Seems like Raynare didn't finished her job" a feminine voice state. Nawin halt his movement and turn around to to see a tall buxom woman with long, navy hair that goes down her right brown eyes. Her attire consisted of a violet, trench coat with wide collar, a matching miniskirt and black heeled shoes. The trench coat top open at her chest, giving some view of her large cleavage.

"Is it me or are all you Fallen Angle dressed like a stripper" Nawin points out, quickly angering the female Fallen angel. "How dare you say such thing to me! You brat, do you know who I am? I am Kalawarner! Second in command of the Raynare group!" Kalawarner yells

Nawin tilt his head "Raynare? Never heard that name before. Go bother someone else, Fallen Angel. I am not in the mood." Nawin turns around and resume his stroll. Kalawarner suddenly form a sadistic smirk "Oh you don't know? I forget she goes by another name what was it? Oh, right… Yuuma Amano" she said in a mocking tone. Nawin stop in his track when hearing that name. "Ow… Did I hit a nerve there?" Kalawarner smiles darkly, then laughs "Hahahaha I can't believe you fall for that! Aahahaha you know at first I thought the plan was stupid, but I have to give it to her! She knows how to act! Ahahahaha!" Kalawarner continues laughing in mockery. "Shut Up!" Nawin shouts out and suddenly holds his head. Kalawarner stop and feels chill running down her spine from an ominous aura that suddenly rains down on her. The air around the area thickens. "You know… I am quite curious what would happen if I ripped off a Fallen Angel's wings… Will it grow back or not? Hmm" Nawin comment in a sickening sadistic voice that paralyze Kalawarner in fear and watch the Makasha release his head and let out a shivering chuckle.

Nawin turns around, showing Kalawarner his blood red eyes. Black menacing aura swells around him violently, causing the ground beneath to crack. Nawin wears a sadistic smile on his face "Why don't we test it out?" he ask.

Kalawarner release her wings and quickly retreat 'I-I need to get out of here! T-that aura, it's so dark and evil' she thinks frantically, but before she could get any higher in the air to escape, Kalawarner fells a hand snatch her right leg, making her look down to see Nawin grinning at her, then pulls her down and slams her to the ground with such force it creates a deep crater.

Kalawarner tries to get up, but she is interrupt by a foot slamming on her stomach, making her cough out blood. She shakily opens her eyes and look up, her eyes widen in fear when seeing a pair of blood red eyes glaring down at her. "P-please I'm sorry let me go" she start begging. "Hmmm, I guess I can do that" Nawin said, making Kalawarner smile in relief. "… After I rip off your wings that is" Nawin finish with a dark grin and a looks of fear returns to Kalawarner's face "No plea-" she is cut off by Nawin grabbing her leg and flips over, sending her face down to the ground harshly.

Barely conscious, Kalawarner feels Nawin's hands grabbing onto both of her wings. "I wonder which wings should I rip off first? The right or the left… Or better yet both! Such a hard decision" Nawin utters. "N-no please stopI will do anything please" Kalawarner pleads as tears drip down her eyes.

"Hahahahahaha! What happen to that cocky smirk on your face from earlier! Look at you! So pathetic! It makes me sick just looking at your face" Nawin spat out, grinning darkly. The Makasha slams his right foot down on Kalawarner's back and starts pulling on the wings. A painful screech erupts around the quiet area. "Hahaha that's it! Scream! Let me hear that painful scream of yours! Ahahaha" Nawin laughs and continue to pull on the wings, making Kalawarner scream louder.

"Nawin-kun STOP!" a familiar voice shouts, making the black-haired boy lookup to see Akeno and the other Occult club member looking at the scene in shock. "Akeno" Nawin whispered, his eyes slowly change back into brown. The black aura dissipates, then, Nawin release the wing, dropping the now unconscious Kalawarner to the ground. Nawin suddenly hold his head and start shaking it "Ahhhhh! Get out of my head! Get out, get out, get ooouuuuuttttt!" he shouts in pain. Akeno runs toward him and wrap her arms around his waist, trying to comfort him. "Calm down, Nawin-kun I'm here. Please calm down" she whisper softly. Nawin's yelling slowly dies down and he release his head to wrap his arms around Akeno's waist. "A-Akeno" he whispers, before passing out.

"Yuuto, I want you to pick up the Fallen Angel and bring her back to the Occult building. We will need to question her when she regain conscious" Rias order, making the blonde nod and walks to the unconscious Kalawarner and picks her up.

Rias walks to Akeno, who's holding Nawin closely, looking at him with great concern. "This is not like him Rias… It's like someone took control of him… Could it be his sacred gear?" she questions. Rias kneel down beside the Himejima and stare at Nawin's unconscious form in concern as well. "I don't know, Akeno. I might have to ask my brother about this, but all I can say that it's not a normal kind of sacred gear. All we can do now is hope he can master this sacred gear. We need to find out what it is and how to help him with it" Rias reply softly, then turns to looks at the injured form of Kalawarner 'If we arrived any later… It would have been a gruesome scene. I need to find some answers before it's too late'.