
First day at school

İt was 9 am a sunny day

Finn was at his home. Dressing up for his school.

He managed to join the best school in the kingdom.

After he finished dressing up. He went to the curtains to open them. The light hit the room.

Finn was so excited about this day, he quickly went downstairs and rushed to the door wearing his shoes while running. The school was near him so he went running there.

He was running through his town. He saw his friends playing, neighbours working in the farms, animals that were sleepy.

One of his friends screamed "GOOD LUCK!"

Finn screamed back "THANKS!"

After running for minutes he was at the entrance of the school

The front of the school was well-decorated. Many types of flowers. Greatly painted walls. High class roads And a playground for little kids.

The playground had 3 kid in it. All playing games together.

Finn entered through the door to the corridor. Many students were talking about the first day of the new school year. No one noticed finn. Finn went to his class. The school was starting in 10 minutes.

Soon enough a teacher came in.

"Sit down class".

Everyone sat down including finn.

The teacher started talking .

"Today i will be teaching you the basics of how this school works."

He moved 2 steps and said.

"There are currently 10 floors. The higher floors teach thousands of times better but many floors has monsters that inhabit it. The layout is like this."

The teacher went to the board. Picked up a chalk and wrote " classroom. Enemy room . Enemy room. Classroom."

"There are 2 floors with monsters in between the classrooms. Dont worry! The monsters cant leave those rooms. They are being forced to stay in those rooms by magic."

"When you reach floor 10 you can graduate or study more."

"When you die we will revive you. So dont be scared of dying here."

"These are the basics of our school. İf you didnt understand something then ask me."

A student started talking

"Do we have to buy our equipment or does the school cover that for us?"

Teacher replied with

"We will cover your swords. We will not cover anything else. But you can buy gear from our shop with discounts!"

Student sat down once again.

Teacher then said

"Lets start learning swordsmanship"