
Floor One With A Speed Potion

I wake up in a plain wooden shack on a pile of hay. My name is Kai Zentria. I am an Average adventurer. My level is 5 while my income is that of a beggar. I struggle to get on by but I manage due to the flesh of monsters in the floor one dungeon. I get up , suit up, and head out for the dungeon. The dungeon is in the well located at the center of the top floor town. It was found by someone who had a bit too much to drink and fell in. Everyone tried to get them out and succeeded. The man told them of the caverns below and so people checked it out. that's how dungeon raiding became a thing. they compile every floor into a certain range of difficulty by the monsters residing there. the level of the monsters are figured out by there intelligence, raw strength, and magic capabilities. While I make my way through town some man offers me some strange elixir. "How much is it?"

"It's free sir." I then nod and gesture for the bottle. He hands me the bottle as I take a sip. As I take the sip, I feel energy course through my veins. "What is this?"

"It's a speed potion I had from my adventuring days. That was until I took an arrow to the knee." I toss him my last copper. "Are you sure sir?"

"It's the least I could do." I smile as I continue onward towards the dungeon. As I jumped into the well, I take my speed potion out to see how well it would affect combat. After drinking it all, I quickly ran towards a random goblin. When the goblin swung, it looked like it was in slow motion. I walk to the side of the goblin and took my sword against it's neck. My sword went through it's neck like a knife through butter. Now that I knew how this affected me, I went on a killing spree. During the massacre, I leveled up a whopping 10 levels. Knowing the possibilities of speed, I upgraded my speed and went on to the final boss. I ran toward it and killed it almost instantly! From now on, I will Put almost all my points into speed.