
Chapter 194 [Demon Ritual: Demon Creation]

[So you want to remove a Holy core huh, honestly, I've never done that before, infact, I've never even seen one before.] Bartus replied

[Then what happened to the one in City D?] Colin asked

[It exploded.] Bartus said and Colin became crestfallen, he needed the holy core as he was sure that after what he did to Synthia and the others, they won't be too happy when they woke up. And although he doubted that they would start hunting him anytime soon, he doubted they won't at some point and they might be able to get help from heaven as well which will make the situation even worse.

[Luckily for you though, I have worked with extracting Profane Cores before.] Bartus added

[Profane Cores, what are those?] Colin asked

[They are an artificial version of a [Demonic Core] created by the Demon King of Wrath's wife. They are used by demons who have conquered regions of the underworld, but don't have any [Demonic Cores] of their own, like certain subspecies.] Bartus explained

[Ok, then how would extract one of these profane cores?] Colin asked

[First, I would need an energy box, it's a metal box built from strong ores and covered in suppressive runes, preventing the energy inside the core from leaking out. The core should be on a pedestal, so you would have to use the runes inscribed to shut it down before containing it inside the energy box, but I doubt you can do that. So you will need to lock the core in the energy box, all the residual energy in the [Holy Territory] will be rapidly consumed by the Demon miasma and will eventually disappear. And that should be it.] Bartus said and Colin hung on to every word. He soon relayed these instructions to Leia and a few hours later, the [Holy Territory] dissipated as it was rapidly consumed by the Demon miasma. Colin could also see two soldiers carrying out an injured Leia out of the mansion and quickly went over to ask what happened.

"When I placed the core in the box, I got hit by a backlash and I think I might have fractured a few bones." Leia informed him with a groan

"Don't worry, whatever damage you took should be healed by turning you into a Demon. On that note, how many of your soldiers agreed to become demons?" Colin asked

"All of them." Leia replied and Colin nodded his head in satisfaction, there were around thirty human soldiers here and adding that to the werewolf soldiers that are already in his family, he now had over seventy members in his family. And although that wasn't anything compared to the thousands in the other demon houses, it was a considerable amount.

"Good, when you guys are ready, head over to the hotel and we'll start the process. Oh and I'll be taking this as well." Colin said and took the energy box containing the core from one of the soldiers, and as soon as he touched it, black smoke rose from his hand, scaring the soldiers but he didn't even flinch. The box soon disappeared from his hand, scaring and intriguing them even more. Colin then flew back towards his hotel suite and inside, Lily and Alice were waiting for him. Lily seemed excited about turning the humans while Alice seemed curious but worried about their safety, but Lily reassured the both of them that there is no chance of the humans turning into undeads.


Nightfall soon arrived and the soldiers walked drove over towards the hotel, where a werewolf led them underground. All the werewolves were gathered there, curious to witness the process, worried for the the safety of their comrades and finally, excited to finally be able to fully embrace their comrades once again. Although they never said anything, the werewolves could tell that the human soldiers were still afraid of them somewhat, due to their aggressive nature, monstrous form and overall different than their once human state. But now that they were becoming demons as well, those fears will soon evaporate like they never existed.

"Come forward." Colin said to the nervous soldiers as they walked to the center of the room, surrounded by demons.

"Are you ready?" Colin asked and the soldiers looked at each other nervously

"Yes." Leia answered calmly and the rest of the soldiers nodded their heads.

[Demon Ritual: Demon Creation: As a Demon noble, you can create other demons as subordinates to do your will. Demons sired by you cannot be on or above the same tier of evolution as you are. As demons created by you, they will share an unbreakable bond you that will allow you to track their location.]

Guided by instinct, Colin slit his wrist and started chanting in Lilim as blood and black miasma gushed out of his wrist. He had no idea what he was saying but it seemed to be working as a red rune soon appeared below himself and the soldiers. Droplets of blood suddenly floated into the air, surrounded by black energy, and then shot towards the soldiers, embedding themselves into their chest. They all fell to the ground, spasming and the rest of the blood on the ground spread towards each of them equally, infusing itself into their bodies before a black cocoon enveloped all of them.

Colin slumped onto the ground, breathing heavily with a pale face as almost all of his demonic energy was used up to turn the soldiers.