
Dungeon Master: The Verdant Depths

Aiden is a young man who has recently been reincarnated for the first time. He does not remember anything of his previous life due to amnesia. However, in his new life, he has been chosen to serve as the dungeon master - the keeper of a vast and dangerous labyrinth filled with unimaginable treasures and unimaginable horrors. He is not bound by any particular code of ethics and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is unpredictable and often acts without thinking, but he is not necessarily evil. He is driven by his own desires and goals, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve them. As he learns more about his role as the dungeon master and the magical abilities at his disposal, he must confront the forces that are threatening to destroy his dungeon. --------------------------------- Chapters will be posted everyday I will try to make chapters ~1k words long

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54 Chs

Unexpected Bonus!

Adrian woke up the next day with a satisfied smile on his first long term project had finally been completed! He looked down off World to see some of the goblins playing in the lake.

He watched as Gorbin was doing a backstroke across the lake while spitting water out of his mouth like a water fountain.

Gobble was obviously spending his time at the edge of the lake flexing his muscles in front of whoever would spare a glance.

Goblette was sunbathing of course- wait sunbathing? Where did she get that lawn chair? Adrian looked closer and saw it was made of wood, and assumed she had crafted it herself. He shook his head in awe at the tenacity of females when it came to beauty.

He opened his Dungeon Stats deciding to see how far away he was from Leveling Up his dungeon.

Dungeon: The Verdant Depths

Dungeon Level: Grotto (88%)

Dungeon Points: 342 (+221)

Subordinates: (1)

He looked at his dungeon exp with a satisfied expression on his face, he would level up in a few more days! His eyes went down to his DP before they nearly popped out of his head.

What was this? His passive income was now 221 a day? How did that happen? His mind raced before he came to a conclusion. The Fish! Because the fish were not monsters of his dungeon they were considered intruders when they were in his territory and were gaining him exp.

There were more than 211 fish though, so he figured that they were not strong enough to even give him 1 point individually, but when all of them got together they ended up giving him 211 extra DP of passive income. It felt great to be an entrepreneur!

Adrian practically skipped down the steps on World coming to the base of the tree. He was so happy so he decided that today was going to be a rest day for them all.

"Everyone get over here! We are going to play a game!" He hollered to the goblins to get their attention. Some were obviously less enthusiastic than others, like Goblette who had her sunbathing interrupted.

Once they had all arrived Adrian purchased a volleyball, and a volleyball net. He realized that it was standard height, and it was a little tall for goblins, but he said fuck it at left it as is to give them more of a challenge.

Once he had their attention he explained to them the rules of volleyball while showing them a quick example on the best ways to hit it. After they made sure they understood Adrian was satisfied.

"Alright I will be the referee, and there will be two teams of nine. You guys are gonna be split in half. Goblette. Gabbie. You are team captains, Goblette you can choose first." Adrian said

Goblette stood to his left and Gabbie to his right as they began picking teams.

Goblette looked at the goblins in front of her in a thinking pose "I choose Gobby first"

Without skipping a beat Gabbie says "I pick Gobble"

"Oh our team is overpowered already! Great choice Gabbie!" Gobble guffawed as he walked towards Gabbie's position.

Gabbie was next and she looked at the crowd of Goblins and saw Gorbin literally jumping up and down with his hand in the air screaming "PICK ME! PICK ME!". A few times he accidently smacked his brother with his hand or stepped on their toes causing a round of curses to shoot out.

Gabbie's eyebrow twitched seeing this before she sighed and selected Gorbin as her next choice. Gorbin smiled as he strutted past the rest of the goblins as if saying 'It feels good to be wanted'.

Eventually all the goblins were chosen and the two teams faced each other on the court. Adrian drew out the lines to make it fair, and because he was so happy about his new DP he promised the winning team one item of choice from his DP Shop (if he could afford it).

This riled up the goblins and their competitive spirit was ignited.

Gabbie had the first serve as she chose second. She held the ball in her hand with a fierce look on her face, holding the ball in perfect form as shit hit into the air.

And into the air and off the court it went, all the way out of bound not even close to the net. "The fuck was that" Gobble asked as he looked at the ball that was still rolling on the ground.

"Her form looked perfect too" Goblin 1

"What do you mean perfect form? Look where the ball landed!" Goblin 2

"SHUT UP! What do you know! That was the wind! The wind!" Gabbie yelled embarrassed at her attempt at serving the ball.

Adrian grabbed the ball and tossed it towards Goblette saying "1-0 in favor of Goblette's team"

"Naturally!" Goblette said as she held the ball and hit it towards the enemy.

This serve was good as it landed right in front of Gobble to which he jumped and slammed it back over the net. A spike!

The ball was coming fast towards Gobby to which he shrieked and covered his face. After the ball hit the floor he put his hand on his chest in relief that he wasn't hit.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IDIOT!" Goblette yelled as she smacked him upside the head "The ball isn't going to hurt you quit being a pansy! If I don't get my nail polish because of you I'm going to beat you bloody!"

Goblette was obviously so fierce because she wanted Adrian to get her nail polish if she won, and although Adrian didn't think her yelling and smacking people like that was very ladylike he decided not to comment on it for his safety.

"Tch. tch. tch. That couldn't be me. Honestly I'm sad that I wasn't able to reach the ball in time otherwise we would be up 2-0 right now" Gorbin said as he smacked his lips, looking at Gobby while shaking his head.

Eventually the game ended with Gabbie's team winning 25-19, a lot of the points were scored with Gobby dodging out of the way, scared the ball would hit him. Naturally he got beat a lot by Goblette and we all heard how colorful she became when they lost.

The Winning team decided that they all wanted new weapons, so Adrian complied and got them all new Iron spears. They looked at their shiny new weapons happily as they chattered to each other high fiving at their victory.