
DxD | Eyes of Malevolence

Devils, Gods, and Dragons. What did they all have in common? They were all selfish pricks and unrepentant assholes. Maybe I was reincarnated to punish them… Nah. Fuck that, I’m just gonna chill on the beach.

Express_007 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Wandless Devil

[𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚, 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

Maneuvering through the snow Noel almost seemed to meld in with his surroundings, snowflakes melting onto his warm skin. Romania was the home of the Vampires—an enemy faction— and yet Noel had no fear in traversing it for one reason.

"Illusions are pretty damn nice."

The Evil Eyes of Illusions had two main effects, the most pertinent at the current moment being its ability to conceal anything within his line of sight. With it as his foundation, traveling through enemy territory unnoticed was a breeze.

"There you are."

He could feel Rias Gremory approaching his destination but he wasn't overly worried. Rias was relying on luck alone to find Gasper Vladi but luck didn't give her any sense of urgency, Noel would have no trouble arriving first.

"Get away from me! Gasper! Gasper!"

Screams echoed from beside him but Noel didn't pay them any kind, his attention focused on Gasper's cold corpse alone. Kneeling down before the boy the snow crumpled as Noel forcefully opened the boy's eyes.

When their eyes met an odd sensation crossed the two of them, a slight tugging occurring between the two before a gasp seemingly left Gasper's lips. In that brief moment, Noel had stolen part of the dhampir's soul.

"Seriously? You lost with these eyes?"

It wasn't like Noel to disrespect the dead but he simply couldn't understand it. With so much power at the tip of his fingers, how could he possibly lose to a gathering of a few low ranking vampire hunters? 

"I'll at least fulfill your wish."

Almost as if in reaction to those words, time itself froze all around him—a sphere roughly thirty meters in diameter— as the world lost all color. Noel didn't even have to move, a simple mental command more than sufficient for the shadows beneath them to rise up and pierce their chests.


Murmuring softly in bemusement Valerie Tepes didn't even react at the blood soaking her face, her eyes blank as corpses fell to the ground and the snow was tainted crimson. Grinning wildly at the power of his eyes Noel teleported away just as Rias Gremory broke through the treeline. 

"Noel! You're back!"

"I was only gone for less than an hour."

Ignoring the orca girl pushed up against his chest—her head rubbing up and down— Noel took a seat in his chair. In the last two months, Morgan had gotten quite attached to him though the same could be said for him as well.

Even if it did inevitably result in this lack of personal space it was ultimately a good thing. After all, Morgan was now growing at a monstrous rate. With Noel as a catalyst, her desire to grow stronger swelled and now she was training beside him most days.

"That was way too long!"

Complaining with all the sophistication of a child her age—if not a little younger—Morgan pulled herself closer, their already close forms morphing around one another. Noel was fine but he found it hard to believe the same with Morgan and her sizable chest.

"How are you going to live?"

Running a hand through her hair she purred like a cat, her eyes closed as she leaned into his touch. It was a sincere worry of his as she seemed much too dependent on him. A certain level of dependence was to be expected but he desired her to have some independence as well.

"Morgan, you haven't done anything fun have you?"


Humming curiously Morgan was greeted with a familiar smirk on Noel's face. It was the face he had whenever he believed he had a great idea that would only work at the cost of others. But that was fine, Morgan was more than happy to indulge him.

He wasn't wrong either, Morgan truly hadn't done anything remotely fun in her time with the Puson clan. Besides perhaps reading a few books she had spent little time to herself on her own hobbies, so little that Noel doubted she even had any.

"Let's get you a hobby."

[𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐢 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲, 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

In the span of a single week, Morgan had tried numerous activities in the name of finding a hobby. She had tried sports, chess, music, and much more. While she was unexpectedly good at nearly all of them none of them had clicked.

"Ooh! Look Noel, it's an Arapaima!"

"Yeah, I see it."

That's why Noel pivoted. Rather than trying to get her hooked on a new task he chose to bring her back to her roots. Her passion for the ocean had never faltered but she had pushed it to the side in order to stay as far away from becoming a burden as possible.

To reinvigorate that passion Noel decided to take her to the Sitri clan aquarium. It was known all throughout the Underworld as one of the greatest tourist destinations—just under the Four Great Tourist Attractions— and had nearly all the fish in the myriad realms.

"Is that a Stonefish? Wow!"

Stars filled her eyes as she looked all around her with a wide smile. She dragged him to a fro, pointing out every fish of interest with more excitement than Noel expected even from her. It was like he had given her pure caffeine.

"Noel! Look at all the fish! Aren't they pretty?"

Smiling brightly she spread her arms out wide, the lights of the aquarium descending onto her beautiful. If somebody like Riser saw her right now, he would have gobbled up before she could even say a word.

"More beautiful than anything else."

Answering her question with more sincerity than would be expected from somebody like him, a slight grin crossed Noel's face. Although it was similar it was ultimately different from his usual beastly smirk. This smile was sincere.

"Right! They're all so obedient too! The people here must really take care of them!"

Entirely missing the true meaning of his words, Morgan turned back to the fish, her smile wide as a large orca approached her—perhaps out of a sense of kinship— before losing interest and swimming off. The entire time, Morgan cooed happily with hearts in her eyes.

"I'd hope so." 

The aquarium was one of the biggest sources of income for the Sitri so it was only natural that they'd take good care of it. In Noel's eyes, it was no different than a breeder giving preferential treatment to a winning racehorse.

"I'm happy everyone likes the fish."

Abruptly her million lumen smile dropped, all the light emanating from it vanishing as a somber tone surrounded her. It wasn't the first—and likely not the last— time that Morgan was reminded of her family.

Despite her more humanoid form, the same wasn't the case for her family, her father and older brother specifically. Both had the bodies of a shark and octopus respectively and their forms were naturally in her mind with every fish that passed.

Her uncle—Gragg Forneus— was still alive and well and that haunted her. No matter how she smiled she couldn't help but think of herself as the next one to fall in front of her uncle's filleting knife. It was horrifying.

"You're safe."

Grasping her shoulder she was pulled to the side, her head crashing into the familiar sturdy chest of her husband. Sniffling, she desperately held back her tears even as water cascaded down her face. If she cried now, the mask she made would break forever. 

Noel was strong and the Purson clan was more than powerful enough to protect her politically, logically speaking she was safe. But she was a prisoner with a fancy title in enemy territory. Was she really safe or had she jumped off the cutting board and into the fire?

But with that single promise, she felt safe. It was unlogical, there was no evidence to back it up or contract to ensure its validity but she truly believed in it anyway. Even if it was a lie, even if this was just some sick joke, she couldn't help but believe it.

"…Thank you. Thank you so much."

Tears dropped from her eyes onto his carefully picked clothes but he didn't say a word, his hand slowly rubbing her back being the only consistent proof that he cared at all. He didn't say anything as she cried, simply allowing her the opportunity to get rid of it all.

The tears rained for quite a while before they came to an end, Noel's clothing damp and her face covered in snot. Despite her embarrassing state of being, she wore a smile on her face as she giggled endlessly.

"What fish do you want to see next?"

Ignoring the snot on his clothes, the disorderly state she was in, and her previous tears Noel moved on as if nothing had happened at all. It was clumsy but it was clear that Noel cared and that was more than enough for Morgan.

"Let's go see the whale!"

Linking arms with her fiancée Morgan dragged him forward, a wide smile even brighter than her former brightest. Most marriages started and ended without any love but Morgan was confident that wouldn't be the case for them.

[𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲, 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

When you imagined a ball hosted by the luxurious Astaroth clan— or any of the 72 Pillars for that matter— there was a general consensus. Glittering lights, delectable meals, absolutely perfect decorations, impeccable attire, and perhaps the occasional orgy.

"I'm bored~!"

By all means, those things certainly were present. It would be no exaggeration to say that to a poorer man, the mere chance to see inside the window would be worth a lifetime's luck. But, as the person actually experiencing it, Noel knew the truth.

"Me too but endure it."

Most balls were created of vanity, their illustrious lights hiding a gathering to show off wealth, prestige, and the occasional woman. While such uncouth things would hardly be present at the coming of age ceremony of Diodora Astaroth it didn't make it any less repulsive.

Instead of acting as a place of political dealing—both legal and not— these coming of age ceremonies acted as a playground for their heir in question. Their role was to wander the halls on their best behavior, playing the role of a sophisticated adult to deceive the masses.

"Ahaha, you're… quite unique Lord Diodora."

Unfortunately for the Astaroth clan, Diodora didn't seem to get the memo. He seemed to truly believe that he was hot shit as he walked around strutting his stuff. All of the people he had spoken to didn't get the atmosphere of a kind and respectful boy as he was surely instructed.

"Was that too much to ask? I apologize."

Rather than fitting in, Diodora instead opted to separate himself so far away from the norm that he was practically in the dimensional gap. His topics of choice weren't things such as administrative affairs or the like but instead…

"Then what about your other daughter? I heard she's quite talented as well."

"Lord Diodora, I'm afraid I'll have to step away for a moment. I seem to be under the weather."

Despite the absurd request being shoved his way, Lord Mammon—the head of a family famous for their desire to protect their family nearly as much as the Gremory's— politely tried to refuse with a lie so obvious that even an inconsiderate fool like Diodora would notice.

Devils didn't get sick much less so quickly hence the phrase was used as tacit refusal. But, once again, Diodora missed the signs as he pressed the older devil relentlessly one last time. It must be said that the daughter in question was only six years old—the older sibling a mere nine. 

"I see, please get better soon. And answer my request another time, my doors are always open to you."

If you were to ignore all context, that was actually a pretty amicable offering. The ability to enter and exit the Astaroth estate wasn't given to everyone much less somebody like the head of an Extra Demon clan. But context did exist.

"Yes… I will do just that."

Even from his position in the corner of the banquet hall, Noel could hear the sound of Lord Mammon's teeth gnashing together let alone somebody as close as Diodora. Unfortunately, it was clear from the uncanny smile on Diodora's face that he wasn't exactly troubled.

"What a piece of shit."


"Don't talk with your mouth full."

Disregarding his fiancee's hum of curiosity Noel turned away from Diodora. He wasn't the main actor of this shit show he was just the audience member who threw the trash, there wasn't a point in getting involved just yet.

The only reason Noel—and Morgan by extension— were in attendance was because it was essentially mandatory. The relationship between the Purson and Astaroth clans wasn't particularly close but not showing up was a surefire way to ruin their brittle bond.

But that was all that was required of them so the two just claimed a corner as their own and lazed around. It was boring but it was better than dealing with the mess that was Diodora Astaroth and his unfounded pride.

Luckily for them, the devils their age weren't exactly in his line of sight tonight. As the newly announced adult he was dealing with those 'his age' leaving them mostly to their own devices unless he was stupid.

"Noel Purson correct? It's nice to finally meet you."

Holding out his hand with a sly smile with slit eyes Noel almost wanted to slap the daylight out of him from five seconds ago. His confidence was unfounded and borderline stupid, after all, Diodora had proven more than once that he didn't care for the norms of society.

"Wish I could say the same."

Dismissively responding to the younger heir Noel didn't even attempt to keep his distaste hidden as he made no move to accept the hand offered to him. Noel and Diodora were extremely different individuals but if they shared one trait it was their lack of regard for social norms.

"Well then, it seems you're just as brazen as I've heard."

Retracting his hand with a clearly fake smile there was a vein on Diodora's brow at the clear disrespect. If it weren't for a few special guests he would have shown Noel his place. Not physically of course—oh heavens no—but the political sphere was a battlefield at times.

"And you're just as dumb as I thought. Looks like we both confirmed something tonight."

Shooting the younger heir a taunting smirk Noel happily embraced all the attention that fell onto him. It was better suited for somebody like him than the bubbly girl that hid behind him. Diodora had made his intentions clear even before he said a word after all.

"So it seems. Originally I had intended to make a fair trade but now I've changed my mind. Hand over that woman or the Astaroth clan will detach itself from the Purson clan."

Diodora—like most scum—had two methods of action. He would either make a deal to remain unharmed or he would resort to threats. Even if he didn't have the authority to do something like that now, in a century or two that would be different. His words were, unfortunately, credible.


"I'm happy you've come— Excuse me?"

With widened eyes and a face that practically begged to be punched, Diodora was doubting his own hearing. And he wasn't the only one, almost everyone in the room had tuned in by now and their shock was nearly as obvious as Diodora's.

"I said no dipshit."

Towering over the shorter heir Noel didn't change his opinion when faced with the heads of numerous clans and the impending anger of the Astaroths, rather he doubled down on his claim without a smidgen of hesitation.

"I don't give a shit about your last name, back off before you regret it."

It was a clear warning, one that couldn't possibly be missed. It was akin to a landmine painted bright red and laid out for all to see. The normal response would be to not advance, to circumvent it, or—to the extremely foolish—to make it explode.

A loud slapping sound echoed throughout the halls as a glove fell to the floor. Dating back centuries and housing a history of blood, the demonic symbol of a duel once more saw the light of day.

"You're going to regret that."

Looking down on Diodora with disdain in his silver eyes an invisible pressure descended onto the Astaroth though he was far too conceited—and potentially high— to care for such a thing. In fact, Noel would hardly be surprised if he didn't notice it at all.

"As if I would you mutt!"

Completely abandoning his previous mask of elegance—though it hardly worked— Diodora shook in obvious rage. He was a step away from exploding, both figuratively and literally, and he had no intentions of backing away.

"Allow me to act as judge if you'd be so kind. I'd hate to see either of you maimed." Stepping from within the depths of the crowd was a familiar face with short green hair swept far back, intelligent blue eyes, and a name that could shake the Underworld.

""Lord Beelzebub!""

A chorus of greetings echoed throughout the banquet as every devil within the halls bowed down to one of the Four Great Satans, the Emerald Satan Ajuka Beelzebub. He was a reclusive man who rarely showed his face in public settings even if it were for his nephew's coming of age ceremony. His attendance was hardly coincidental but the reason was impossible to assume.

"Please stand up, I'm only here as an uncle at the moment." 

Smiling at the crowd they all stood up at his command, some with respect in their eyes and others with hatred. Despite their respect for the name of Ajuka Beelzebub, he would always have enemies even within his own subjects.

"While it may be a bit crude, let's allow these two children to act as our entertainment tonight."

Snapping his finger, space itself warped around the two as they were brought into an alternate space without so much a flash of a magic circle. It was an act of divinity, no it almost seemed to surpass even that.

Scanning the open field of grass that he had found himself in, Noel was somewhat unsurprised that he was unable to tell the difference between this fake space and one in reality. If somebody like him could see through his illusions, Ajuka would hardly be so famous.

"The rules will be no different than a rating game. I doubt I need to explain further?"

"Of course not Lord Beelzebub."

Leisurely shaking his head in denial Noel was much more lax than the gloating opponent he had found for himself. Although the intentions behind the Satan's words were fairly obvious to Noel, it seemed that Diodora had somehow managed to misunderstand them.

"Then begin at your leisure."

With permission granted, the battle ended just as soon as it stopped. Diodora's hand remained half stretched toward Noel, his body frozen completely before he could so much as prepare a spell. It was less of a battle and more of a slaughter.

"Do you even have a brain? Lord Beelzebub wasn't worried about me, he was worried about you."

Mocking his opponent Noel took no pleasure in the widening of Diodora's eyes as a wave of fear washed over him. Stopping just a few meters away from the heir of Astaroth, Noel hummed in thought for a moment.

The rules of a rating game—especially one including an heir— were extraordinarily strict when it came to safety. Although damage was fine to a certain extent the ideas Noel had far surpassed those limits. At most, he could do one thing before Diodora was recalled.

"You wanted Morgan, right?"

Gazing into Noel's eyes in pure fear Diodora had plenty of ideas of what that question could mean for him and when Noel's staff was pointed at his waist those ideas felt all too possible. It was only an instant later that a miniscule weight detached itself and blood soaked his trousers.

"It's going to be hard to have sex without a dick huh?"

Boredom and disregard filled Noel's tone as he looked down at Diodora like somebody would an ant. Turning away from the admittedly disgusting sight Diodora felt the invisible chains trapping him vanish.

Dropping to the ground Diodora clutched his groins, desperately trying to grab onto the small 'staff' that fell to the ground. However, almost as though Ajuka was playing a cruel joke, his body turned into motes of lights just before he could reach it.

Scoffing at the sight, Noel wasn't surprised when he himself turned into the same specks of light and reappeared in the banquet hall. Immediately he was greeted with a mix of surprise and pity from everyone in the room.

Diodora was pretty weak so they weren't shocked that Noel won, especially with his versatile trait, but instead, they pitied him and his family. In a bid to protect his fiancée, Noel had insulted, been challenged by, and ultimately cursed Diodora to a future without an heir.

"Noel Purson, congratulations are in order. Please follow me."

Despite the kind offer the Emerald Satan's words didn't seem so benevolent after Noel removed Diodora's manhood. Regardless, Noel didn't really have a choice in the matter so he obediently nodded his head.

"I'll be back soon."

Briefly planting his hand on Morgan's head Noel walked past not long after in order to catch up to the second Beelzebub. Wandering throughout the winding halls for a number of minutes the two only stopped their journey when they reached a door.

Opening it wide without hesitation Ajuka led the way into what appeared to be a curious child's dream. Scientific tools of all kinds littered the room like trash, magical artifacts flew throughout the sky, and a myriad of other things.

"I apologize if my words came off as strict, it had to be that way."

Genuinely apologizing was not what Noel expected of the man. Protecting him and his family was far from something to apologize for. Since he—a Satan— was punishing Noel, what right did the Astaroth clan have to do the same? It wasn't foolproof but it would limit Purson losses.

"It's fine. So why am I here?"

Lightly tapping on a train proudly flying, it toppled to the floor as though it had hit a boulder, it was almost ironic how much it reminded him of Diodora. Speaking off, if he managed to grab his manhood he would have been able to use a phoenix tear. Not anymore though.

"Just a bit of intellectual curiosity. I've never seen such a sturdy plate before let alone one so large."

"A plate?"

As a reincarnator, Noel knew better than most that he was uninformed. Devil customs, magic basics, various important figures, history, rankings, and so on were all things never included in the canon that he had to learn. And apparently, a plate was added to that mix.

"Your vessel to put it simply. The size of your plate dictates how much you can hold and how sturdy it is dictates how much weight it can endure. I've seen plenty of plates over the centuries but I've never seen one as… boundless as yours."

Leaning forward with an excited glint in his eyes, Ajuka Beelzebub almost seemed to want to dissect him where he stood. Luckily, it only lasted a brief moment as the Satan pulled back and coughed into his fist.

"Why does it matter?"

It was a pertinent question from Noel as your vessel or plate would seldom be utilized completely, centuries of knowledge would prove that. Devils for example had one clan trait and that was it, nothing more and nothing less.

"For a devil such as Diodora or Riser Phenex, their clan traits take up roughly 80-90% of their plate which leaves no room for anything else. The second trait in their genes just doesn't have the space to grow. But that isn't the case for you. I assume that's why you can have so many Evil Eyes without harm."

Grinning slyly, it was clear that Ajuka expected some kind of reaction from Noel and it was equally obvious from the disappointed frown that Noel's lack of reaction was exceedingly disappointing. Noel's second biggest secret was just a matter of teasing apparently.

"Is that so?"

Lazily drawling out his words, Noel didn't care at all that Ajuka knew. It was a helpful secret but it was far from overly important to him. The issue with Evil Eyes—and traits in general— was their effectiveness was diminished greatly upon knowing how they worked.

The Evil Eyes of Paralyzation—the Purson's most famous eyes—were a perfect example of this facet of existence. To actually paralyze somebody, their entire body needed to be in view. To somebody unaware of that like Diodora it was an instant victory but with somebody like Cyrus, it hardly had any uses.

But that was only the case with one Evil Eye. They all had a ridiculous level of compatibility that reduced all weaknesses and increased all strengths. Even if every single one of his eyes was revealed to the public it would be difficult to make any notable progress from it.

"Perhaps. However, this is far from normal as I'm sure you've noticed. I'm not sure how it happened, but your plate is not natural. That's why I'd like to make an offer to you. What do you say about becoming my pupil?"

To say it was unexpected would be an exaggeration but at the same time, Noel was shocked regardless. Ajuka Beelzebub occasionally did things like this, an equal trade of power and knowledge between two parties. Noel just didn't expect it to be him.

"I refuse."

But that didn't mean Noel would change his stance. Noel would certainly benefit from learning from Ajuka and the political strife he had just caused would be swept under the rug but Noel had no intention of changing his mind.

"I assumed as much. You don't really need my help after all."

Sighing to himself, Ajuka visibly drooped in depression. Noel was an Ultimate Class devil, his victory over Cyrus was more than enough to prove that. Ajuka wouldn't put him at the level of higher ranked devils like Serafall Leviathan or Grayfia Lucifuge but he certainly was strong.

"I'll still help though."

Noel's words were akin to giving water to a dehydrated man in a desert and the brightness on Ajuka's face reflected it. Noel didn't want to connect himself to Ajuka, the attention would be stifling, but he'd make an exception for this alone.

"Let my fiancée in too."

Morgan was, for lack of a better term, a monster with the personality of a puppy. Noel didn't know much about how to make her stronger but Ajuka certainly did. If it meant giving his fiancé some of her confidence back and giving her the strength to protect herself then Noel would take the inconveniences that come with it.

"Morgan Forneus? She didn't seem fit for combat…"

Despite his willingness to do anything to study Noel, Ajuka was reluctant to include a child like Morgan in his pupils. It wasn't a matter of talent, it was just her personality that made things challenging.

"She is."

It was a blunt, unconvincing answer but Ajuka found himself convinced regardless. And what did he have to lose, a few years or maybe a century? That was nothing, not to a devil. In return for that low cost, he'd be able to study the best plate he'd ever seen.

"Alright, I'll give her a chance."

[𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲, 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

"Will you repent?"

It was only a few hours after the ball that Noel had been summoned to his father's—Nicholas Purson—office, the imposing man turned away to hide any of the emotions that may occupy his face. It was only a matter of time before Noel was called forward.


Nicholas Purson was an intimidating man but Noel had no intention of stepping back or making excuses. He knew the kind of man his father was, he would hardly bat an eye at the truth but if Noel were to lie… he may lose a limb.

"Good. Don't regret your actions."

The words coming from Nicholas were ones that even Noel didn't expect, not fully at least. His fighting against Diodora was undoubtedly a bad thing but some benefits were emerging from his effortless victory.

"You protected your fiancée inadvertently increasing our appeal to the public whilst painting the Astaroth's as evil and your victory against Diodora increased our renown among the nobility. We may have lost our connection to the Astaroth but they were going to crumble regardless."

Spinning around in his chair the intimidating face of Nicholas was revealed, an eerily familiar face. It was nearly identical to Noel's own face with the sole exception of Nicholas' hair being slightly longer. He was, in many ways, an actualized Noel. 

By all means, with the Astaroth clan on the decline and held up only by Ajuka Beelzebub's immutable renown it hardly mattered that the Purson clan tore apart the connection with said clan. In the short term they'd be facing a loss but when the Astaroth's crumble their increased reputation will more than make up for it.

"You did well."


Boredly nodding at his father's praise Noel was more surprised by the small smile on his face than the praise sent his way. The expression practically plastered on Nicholas' face was always boredom—a trait he shared with Noel—so the smile was something akin to a surprise.

"Additionally, your education under Lord Beelzebub will only further lower our losses. Name one thing and I'll grant it to you."

Opening his mouth, Noel stopped himself. What did he want from his father? Truly, what could somebody who has had everything want? The answer was obviously nothing, at least nothing that he couldn't just do himself. But there was something he wanted, a request he was given.

"I want—"


Hey there, Express_007 here. Hope you liked the chapter.

Hopefully you found the swift 'decapitation' of Diodora as satisfying as I did. It was shorter than I would have liked but there was no real way to make it any longer without it feeling forced. I'll probably revisit Diodora in the future so we'll see what happens then.

As always, if you're interested in supporting the creation of this novel I made a patre*on. Just look up Express_007 and you should find it easily enough. You don't have to support but it'd be much appreciated.