
DXD|The archangel of death| Columbina

When there's a ad that doesn't go away don't click. Just get a new phone don't be our MC where he now she didn't do that. Now in a life where she can't stop fucking up -------------------------------------------------------------- A/N ALL OF THIS FAN fiction was made by a AI so don't expect much as other tages are #DXD #smut #futanari as you can see this story is mostly just sex but who knows the might be some story to it

Alter_Columbina · Anime e quadrinhos
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21 Chs

Training Last & music

POV Columbina

Lucifer " So how was it?"

" MY fucking body hurts

Lucifer "haha that good what ever doesn't kill you first, helps you to dodge or defend it even counter"

" But any ways what did you learn from the other three?"

" I learned how to produced mist to silently kill on land and when flying, have skills with my scythe and survival skills, posion/venom immunity while having the poison and Vernon into the mist that are tasteless,colorless and odorless in a fight"

Lucifer " Not a bad choice as you aren't a front line fight, more of a support type if Ido say so myself" he then look at me intantsly before saying " How long did they train you for, as they was pretty fast"

"Ugh like less then 6 hours?"

Lucifer just looks shook then disponitment then anger.

Lucifer " before I do what I want to do what do you want to learn from me....."

Knowing his humor is low I tell him as fast as I could "A magical song that could heal allies and debuff my foes as I really like to sing!!"

Lucifer " Singing really?" With a very confused face before morphing to a thoughtful one.

" How about my wife Lilith(a/n Not sure if that how you spell it) she loves to sing"

"Oh ok that fine but what was it that you wanted to do?"

Lucifer with a scary face says these dreadful words " were going to re train you of everything you leased from the other 3 and from my wife for 3 week all at once"

My face have to turn into one of reluctant as before I could run, Lucifer did a gut punch which I was not ready for then blacking out.


Unknown voice" Wake wake if you don't wake up I'm pulling each of your father's one by one then using them as dectoriaing"

THAT intantsly got me to wake up with my foot on the floor ready for war.

"Uhhhhh who are you mommy wa-it n-o lady"

Unknown voice "heheh I'm Lucifer wife Lilith"




" I'm so look sorry for that disrespect"

I'm am not fucking with the queen of he'll. I'm not going to miss her off.

Lilith " Don't worry we're family and you wanted to learn 'magical singing' yes?"

" uh guess and Lucifer told me your the best choice for that"

Lilith " fufufhow sweet of him to recommend me to his nice like that" she says with a happy MILF smile.

Danm it no horny thought to a women that could kill you or having the entire underworld after you.

" If I may ask how does one learn of to magical sing? With buffs to allies and debuff towards my foes?"

Lilith" well the easy part is the magic of the buff and debuff as it's just mostly who do you consider a friend or foe"

" the hardest part is singing while being attack or hit without stopping as just a second of stopping or studdereing while cancel the effects, that way it's not used during battles as it's mostly deadweight unless not in combat"

"Oh then are you going to teach me how to keep singing when in danger?"

Lilith "YES, firstly easy during movement, some light objects hitting you then larger one after words weak magical attacks to stronger ones after which it would be non attack magic but more traps,cures and things that really can must up people"

"Ok how ling do you think it's going to take?"

Lilith "mmm maybe 3 weeks"

Ok I really thought it would be so much harder then I would hav-

Lilith " If we do it all at once at max power each and in life of death battkes"

Ah fuck me.


POV Columbina

We see a women preparing to sing naked with many cuts all around her body with many magic spell and human weapons hitting hit, but that doesn't distarct her in the slightly then she starts singing.

(Verse 1)

"In shadows deep, I hold commandments ten,🎵

Yet disappointment reigns, mother's pain within.🎶

A fallen archangel, once pure and bright,

Now Lucifer's ally, embracing the night.🎵


Oh, hear my song, the tale of my descent,🎵

From grace to darkness, my soul's lament.

With Lucifer and kin, I walk the night,🎶

Removing fears, embracing might.

(Verse 2)

With silent steps, I tread the shrouded mist,🎶

My wings conceal, in darkness they exist.

A scythe in hand, a skill honed in strife,🎵

Survival's art, the essence of life.


Oh, hear my song, the tale of my descent,🎵

From grace to darkness, my soul's lament.

With Lucifer and kin, I walk the night,🎶

Removing fears, embracing might.


Poison's touch holds no sway over me,

Immune am I, to venom's decree.🎵

In my mist, a silent death does lurk,

Odorless, tasteless, unseen and berserk.🎶

(Verse 3)

With Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Leviathan's reign,🎶

Asmodeus' allure, our pact shall sustain.

In shadows deep, our power does rise,🎵

The fallen angels, beyond mortal guise.


Oh, hear my song, the tale of my descent,

darkness, my soul's lament.🎼

With Lucifer and kin, I walk the night,

Removing fears, embracing might.🎶

(Verse 4)

Together we weave a tapestry of dread,

In the realm of shadows, where angels fled.

With each silent step, a soul we claim,🎶

In Lucifer's name, we rise to fame.


Oh, hear my song, the tale of my descent,🎶

From grace to darkness, my soul's lament.

With Lucifer and kin, I walk the night,

Removing fears, embracing might.🎶


So here I stand, Columbina, once divine,

Now fallen, in darkness I entwine.🎶

With newfound powers, in Lucifer's embrace,🎶

I reign supreme, in this unholy space."

Lilith " Oh my Satan you are ready girl, it only took your 5 weeks be they all that matter is the send results."

" Ok now run of to little grumpy Lucifer nkw" she waves me good bye which I wave back also blowing her a kiss before flying on like my life depends on that which it did because I soon I did that many magic spells came my wy which i5did dodged them all.


5 hours

3rd POV

Week 1:

In the serene mist of the ethereal realm, Columbina stood poised, her slender form shrouded in the delicate veil of vapor. Guided by the ancient art of silent movement, she practiced the elusive dance of stealth, each step a whisper upon the dampened ground. With wings unfurled, she moved with a grace that seemed to defy gravity, her movements fluid and silent as the mist itself. Under the watchful eye of her mentor, Lucifer, she honed her skills in the art of silent killing, mastering the delicate balance between agility and precision.

As the mist swirled around her, Columbina felt a newfound sense of power coursing through her veins. With each passing moment, her connection to the mist deepened, weaving itself into the very fabric of her being. With Lucifer's guidance, she learned to wield the scythe with deadly efficiency, the blade an extension of her own will. Together, they ventured into the depths of the underworld, where survival was not merely a skill, but a way of life.

Week 2:

Under the relentless gaze of Lucifer, Columbina embraced her training with unwavering determination. In the shadowed depths of the underworld, she learned the art of survival, her instincts sharpened to a razor's edge. With each passing day, she grew stronger, the unforgiving trials of the underworld. Amidst the swirling darkness, Columbina learned to navigate the treacherous terrain with ease, her senses heightened to the slightest hint of danger.

But it was not only her physical prowess that flourished under Lucifer's tutelage. With each passing hour, Columbina delved deeper into the secrets of poison and venom, her body becoming immune to their lethal effects. In the heart of the mist, she crafted a new skill, an odorless, tasteless, and colorless poison that could strike without warning, leaving no trace of its deadly presence.

Week 3:

As the final week dawned, Columbina stood at the precipice of mastery, her skills honed to a razor-sharp edge. With Lucifer by her side, she ventured deeper into the underworld, her confidence unwavering in the face of darkness. In the depths of the mist, she unleashed her newfound powers, weaving light and darkness together in a dance of elemental magic.

With each passing day, Columbina's connection to the mist grew stronger, her control over its swirling tendrils absolute. Under the watchful eye of Lucifer, she had become a force to be reckoned with, her very presence a testament to her newfound strength.

And as the final trials drew to a close, Columbina stood tall, her wings spread wide in silent victory. With Lucifer's blessing, she emerged from the mist, a true master of her craft, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


POV Columbina

Lucifer "good now get out I have a underworld to rule"

With no words being said I left towards my room to see how my body looks like


"Mmmhh not bad not bad at all, not the thing I messed the most a fucking bed"

With the confer of a soft bed I quickly feel into a deep sleep.

Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Asmodeus.

new powers 1) mist with silent killing of steps and wing's 2) scythe skill and survival skills 3)poison immunity and having poison/venom in my newly skill mist that is odorless and tasteless and colorless

Alter_Columbinacreators' thoughts