
DxD - I am the Supreme Shadow Monarch. ( Hiatus )

Currently on an indefinite hiatus, until the author feels better mentally. -------- 1 - Keep in mind that this is an [Au] the gender of some characters have been changed. 2 - Also keep in mind that this will be a trip to the [Multiverse]. === First World - High School DxD. Second World - ??? = = = An ''Ordinary Young Man'' was bestowed with the powers of the 'Monarch of Shadows' by a Goddess of Wishes, there was only one problem with that wish ... Which Monarch exactly was the ''Young Man'' referring to?

Biggubosu · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Fuck The Devils [3]

( Image of Azazel )

( Image of Gabriel )

( Image of Merlin )


"Let's get started, shall we? Griffith said as they all voiced their assent.

'Let's first discuss the recent attack on Kuoh. Rias and Sona, if you like.'' Sirzechs stated as he looked at Azazel.

"Of course King Lucifer." Answered Sona before Rias could.

Then they began to recount the events about a week ago. 'How it all started and until Kokabiel revealed himself. How they fought against Freed and later against Cerberus and Kokabiel himself. That Kokabiel was unexpectedly strong ( it was obvious ) and then the part where the White Dragon Emperor appeared.

"Thank you, you two can take a step back now." Sirzechs said and turned to his fellow leaders.

"I would like to express my thanks for your interference, White Dragon Emperor." Sirzechs said as he and Serafall bowed slightly.

"Those were Azazel's orders." Vali simply nodded.

''That said, would you like to tell me what Azazel was? Sirzechs questioned as he turned to Azazel.

''Kokabiel acted without my consent.'' Azazel dismissed the accusation with a gesture.

''Without consent does not mean without knowledge.'' Griffith joked.

''I sent Vali to retrieve him, it's not as if I ignored him.'' She tried to justify herself.

"Why not stop it from happening from the beginning? My beautiful little sister was in danger because of your games, Azazel. Peace negotiations were already planned... besides that Kuoh and the devil's territory, the Governor General of the fallen angels was in the city without our consent.'' Sirzechs said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Correction, Kuoh is the territory that was given to the human faction by the Goddess Amaterasu, the devils have just rented the city from me, and seeing how incompetent the two heiresses are in performing their duties as rulers of Kuoh, a report has already been sent to the devil's council stating all the incompetencies the heiresses have committed and it has been put explicitly that the two lose their rights as rulers of Kuoh completely." Griffith commented.

The devils did not seem to have liked his speech, even more so the two heiresses.

Specifically the protagonist of this world who was clenching his fists in anger.


Sona already knew that one day this could happen, after all, unlike her friend, Rias, she had read the contract that her sister had given her when she became one of the rulers of Kuoh.

The city of Kuoh belonged to the human faction and to it alone. The devils only rented it, paying an exorbitant price. There were a few more things, any user with a [Sacred Equipment] or [Longinus] must be reported to the Human Faction.

That's what Sona did, as soon as she found out that her possible pawn had a [Sacred Equipment], she alerted her sister and Serafall told the Human Faction Leader.

Yes, that boy with the absorption line was "bought" by the devils.

Since Merlin had already developed something similar to that boy's [Sacred Equipment], Griffith, lost interest in the boy.

But since it was always good to have more money... he pretended he had an interest in him. And Maou Serafall paid a lot to get that boy into his sister's nobility.

Now, if Rias had known the terms of the "contract," she wouldn't have dared to try to do that right under their noses.

But knowing Rias, she did. Not only did her pawn have a [Sacred Gear], but she let him die to bring him to her nobility, and after a while, Rias got him another member with a [Sacred Gear] this time it was the 'Twilight Cure' .

Sona was sure that her friend did this thinking that King Lucifer would be able to fix everything.

Unfortunately, her sister told her that it wouldn't be that simple . The Human Faction Leader, was stronger than all four Maous combined.

How exactly did she know this?

When the leader of the humans himself started an underworld massacre against a noble house that was involved with the Nekomata experiment.

At the time, the four demons quickly went to see the commotion that was happening from the devil's territory. Just to see the territory completely destroyed, there were various kinds of beings made of a purple liquid mixed with black and they saw for the first time the future leader of the humans torturing some of his own kind.

The four Maous could not let this happen. So, on the first approach, they asked him to release the hostage and surrender.

But things didn't go the way they wanted, they had to use force, but nothing worked, even though the four Maous joined forces, they were completely defeated against a single enemy.

Serafall made sure to tell his little sister, and obliged her that anything related to the Leader of the Humans, she would have to swallow her pride and bow her head.


"Well, that's not all, but let's get on with the meeting." Griffith commented.


"All right, sorry, okay, but since we're all here for peace, let's just do it, Peace, I mean." said Azazel.

Most people were surprised at how casual the Ruler of the Fallen Angels was. But in the end, she was right. Everyone was waiting for her next words.

"Also, we have some strong people from the younger generation gathered. Their potential is very high, especially the two Dragon Emperors. Let me ask them about their opinion, as they could influence our factions in the future." Azazel turned to Issei and Vali.

"What do you think about peace? Red and White Dragon Emperors?" asked Azazel.

Issei didn't know what to say and Vali was about to speak when a voice interrupted him.

''Why would you care about their opinion, Zaz? Would you stop your desire for an alliance if these two disagreed? Would we start asking for the opinion of each strong individual or with a Longinus?'' Declared Griffith.

''Griffith.'' Michael nudged him.

''What? I'd rather have a serious discussion than listen to a hormonal young man who doesn't even know what this is about, besides, an alliance between my faction and the others always ends up favoring the others and not me, all that could be discussed here is favoring the other factions, and this only helps strengthen them.''

''Okay, what are you thinking? Sirzechs questioned.

''We should all think about some conditions. To avoid a fickle alliance, we should talk about each other's demands and find a middle ground. Personally, I have only two things I want to address, both of which are of an official nature.''

They were curious about what he wanted to address.

"Let me start then with the most obvious. There are too many lost members of the three factions. Demons who have taken the side of the enemy factions, really lost demons, lost exorcists, defecting fallen angels, and even some angels. They need to be dealt with, I doubt if any of you have any objections to that, no?" Griffith said.

"Do you propose to work together to deal with them?" asked Azazel.

''Ultimately, that's what an alliance is. Each race has its own advantages, and if they are using them, why shouldn't we do the same?" This time it was the Sirzechs who spoke. He saw the merit in this, and honestly, it was to be expected if they worked together.

They all nodded their heads.

"What is the second topic you wanted to address?". Serafall asked curiously.

"The next topic concerns... the Gremory heiress breaking the terms set by me: every [ Sacred Equipment ] or [ Longinus ] found must be reported The Human Faction." Griffith said with a sly smile.

As everyone turned to Rias who remained rigid.

"Rias... did you read the documents I handed you as soon as you and Sona took over Kuoh as ruler?" asked the Maou.

Rias stiffened even more, she thought they were just some useless papers, so she decided to throw them away.

Meanwhile Griffith had a mischievous smile that did not go unnoticed by Azazel, Merlin and Gabriel.

Them knew that things would only get worse from here on out...