
Chapter 104: Atavism(2)

"Why are these genes awakening when I give them Sky's blood," Eden asked himself.

Clearly such a form of atavism could not just happen for nothing. So it must have some sort of reason or cause. And since it happened after he had given them Sky's blood, surely it must he be because of the divine energy in her body.

But how?

Sky's divine concept is death. Or at least that is what erden has perceived up till now. Even in his dream, the most powerful concept she has shown was death. But death is what it is, death. Whatever power is has shouldn't make something devolve or transform into something else. In fact, it's already a miracle that Sky's blood didn't directly cause death upon injection. So why would this happen?

In the end, Erden concluded that Sky had another concept within her other than death.