
New Challenger

"Where am I?" Brandos heard in his head as he lifted the sword he'd just found. Looking around, confused, none of his companions were even looking at him. "Who are you? Unhand me brute! Great, I always get the ones not smart enough to read or talk." Brandos had kept an eye on his friends, before looking at the sword.

"You can talk..." he said with bewilderment. The sword was wrong, not only did he know how to read, he was fluent in five different languages, with regional dialects for two of them. If he wasn't spotted, he could pass as a cowering goblin, dwarf, and gnome if needed. Not being seen was the hard part.

Brandos stood a full head taller than his companions. While his armor was heavier, full plate instead of heavy leather or cloth, his power could match the wizard that had suddenly started looking at the blade. Not much younger than Brandos, Heli was the teams scribe and resident wizard. It was his job to take down any important notes, and a talking sword qualified without a doubt.

"Thank your god you are the one to pick it up then Brandos," Heli said with a chuckle while creating his ledger and quill out of thin air; with nothing but a wave of his hand. "Imagine if Kantos had picked this one up," the Wizard said with a chuckle. Kantos was their assassin, skilled and silent. Deadly with any weapon that he laid his hand on.

He was also dumber than a box of rocks.

"Kantos went with the pretty dagger that wasn't magical," Brandos said with a laugh. "I think the vampire ring cured him of needing magic." The wizard and cleric laughed as Kantos flashed a rude sign with his right hand. Right before Brenna smacked him on the back of the head. The fighter of the group, she wore simple chain armor, but carried a battle axe that many a town gate had been raised for.

"Or it was the helm of invisibility," Weslos, the final member of the party said. Everyone laughed thinking about the magical item that only hid one's head. "But we need to go, I'm almost certain that their boss isn't going to be very happy to find out his goblins are dead." Brandos nodded before tucking his new blade away.

"I'll get us out," Heli said as he closed his eyes, then reached his right hand, fingers splayed, before snapping a word in a language that no one else knew. Brandos had an idea that the word didn't matter, or the language. He knew his own powers didn't depend on the spoken word. But as a holy warrior, not much did. As he watched, the red tinged portal that would take them back to their homes opened.

"Well sword, we'll find out exactly what we think of each other in the coming days. We don't have another job for at least a week." Brandos could feel the indignation coming from the sword at the thought of not being able to spill blood. "What's your name anyhow?" Brandos was curious, and hoped he'd get an answer on the other side of the portal.

As he stepped through he found himself back at the temple where his life as a warrior priest had begun, before the giants had destroyed the town around it. By the grace of Clotus alone, they hadn't been able to harm the temple, which allowed them to have a base of operations.

"Burnwright," the sword answered as his second foot touched holy ground, once again empowering the priest with spells and other nice additions. He had been on the road for a month, coming home always made his work of healing any that passed by so much easier. "But you, as the weirder, have the full right to rename me what ever you wish."

"Then tomorrow, we will discover what you're made of, and I will give you a name that befits a blade such as yourself."