
Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus]

Foul monsters of the dungeon, foul folk of this decrepit and rotten city. Prepare to meet spartan law! This not an OP mc wish fulfillment fic, the mc will be at best above average throughout the story. There will be no harem, at most 2 partners and most main characters from the anime will mean nothing to him and will rarely show up, but may be often brought up in conversation, if you are looking for a more unique danmachi fic with substance, here it is. An mc with a brain that uses tactics to defeat his enemies instead of brute strength and 'courage' [plot armor]. Enjoy or dont. Also if you arent coming from it already I have an 80+ chapter fic that is currently ongoing.

SoupHarbinger · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Spartan Law: 6

52nd pegasus street, here it is! A small cabin with a banner of an owl staring sideways towards an olive branch. The building is not small, but it not large either. The size of a medium length house from modern day, humble but still has some integrity. I approach the door and hear clattering inside, I quietly put my ear to the closed window and listen tentatively.


An angry man with a deep scottish accent screams in a fit of pure rage, for reasons I dont understand yet, but hopefully I will find out if I keep listening.


Another man screams back, he called him humie so that has to mean he is a different race obviously.


A female with a high pitched voice let's out a banshee screech at the 2 arguing men, then silence seems to take over the room, with a few stomps every couple of seconds.

Ok then. Off to a great start it seems like.

*knock knock*

My knuckles rap against the thick oaken door, echoing slightly.


The shuffle of feet come fast approaching to the door, I step back quickly as the door slams open, I have to look down to see who opened the door. A dwarf with a large beard stares up at me inquisitively.

"And who are ya?"

"Adonis, the guild should have sent the goddess a message about my application."

The dwarf squints and rubs his beard for a few seconds, his face full of thought.

"Lemme ask er' "

He cracks the door open and puts a chunk of wood to stop it from slamming shut, he shuffles into the musty cabin and takes a turn, leaving my sight.

Minutes roll by, the inner workings of the cabin arent bad either, lanterns hang along a wire network lighting the whole home, various doors lead to many rooms, I cant see the rest of the place but its probably decently nice, from what I see a large long table runs across this main room, and in the corner are dome fire pits used for cooking wich seemed to be fueled by magic stones guessing by the strange box connected to it that is glowing with a slight blue aura that just emanates power.

"Let me get a better look at this guy Brogar, let's see him!"

A woman with vibrant curly red hair steps into view, she has on a white toga that is quite greek in design, she turns from the dwarf and looks at me.


The first words she speaks, her only thoughts.

"Ahem, excuse me, Sophie said you had prior experience, What kind?"

"Caravan guard."

"Hmm, well I am hurting for members and you seem like a capable person so. I'll take you! Come on let me introduce you!"

Minervas bright red lips curl into a wide grin as she ushers me in.

"Keep the door open, we need some fresh air."

She stops me as I go to kick the doorstop out, and so I enter my new house.

The scent of roasted meat assaults my senses instantly, a woft of salt and spices wich make my stomach grumble.


The goddess shouts and claps her hands, making a large boom and echo throughout the wooden building. Her small frame does not suggest the power of her claps at all.

Well I suppose that's why they are gods after all.

Most of the doors creak open and the sound of a group of footsteps runs through the creaky floors.

"New family member."

"Another one?"

A large man who is a little bit shorter than me stands with his arms crossed, a glorious beard adorning his face. He wears a kilt, so this must be the scottish guy that was screaming earlier.

"Ah goddess I was napping!"

A short lithe woman wearing black robes yawns into her hands and wipes her bleary eyes.

"Guys introduce yourselves!"

Minerva, now irked scolds her children.

"I am, Niall Craobhchoill proud warrior with ancestorshailing from the northern tribes, born in Orario."

"I am Lyria Nattorn-"

The girl continues but a yawn stops her.

"From the outer city of Orario, born and raised."

The dwarf scoots out from between the 2s legs, presenting himself proudly.

"The names Brogar Steinvall! Born of the great dwarven race, from the underground of course!"

Guess it's my turn then.

"My name is Adonis, I am from a small village in the Empire."

"Not from round here, that's interesting!"

The dwarf goes back to stroking his beard like an intellectual, but a bonk to the head stops him.

"Stop acting like your smart you knuckle brained idiot!"

"Oy I gotta make a good impression!"

Lyria and Brogor get into an argument immediately, Minerva puts her hands over her face and sighs.

"Well Adonis, all my adventurers here are level 1, so everyone is the same! No discrimination. Let me check your status and get the ceremony done!"

She hurriedly pushes me through the long hallway and into a small room with a table adorned with a deep red cloth.

"Please take your armor off and lay face down for me please!"

I unwrap the cuirass and shoulder strap, as well as unbuckling the shield off my belt.

I lay down onto the table, my eyes staring directly at the wooden floor.

"Alright then!"

A warm feeling washes over me as her blood drips onto me slowly, I let out a relieved breath instinctively.

"Wow, this isnt bad."

"Better than some of the skills I have heard other goddesses gossip about."

She pulls up a notebook and begins writing.

"Alright you can sit up."

She shows me the writing on the page with a little grin.


Status check Numba 1!

Lvl: 1

Name: Adonis

Familia: Minerva






Duelist: I



Veterani respiciant


"What does the skill do my lady?"

"Oh right, it's pretty simple."

"Veterans' Respect allows the user to summon up to 2 veteran spirits simultaneously, each with a duration of 10 minutes and a significant cooldown of 60 minutes before reuse. These summoned veteran spirits, all of them initially start as hoplite/hastati foot soldiers. However, as the skill grows, these spirits advance in rank and experience, progressing from simple warriors to centurions, cataphracts, sacred band, Spartans, triarii and anything else the user chooses in their skill paths. At the base level, they provide a minor 10% damage boost in combat and a subtle 5% improvement in the effectiveness of allies in proximity, as they benefit from a slight morale boost."


The goddess smirks.

"Yeah its pretty good for a first skill. Not as amazing as some of those broken growth skills but it should be enough for you to advance steadily."

She closes the book and opens the door up.

"Come eat when your ready, but I'm not going to lie, you need a bath."

She winks and traipses off to prepare a meal.

A bath? Oh lord I havent taken a bath in weeks.

I walk out of the room and begin creeping around looking for the bathroom, wich was easy to find as it was right next to the room I just came out of. An empty tub with a bronze faucet sits at the edge of the room with a large bar of soap, great communal soap.

The spout begins shooting out warm water as my hands turn it lightly, a small layer of steam comes over the room and my skin begins sweating lightly. My body lowers into the water, my skin shudders from the heat but quickly adapts. I grab the soap from the side of the tub and begin giving myself a decent rub down, the water turns a slightly murky brown from all the filth as I finish up.

I stand up and tiptoe out of the bath and put my clothes back on, I pick my armor and lop it over my shoulder until I figure out where I'll be staying.

A fire crackles in the feasting hall where the chuckles of familia members ring out.

"I hit da goblin so hard e' shat himself!"

The dwarf croaks, slapping his hand onto the table hysterically.

I slide into a seat and take a slice of meat sitting on a silver platter.

"Adonis, you said you were a caravan guard, what kind of opponents did you fight?"

The witch looks at me while preparing to put a chunk of bread into her mouth.

"Some goblins, with the help of a knight an orc and some weak bandits."

"That's more the than most."

Niall adds, giving me a thumbs up.

"Well let's all celebrate and toast to the new familia member!"

Minerva raises her goblit and cheers.

"Cheers!" × 5

With cups clattering the night goes on. After a toxic amount of alcohol my visions grows weary and sleep soon follows.


Main character images.

[Lyria Natttorn]


[Brogar Steinvall]

[Niall Craobhchoill]