
Dungeon Master: The Verdant Depths

Aiden is a young man who has recently been reincarnated for the first time. He does not remember anything of his previous life due to amnesia. However, in his new life, he has been chosen to serve as the dungeon master - the keeper of a vast and dangerous labyrinth filled with unimaginable treasures and unimaginable horrors. He is not bound by any particular code of ethics and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is unpredictable and often acts without thinking, but he is not necessarily evil. He is driven by his own desires and goals, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve them. As he learns more about his role as the dungeon master and the magical abilities at his disposal, he must confront the forces that are threatening to destroy his dungeon. --------------------------------- Chapters will be posted everyday I will try to make chapters ~1k words long

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54 Chs

Knight Squad

Adrian watched as the Knight's entered into the dungeon fully alert with their swords drawn at the ready. They were prepared for a fight after all.

When the wolf riders had reported to him about the knights, he was fully ready for them to come into the dungeon. He made sure the wolf riders were hidden from sight when the knights came.

He scanned the knights with inspect as they walked into his dungeon.

Name: Tim Till

Profession: Knight Squire

Species: Human

Skills: [Slash]

Combat Power: ☆☆☆☆☆⑤


Name: Captain Derry

Profession: Knight Squire

Species: Human

Skills: [Steady Blow] [Slash] [Swiftness]

Combat Power: ☆☆☆☆☆⑨


The weakest of the knights were of 0 star rank 5 combat power, and the Captain who was the strongest was more powerful than any of the defenses Adrian had inside of the first room of his dungeon!

The knight's swept past the vines and swiftly entered into the main room of the dungeon. Their formation was very tight knit and easily defendable.

They proceeded through the dungeon not letting their guard down prepared for any ambushes that might come from the bandits they were after.

"Why is there a forest under the ground anyways" A knight asked

"Probably some form of monster den" Captain Derry responded as he looked around at all the trees and flowers.

"SHIT!" A knight screamed as his leg was suddenly gripped by a vine from out of nowhere, the King's Tassel had struck again!

"Chop the vines! Free him!" Captain Derry said as he slashed out with his sword slicing one of the vines holding the knight clean in half.

The other knights helped and the knight was quickly freed from the vines as he let out a sigh of relief "thank you!"

"Be more careful, we don't know what dangers are inside this forest." Captain Derry said as they continued onwards.

They stepped over the small creek that snaked across the room. "Look, it's a piece of clothing" a knight said as he picked up a torn piece of cloth that was attached to a branch.

Naturally Adrian had purchased clothing using DP and placed these clues for them to find.

"It looks like they were in a hurry, they were being chased by something" Captain Derry said, starting to get a feeling they were in a dangerous place.

"What the hell is that?" Tim said as two giant violet colored bees were flying towards them.

"Giant Violet Bees, don't let them sting you or you will be out of the fight" Captain Derry said as he sliced one of the bees in half.

The other knights made swift work of the remaining bee as they continued onwards. They killed bees that attacked them as they proceeded onwards following the trail that was left behind.

They ended up in the corner of the dungeon looking at a wooden chest, which had a skeleton propped up to it, and on the skeletons chest he was clutching a leather booklet. The Baron's Ledger!

"We found it easily enough" Captain Derry said as he looked at the booklet, and what he assumed to be Boff's corpse. "Let's clear out those King's Tassels first and we can grab the ledger before getting out of here!"

The knights pushed forward in formation as they sliced at the vines easily clearing the area around the chest. Captain Derry reached down and picked up the booklet before confirming it was indeed the letter nodding as he placed it inside his inner pocket.

One of the knights near him opened the chest and gasped "It's a health potion!"

"What?!" Captain Derry said as his eyes went wide

"I know! Great luck right!" the knight smiled

"No dumbass! That means we are inside of a dungeon!" Captain Derry said as he looked around. He had never heard of this dungeon meaning it was undiscovered and very dangerous. The Skeleton in front of him was enough to prove it.

"Let's leave right now" Captain Derry said as they formed up walking towards the exit of the dungeon. They managed to leave without anything bad happening as they let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Alright back to Endless City so we can go see our families" Captain Derry said as they headed in the forest back to the Sunfire Plains.

"Wait, where is Tim?" a knight said noticing that his buddy had gone missing

"Son of a bitch!" Captain Derry said as he looked back "Something must have happened inside and we didn't notice it"

The knights entered back into the dungeon and began to search the entire first room of the dungeon looking for Tim, and they even ran into a few monstrous plants almost dying to the Fanged Bromeliad and the Corpse Flowers, but they never managed to find Tim.

"The only place left to go is deeper into the dungeon" The knight said as they looked at the tunnel they had found. They had also found a statue of a bee that further cemented the idea that this was a dungeon.

"No, that is too dangerous. He is most likely dead already. Have you noticed there were no other bodies than Boff's skeleton that had the ledger? Something isn't right here. We need to leave" Captain Derry turned down the idea to search deeper.

They left the dungeon again, but this time with much heavier hearts now that one of their own had gone missing inside. A few of them were even a little pale as they had gotten slightly poisoned by the Corpse flowers.

Slowly they made their way into the forest and then back into the Sunfire plains once more.