
Dungeon Planet

Edward Hill Had two turning points in his live. First, it was when he confessed his love in middle School and Second was when he survived a car accident that killed his family. Waiting for his time came. Edward took one last look upon hospital window and by a fluke witness beautifull shooting stars and made a wish as he close his eyes for the last time. This is the story of Edward Hill as he adventures through the new world with his second chance in live.

HappyLifePursuit · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Brown hair, Green eyes and 1.7 meters height, Edward Hill is a typical normal person, you can find anywhere with no particular interest in anything. Edward lived his life normally.

His history is not that special either, In a grade school he was an average child who played and did something stupid like a normal kid should.

In Junior high, he made friends, study normally and achieved a normal result, but his teenage hormone started to kick in the last year of his junior high and made him confess to a school beauty.

He regretted every bit of his decision that day.

He shouldn't confess his love to her because like every other school beauty, she had an admires and one particular guy hated his guts very much.

The school beauty number one admirer started to bully Edward with everything in school bully rule book he could think of and Edward really had enough of that. Thankfully, the bullying didn't last long because they needed to start preparing for the final exam.

Worried of what the admirer could do with teenage hormone going overdrive. Edward started to plan ahead of his schedule to take an exam far away from his hometown. He researched a school that far but could still afford him to go back home with no particular strain if he want to, study as hard as he could because a smart son is trusted better than idiot son and Finally begged his parents to let him live alone in apartment.

Maybe because of how his parents realized how hard he studied or maybe they rejoice of how they could have good time with no kid to take care of, They gave him pass without any trouble.

Finally, getting permission from his parents. Edward renew his vigor in studying and manage to break his record and getting 40th rank from 200 students, with his newfound record Edward ready to take on the world and by that he meant running away from his problem as fast as he could.

Already finished preparing his luggage. Edward takes a train to his new apartment, the apartment was a two-storied building with no particular feature except it has a small garden that grows turnips that suspiciously looked like a buttock.

Edward decided in his heart never to inquire that suspicious turnips, Curiosity killed the cat after all.

He hasten his step while ignoring the one that was better left alone and finally enter his room. It was a normal room with one bed, one desk, and one desk with window overlooking the backyard garden. Edward cursed his luck and swore to himself never to open the window.

Exhausted after finished arranging his luggage. Edward hit the hay.

Edward high school life is as normal as he liked except that particular turnips.

He studied hard but not as hard as the last year of his junior high but just hard enough to keep his grade a little above standard, joining a club that research (play) a game, and studying Japanese culture (Manga, Anime and Light Novel), and often sleep overnight at his friends house to further their research and study.

Edward rarely went home after school because the more he looked at the turnips the more he realized how lifelike it looked to a buttock day after day.

Every weekend he went home and every time he stay at his home the weirder his parents behavior became, it was probably the frustration of raising a child as Edward were their first child. It's no wonder they have easily given permission when he wants to become independent.

At his second year of high school, Just before Summer Holiday begin Edward decided to make an excuse to avoid their family excursion.

How kind is Edward as he sacrifice himself for the sake of his parents quality time and so Edward said to parents that he got into a long distance relationship with a non-existing girlfriend from Japan named Mirai and every time his parents asked how the heck he got together with a girl from Japan, He made an excuse believable only to himself of how he met her at a particular event, and they fall in love at first sight and the incident that ensue on par with Korea drama, and he could definitely make the best-selling story book on par with A certain romantic film with a sinking ship if he Write their Heartbreaking love story.

"Alright son we believe in you, Just remember to always protect your girl with every inch of your life" my father said while trying not to laugh as he talk as serious as he could.

Not to lose to his father Edward said the most cheesy lines he could think of "not even a hair on her head will fall before they walk over my dead body"

They both laughed out loud after Edward finished his lines.

Still laughing his father said to Edward "Don't forget our family vacation next week".

Edward Grimace "Do I have to go? I plan to go to Japan next week to reunite with the love of my life".

Edward's father remain unmoved "Don't be like that we already plan this for three months ago so, you better go or no more allowance".

Defeated by his father ultimate move Edward prepared himself for the long and boring holiday with his parents.

Time move, so fast and before long the time have come for the "Happy" Holiday to begin

"Are you ready son" Edward's father said as he tighten his seat belt.

Sitting in the back Edward grumble a bit, "yeah dad I am ready anytime you like"

Smiling Edward's mother soothe him, "it's our long planned vacation Edward, I am sure you will like what you see at our destination".

This family vacation has been planned in secret by Edward's parent and every time he asked where will they go? His parents only answer was, "it's a secret"

At least he will know their destination soon, Edward thought.

However, "Man propose, Heaven dispose".

In the middle of their journey they met an accident. A drunk truck driver crush their car and instantly killed Edward parents and leaving Edward in half dead state.

It was a miracle that Edward survived the doctor said by the time he came to hospital, he almost kicked the bucket. The accident didn't leave Edward in one piece as the accident broke his spine making him a cripple for life.

The following months broke Edward spirit as the realization of becoming an orphan and a cripple suddenly down upon him. Encouragement of his friends, teacher, and family didn't help either as most of them only giving him a look of pity and none of a helping hand until Edward sure he is better dead than alive.

At the third months of his hospitalization, a person he didn't know visited him while he was asleep leaving him behind a special item.

"What the heck" When he woke up it was already nighttime and how surprised he was at the sight of the buttock and after a careful observation he realized.

It was the turnip.

No matter how Edward try to avoid it in the end, he still the turnip still came to him.

Edward turns his head to avoid the sight of the buttock (turnip) and come upon a beautiful sight of shooting stars outside the hospital window.

Closing his eyes Edward make a wish that only he knows, unknowingly a star with a size of a pea shooting straight toward Edward heart leavings a pea sized hole in his body.

Surprised by the pain he was inflicted he open his eyes and looking at shining turnip.

"What the hell" Edward said as the world's suddenly go dark.