
Dungeons & Dragons - New World

The peace of the kingdom is interrupted when a civilization is discovered on the other side of the ocean. The war of the realms will begin, and from the shadows, monsters will arise to prevent men from exploring their colony. Wizards, barbarians, druids, dragons, paladins, knights, assassins, necromancers, giants, cannibals... what to expect from a land never before explored?

The_good_reader · Fantasia
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35 Chs

Adam - The Skunk and the Weak

When he managed to open his eyes, he realized he had been captured. In one leap, Adam rose from the hole in the wall where he had been lying. The cell wasn't small, but it wasn't large either. A perfect square, surrounded on three sides by vertical steel bars, with a stone wall right behind. The floor consisted of six large icy rectangles... his feet! He was barefoot... and unarmed. They had left him only in a long, dirty white shirt and his undergarment. The place wasn't dark because the upper part of the wall, about nine or ten meters above his head, was open. As he approached the barred door on the opposite side of the wall, Adam saw that this hole also had iron.

"It's always the first thing people think!" - A guy was lying in the hole in the wall in the cell next to his. The man was also young, with brown bangs falling over his eyes. His skin was dirty too. He wore a leather jumpsuit with straps that went up to his shoulders, along with another white shirt, like Adam's. He was also barefoot.

"If I had to stay close to you like this, I'd try to get out as soon as possible too." Another guy was in the cell on the other side, another young man, but black, with thin, black hair. A guy from the southern lands, no doubt. He wore dark blue pants and a shirt, but his feet were also bare. The guy was leaning in the corner of the room, where the stone walls met. The fair-skinned guy laughed.

Adam knew he needed his sword. When he looked through the cell, there was nothing but another door in the stone wall.

"I need to get out of here." - The guy clenched his fists on the bars, then tried with all his might to pull, stretch, and break them, but to no avail.

"And I need a mug of beer. Feels like I haven't had one in decades." The young guy with bangs stood up from the hole where he was and stretched, then leaned on the bars that separated the two cells. "My name is Arminius, but everyone calls me Arm."

"Nobody calls you Arm, Skunk!"

"I've asked you to stop with that stupid nickname!" - The guy with bangs gave a strong slap with the palm of his hand on the bars. The southerner chuckled quietly. "And that idiot over there is Asaf, the Weak."

In one leap, Asaf stood up and stretched his arms through the bars, pointing at Arm.

"If it weren't for this cell in the middle..." Asaf stretched his right arm, trying to reach as far as he could, but the space between one cell and another must have been more than four meters. Arm raised his middle finger at him and made a face, then looked at Adam, who was still trying to regain his senses.

"You're likely never getting out of here, knight." - The Skunk finally said, then turned around and went back to his hole.