
Empty Envelope

Its 2 am in the morning and I couldn't get back to sleep. I would have slept again if it wasn't for the punk roaming in my room. I sit upright in my bed leaning. I fold my arms. "Do you have a death wish?" This is the third time he is reading it. Cairo sits on the couch, he puts one leg on the table close to him and the other on the arm of the coach. " Do you have a death wish?" Cairo reads it for the fourth time and I toss a pillow to his face. He just casually grabs it and throws it away. " You wanted me to forward it to him huh?" Cairo asks to search for his pocket. He pulls out a huge pack of skittles. " Jazeera asked me to forward it to Rum or else I wouldn't have known," he says chewing about 20 in his mouth. I throw him a disgusted look. Not that he is chewing too much colorful candy in his mouth. But the fact that he said Jazeera, disgusts me. Since when did these two get into contact or since when did they start conversing on a first-name basis. " I sented it to Rum, he wanted no reply" Cairo continues with horrible English. " Sit properly" I just say in a low-calm tone. " You know Men can sit however they want, the Only wom--" I throw a rubber showpiece at him. He was crossing my limits. " Heyyyyyy" He screams on top of his lungs, with his nose and not with his mouth. I sigh. He was making me sleepless just because he wasn't able to sleep. He even forcefully made me stay at this hotel. I literally begged him to take me home. He refused to tell " I'm tired, let's just stay here for the night." " it hurts " he seethes. He deserves it though. I don't reply to anything. " fine! NO SKITTLES FOR YOU " with that he empties the whole packet into his mouth and chews loudly. "How dare you! " I scream getting up from my bed. Food can make me get up from bed no matter how comfortable it is. I literally snatch the packet and search into it. Disappointed I toss it away since there was nothing. " Real talk now !" I order him. Since there were no candies for me. I'm going to torture him. " How do you know Miss Jazeera.? " I bombard him. He chokes on the candies for a moment. Crap! This is not good. I repeat the question again with more emphasis this time. " We met near the swimming pool, She was searching for someone and I was looking for you " He narrates it as if he is a hero in a chivalry novel. "Aahhh Whatever! I don't need to know" I yell. Something upsets me for no reason. I grab a bunch of keys placed in the nightstand and head out of the room." ZEE where you going?" Cairo's voice echoes in the aisle. "I just want to get lost" I scream back but I'm not sure whether he heard it. But it doesn't matter anymore. I go to the parking lot. The keys were sent by Harium. It was the same BMW x4 but just this time it was black. Perfect! I need a break I tell myself and get into the car. I take out into the night sky, the night road. It's calm and peaceful. I could call Cairo and talk about it but something tells me not to. But nevertheless, I leave him a message. That's when I notice an empty envelope near the navigation screen. I turn to check if it had any name but it only hand " :) " printed in it. I stuff that into my pocket and keep driving. The navigation screen starts flashing in BOLD letters " P-R-E-S-E-N-T-A-T-I-O-N" I didn't understand what was going on. I keep tapping some buttons but it was stuck. Suddenly the screen flashes "FIVE" I punch the screen with full force. It breaks, and my hand bleeds. I grab a white napkin and cover my wound and grip the steering even tighter. I change speed and drive even faster. I hear a loud noise. I look out the window. It's an airplane flying somewhere across the road. It looks like we are at the same speed. But of course, it's a huge aircraft and it's about to take off or land in. Whereas I was driving a car. Fantastic noise, I think to myself. But I gotta travel alone at least for a while. I slam the breaks and turn right. The roads are slippery due to the rain which is quite rare in this part of the country. The navigation is gone, I don't know where I'm heading to. But I believe that Allah is watching and he is my greatest protector above all.