
Dungeon Master: The Verdant Depths

Aiden is a young man who has recently been reincarnated for the first time. He does not remember anything of his previous life due to amnesia. However, in his new life, he has been chosen to serve as the dungeon master - the keeper of a vast and dangerous labyrinth filled with unimaginable treasures and unimaginable horrors. He is not bound by any particular code of ethics and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is unpredictable and often acts without thinking, but he is not necessarily evil. He is driven by his own desires and goals, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve them. As he learns more about his role as the dungeon master and the magical abilities at his disposal, he must confront the forces that are threatening to destroy his dungeon. --------------------------------- Chapters will be posted everyday I will try to make chapters ~1k words long

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54 Chs

The War of Verdant Town (5)

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Gobby yelled as he watched Gobble take his last breath, horror filling his face. Scenes began to flash before his eyes of Gobble always protecting him because he knew Gobby was scared easily.

The goblins went into a frenzy as they watched Gobble die, he was like the big brother to all the goblins and their hearts hurt as they watched him die unable to do anything.

They ferociously attacked Lei Fu hardly caring for their lives anymore as their frenzy of attacks even put Lei Fu in his metamorphosis at a standstill stuck on defense.

An aura of death and rage was surrounding Gobby as he slowly walked towards Gobble taking shaky steps. He fell to his knees as he arrived in front of Gobble picking up his lifeless body in his arms.

He screamed in rage as he held Gobble, all the anger turning into sadness as he cried, these tears of blood began to come out of his eyes as he wept in both sadness and anger.

Around his body a wave of rage was swirling around him and his verdant wolf who were currently weeping. An eerie air began to permeate as it was condensing around Gobby.

He held Gobble as he said one word over and over under his breath.




He roared in rage as he set down Gobble's body, a whirlwind surrounding him and his verdant wolf's body. His anger manifesting into the world.

Gobby's skin began to glow an eerie red as its green color was fading, being overtaken by the blood red. It was as if Gobby was doused in blood, his entire body slowly enlarging as he roared. His Verdant wolf began to shed its fur as its size was increasing, a new blood red coat growing underneath as its canines began to lengthen.

It howled towards the sky in mourning as Gobby roared in unison their transformation finally finishing as Gobby who was now over six feet tall, double the size of a regular goblin and around the average height of an orc.

He hopped on his blood red wolf as they charged towards Lei Fu who was currently fighting with the remaining goblins now having gained the upper hand as he got used to the battle rhythm.

He turned to see Gobby approaching him at an insane speed as he forced out "FoRr -bid. En"

Lei Fu even in his beastial form was able to assume that Gobby had used some form of forbidden technique in order to gain this massive increase in power.

Lei Fu roared as he released a wave of electricity sending all the surrounding goblins flying as he charged towards Gobby having noticed this strong foe.

Lei Fu jumped in the air as he grappled towards Gobby who was on his wolf ripping him off the wolf with his forward momentum.

They rolled to the floor as they began to use their fists to pummel each other and use their claws to rip and tear.

There was no attempt at forming some sort of strategy as all that was remaining between the two was beastial instincts to defeat the enemy or die trying. Gobby had a debt of blood he had to return.

Gobby gripped with his claws ignoring the electricity that was being released as he bit down with his sharp teeth tearing at Lei Fu's arm. Lei Fu punched sending Gobby's face away as he rolled over getting on top as he began to pummel Gobby into the ground.

A growl was heard as Gobby's wolf tackled Lei Fu tearing at his leg causing him to scream in pain. Gobby rolled to his feet as he stepped on the chest of Lei Fu and grabbed at his arm using his leverage to rip the arm off of his body.

"RRAAAAAHHHHHHH" Gobby screamed as blood flew everywhere throwing the arm into the distance as he pounced back onto Lei Fu attacking him with a renewed ferocity.

Lei Fu attempted to defend himself but with his now missing arm, and it being a two versus one he was unable to do anything. His electric attacks were completely ignored by the duo as they took them head on.

Their fight lasted for another minute before Lei Fu's head was eventually smashed into meat paste by Gobby blood covering his hands.

Gobby continued to smash Lei Fu's corpse as his blood tears began to fall once more.

"AAAAHHHHHHH" he screamed in rage as he smashed downwards weeping.

His wolf howled in misery as it too had lost its loved ones.




"Gobby?" Goblette said as she approached carefully.

"Gobby, he is dead already." she said as she touched his arm.

Gobby stood up and turned as he roared, sending Goblette flying in the process. He screamed as he got into a defensive stance preparing to attack.

"GOBBY! It's us! Your family!" Gabbie yelled as she went to pick up Goblette.

"Oi! Just because you are big and red doesn't mean I still won't kick your ass! How dare you hit a woman!" Gorbin yelled at him.

"Family?" Gobby said as he looked towards Goblette who he had just hurt.

His eyes began to lose their red color as they reverted to his natural yellow color eyes, his body loosening from its defensive posture. "I'm sorry, I couldn't protect them!" he began to cry.

"Gobble! Goggu! The rest of them! They died! All I did was hide!" he wailed as he fell back down to his knees in defeat.

"Gobby, no! You didn't fail, they died protecting master! They died protecting their home!" Gabbie said as sorrow appeared on her face, she too was saddened at their deaths.

"The greatest honor for us is to die protecting what we love! They all died with honor! You protected that honor by killing this great enemy. You did good Gobby! You did good" she said as she hugged Gobby's giant frame attempting to comfort him.

Gobby continued to weep as he sat there on the floor.