
Duque da devoção

Combat, romance, adventure, and of course—magic! Master four elements and take on fate itself in this epic, interactive fantasy tale! Six possible endings. Four hours for a single play-through. Three love interests. Countless choices. Male or female? Leader or Loner? Good or evil? What kind of mage will you be?

Senhordogamer · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Bringer With Guns # 1

Your heart is pounding as you sprint down the never-ending spiral stone steps. A large dragon hellbent on your destruction is playing peek-a-boo through the arrow-slit windows. Torrents of fire singe your neck and all but strip the oxygen out of your lungs.

How did it all get to this point?

In one hand, you hold a giant rucksack full of who knows what. It had better be valuable for you to keep lugging it around in what might become your funeral pyre. What do you have in your other hand?