
Back to the Future

"Come on then," Jake gave them a sneer, "are we going to fight, or are we going to stand around all night?"

Lord Bael and Voldemort were two incredibly prideful men, and neither of them would ever back down from a challenge. Especially one from someone they considered a lesser. "Very well, then, fool," Voldemort spat, "We'll finish you now! CRUCIO!" Another spear-sized Unforgivable flew his way, but this time, Jake was ready. His wings sprang forth from his back, and he took to the air, easily dodging the spell. From on high, Jake dive-bombed the shocked Voldemort as he formed an ice sword in his hand, aiming for the snake's head!

"Forget about me, boy!?" Lord Bael had his own wings out as he flew to intercept Jake's ice sword with a fist coated in the POD. Fist met sword, and Jake's blade fizzled out. But not before he formed a second one in his offhand and took a swing at Lord Bael's head. The man sneered as he easily moved himself back to avoid the blow, but at the last second, Jake let go of the blade mid-swing, causing it to fly forward past the man's face, leaving a deep gash on his cheek. Jake smirked at actually landing a solid blow on an ultimate class!

Lord Bael looked shocked for a moment before he brought his hand to his face and wiped the blood from his now cut-up cheek. "YOU DARE MAKE ME BLEED, YOU HALFBREED SCUM!" He charged at Jake this time with a small aura of destruction magic surrounding his body and wings!

"CRUCIO!" Simultaneously, Voldemort from the ground threw another gigantic cruciatus curse towards Jake!

"Dammit!" Jake cursed as he swerved to dodge the spell mid-air and simultaneously raised an ice shield to try and stop Lord Bael's charge. Unfortunately, though, the man wasn't holding back in his anger and smashed through Jake's spell before delivering a vicious punch to Jake's sternum, blasting him out of the sky and towards the ground. He slammed into the ground hard, leaving a small crater behind.

"CRUCIO!" Voldemort screamed in rage a final time! He had been pissed off that these two could fly and he couldn't. He hadn't been able to gain devil wings even after taking Jake's blood…"I am Lord Voldemort and no one can be above me!"

Jake, who was still disoriented from his impact with the ground, could only turn his head slightly and watch as the massive spell connected right to his torso. Suddenly every single nerve ending on his body lit up in maximum pain as he screamed out loud in agony!

Voldemort held the spell as he slowly walked over towards Jake writhing in pain on the ground, laughing the entire time. Lord Bael landed next to him, smirking himself, finally glad to have his misbegotten revenge.

"Any last words, Jake Gremory?" Voldemort laughed. "Oh wait, you're in too much pain, you can't even talk, I forgot, hahaha." Even while screaming from the ground in absolute agony, Jake knew that he had to do something. In his desperation, he reached for something inside of himself that he hadn't dared draw on since the first time he used it. As soon as he touched it with his magic, black mist began to pour out all around his body. Praying that it could help him escape a second time!

"Oh, I'm intrigued. And what is this ability?" Lord Bael said as both he and Voldemort were standing right over Jake's writhing form as black mist started pouring out of him. Neither of them sensing any particular danger didn't bother moving away. In his desperation, Jake poured all of his will and magic into the mist, wishing himself to be able to escape from this place! The mist answered his call as it rapidly swelled around not just him but Voldemort and Lord Bael as well, swallowing all three of them. Then, as the mist faded, all three of them had been whisked away, never to be seen in that graveyard ever again.



In an unknown location, seemingly out of nowhere, a black mist suddenly formed and almost just as quickly, three bodies were rapidly ejected from it before it faded away. The three forms slammed into the ground.

Getting up from the hard ground, pissed off and slightly bruised, Voldemort spoke out, "What... *cough* happened?"

"Seems we had been forcefully teleported," Lord Bael said as he dusted himself off. He looked around his surroundings, noticing that they looked somewhat familiar to him. "I think we were teleported all the way into the underworld, and if I'm not mistaken, this is on the outskirts of my territory!" He said haughtily.

Jake, meanwhile, was simply lying on the ground where he'd landed after teleporting with the mist, still in tons of pain from suffering under the Cruciatus curse for almost a solid minute. He cursed internally! He hadn't meant to transport these two with him! He was gasping for breath and couldn't even move his body. Was this where it ended for him? Was he going to die here and fail to avenge Fleur!?

"Who cares if he teleported us to the underworld? It's not like it'll save him. Look around, there's nobody here to save you, Gremory," Voldemort said with vicious glee as he prepared to fire one last spell at Jake's unmoving body on the ground to finish the job.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," a masculine voice called out, startling both Voldemort and Lord Bael!

"What-" was all Voldemort could get out before a large fist covered in a golden aura slammed into the side of his cheek, sending him flying over 50 ft, crashing into the dirt, forming a crater-ditch all along the path the snake man flew!

Jake turned his head, from the ground, and inspected the guy who had just saved him. The newcomer looked surprisingly like Lord Bael, except slightly younger. He was also completely jacked with muscles all over his body, and surrounding him was a golden aura that looked like ki straight out of Dragon Ball. The man glanced at Jake's severely injured form lying on the ground before a vicious snarl formed on his face. "So you couldn't succeed in killing me and you chose to go after Jake instead. Why am I not surprised… Father." The newcomer spoke out as he faced Lord Bael.

"Father?" Lord Bael questioned. "I certainly don't have a son who looks anything like you, even if your features do resemble mine somewhat," he said a touch confused.

The newcomer just let out an arrogant laugh at that. "Of course, you wouldn't recognize me. It's been 20 years after all! It's me, your son Sairaorg," he said, pointing to himself with a smirk. "And I'm here to finally fulfill my contract!" Sairaorg's Touki flared around his body as he blitzed right towards Lord Bael, ready to pummel his old man into oblivion.

"What? You claim to be Sairaorg? That's impossible. He's just a five-year-old little brat. There's no way you're him!" But he wasn't able to say anything else as Sairaorg was already up close and on top of him, delivering a vicious uppercut to his chin, launching him high into the air. Sairaorg squatted down for a second before jumping into the air himself, matching his father's velocity. Lord Bael's eyes widened in surprise before another punch slammed right into his stomach, blasting him into the ground with extreme force and leaving a much greater crater from the much stronger blow Sairaorg had delivered.

Watching all this from the ground, Jake was absolutely astonished. "Did I somehow time travel again and this time to the future?" He questioned himself. He was also surprised that Sairaorg had grown up to be such a badass, able to absolutely manhandle his father who was in the ultimate class!

Taking in the brief moment of respite, Sairaorg called out to the air, "Blaze, your master needs your healing right now." In a flash of flames appearing over Jake, much to his shock, was a fully grown Phoenix with red and blue feathers. It looked absolutely majestic. It immediately landed on top of Jake and started to shed tears all over his form. Incredibly rapidly, his nerves that felt like they were on fire suddenly became soothingly cool and all the burns and cuts all over his body sealed up like he'd never been hurt in the first place. Jake sat up in absolute shock, taking in the form of the adult phoenix.

"Blaze, buddy, is that you?" He asked with some hesitation in his voice.

Chirp! Chirp!

Jake's familiar, now fully grown, nodded its head up and down as it chirped happily. It hadn't seen its master in 20 years and now it was very happy that he was back! It continued to let out more happy chirps as Jake just sat there in awe, realizing that he truly had traveled back to the future, as he continued stroking Blaze's feathers.

"Not to be one to break up your happy reunion or anything, Jake," Sairaorg interrupted, "but the fight is not over yet. Your opponent isn't down for the count. Don't worry about my old man; between him and me, this is personal. You just go take care of that Voldemort asshole and put him down for good!"

Jake, now fully healed with his magic completely restored, formed a vicious smile on his face. He was definitely planning on getting his revenge on the bastard who dared to put him under the torture curse!

Jake stood up as his devil wings flared behind him and he took off towards where Sairaorg had sent Voldemort flying and cratering into the ground. There, he saw Voldemort, too, had recovered somewhat and looked absolutely enraged at getting decked in the face right on the verge of victory! Voldemort saw Jake flying towards him and he let out a scream in rage. "I have no idea what's going on anymore, but I promise you right now, I'm going to kill you, Jake Gremory! AVADA KEDAVRA!" Jake continued flying towards Voldemort at full speed as the curse honed in on him. Right as it was only 10 feet away from Jake, he tilted his body slightly to the side and let it pass right by him as he continued flying towards Voldemort at full speed!

Now within striking distance of Voldemort, Jake formed the ice sword once again and swung down right at him. This time there was no one to save him as Voldemort tried to put his arms up in desperation. The sword connected with one of them, immediately passing through it and severing his right hand from the rest of his arm!

"AAAAAhhhhhh!" Voldemort screamed in agony and rage. He raised his other arm towards Jake! "You dare harm my brand new body? I won't stand for it! CRU-"

Voldemort's torture curse was unable to be cast as Jake quickly swung a second time and severed his left arm as well! Voldemort fell to the ground in agony, now unable to cast magic without his arms and rendered powerless…

"Damn you, Jake Gremory! But mark my words, I will have revenge. Because, I am immortal and even if you slay this body now, my spirit will simply find a new one!" He started cackling madly in his pain.

Jake himself contemplated Voldemort's words. He knew that Harry had already dealt with this guy multiple times and somehow he kept coming back. Somehow he needed to be destroyed completely, and luckily for Jake, he had recently acquired a power that could do just that. Jake held up both of his arms over his head as his spell circles flared to life and an orb of the Power of Destruction formed right over his hands!

"What? That's impossible!" Voldemort spat. "That's supposed to be the ability of Lord Bael! He told me only his bloodline could use that! How are you doing it!?"

"Fuck you, that's how," Jake spat out, before bringing his arms down, and with them, the massive orb of Destruction right on top of Voldemort's armless form! The newly resurrected man wasn't even able to let out a scream before the orb had completely swallowed his form whole, destroying him on a level even beyond atomic. When Jake's spell finally dissipated, there was absolutely nothing left of him, not even a spirit to continue haunting the world - he was vanquished.

Jake let out a sigh of relief at his victory before spinning around to try and go find Sairaorg; to possibly help him with his fight against his father. As Jake flew back in the direction he had initially come from, there was a massive explosion around 100 yards away, followed by a dust cloud that kicked up and blinded his view for a couple of seconds. When it faded away, he could see Sairaorg standing over the viciously beaten body of Lord Bael. It appeared he didn't need Jake's help at all, as he had absolutely kicked his old man's ass!

Sairaorg was standing in the crater, frowning over the body of his defeated father. He sensed Jake's approach, looked up, gave him a smile, and waved. "Hey there, man. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"I guess it has," Jake said, sounding a bit unsure. "Have I really been gone 20 years?" He asked. Sairaorg just gave him a solemn nod in affirmation to Jake's question.

"Damn, that sucks…" Jake said, rubbing the back of his head. The shock of his circumstances still hadn't quite caught up to him. He had had a very trying recent experience, after all. "20 years, huh? So, what did I miss?"

-end chapter-

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How'd you like it!? If you want to read ahead you can at p.a.t.r.e.o.n / FiveStarTomato. Thank you, regardless, for following my story to this point!

I would like to give a special thank you to my current Hero Team Patron(s): Nirojan, Benzaboyo, Carl, and William — Also another thank you to all my other patrons!