
Dust and Shadows

After waking up, a man finds himself to be stranded in a room with the locked door. Stranded with nothing in the room apart from a closet, a mirror , and an empty vase. With no clue of where he is, or even who he is.

Padapada · Terror
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3 Chs

2 : The Closet (1)

I felt nauseated every time I tried to recall any memories I had. I couldn't remember my name. It was like everything went lost and turned into fog of memories. I tried to convince myself that everything wouldn't vanish just like that. I sure hope it did.

Telling to myself that recalling memories was a waste of time for that time. I started to believe there might be a clue inside that closet. So I walked there to the closet trying to open it. The closet door did not budge.

"So this is it, a dead end." I talked to myself.

I did not know where I was. I didn't know how to get out of here. I could not even remember anything about myself.

I kept on thinking about these only three thing I knew until I almost went to sleep.

Then there was a banging sound again. I promptly stood up going to the door immediately. I knocked on the door for several times.

"Is anyone out there? Hello?" I tried to call out incase some one was really there, but there was no answer.

I kept on knocking and knocking turned into banging. That was when I started to realized.

The banging sounds I heard were not the same as the sounds I was generating right now. Using all of the thinking ability I had at that time. I came to a conclusion that the banging sounds were not made on this door.

They were made on the closet. I approached the closet and bang on the door.

It created an exact same sound as the sounds I heard.