
Dungeon Master: Divinity

Following a Reincarnator killed by truck-sama. watch as he builds up a grand dungeon

Tristan175 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

War 0.2

news came back from outside... apparently a force of 10,000 is on its way here... but would take a 2 months to fully assemble and arrive here.... the forces of the Azin Empire number in the 100s of 1000s

hence it gave me a limited amount of time to unify the forest of valley of death under my reign, the first order of business is to send scouts but i had no DP forcing me to wait a day


the best scouts would be land and air.... but why not both?

[ Tengu ] 1,000 Dp

immeadiatly i bought ten of them and armed them with leather armor and a sword.... i sent them flying in all directions to scout the surroundings in search of dungeons....


the first day didnt go so well, so i taught them 'detect magic' any ground with dense magic is bound to have a great chance to be a dungeon.

when finally it showed some results...


finally finding a dungeon witch seemed to be a young dungeon 'like himself'

i saw what was to be a stunning red haired and red eyed lamia.... as i scyed and looked through the tengus eyes....

she slithered to the entrance.... and spoke

"to what do i owe the pleasure, fellow dungeon master?"

the tengu flapped its wings and waited as it received the message...

"you have 2 days, including today to prepare yourself.... this is a declaration of war....

her face twisted to an unsightly degree.... two snakes appeared at her side and hissed towards the tengu, as he bowed lightly in mid air and flew off....



the mighty tengu in front of me, aloofy flapped its wings in front of me, it even had leather armor and a a iron sword at its waist, and this was a tengu! tengus were great fighters and scouts, and could commune with crows....

tengus were demons of the wind and darkness element, so of course they were strong! some even had the ability to breath fire, but this was a rarity.

i could feel the mana changing around the tengu as its eyes changed colour... this was a indication someone was scying through its eyes.... an ability exclusive to dungeon masters.... to be able to detect it.

"to what do i owe the pleasure, fellow dungeon master."

i said with a smile and amicability as i could muster, perhaps we could be friends... and exchange infomation.

when suddenly... the tengu squawked regally and nobly... said "you have 2 days, including today to prepare yourself, this is a declaration of war."

my face twisted.... to fight tengus inside my dungeon! to dare come to my door step and haughtily leave! however she had to respect the dungoen master on the other end, he could have just arrived with said armies and lay siege. instead opting to officially declare war, means the one on the other end has some class... and she should respond in kind...

she looked at her two pet snakes hissing at the intruder... and snapped her fingers making them stop...

it was time for war....


the day came for the time of war

now here comes the question, what forces should i take...

he thought this to himself, and decided to go with the undead... the 20,000

i chose to summon a Stone Golem Warrior.... costing me the entire 20,000....

opting to take all 5,000 orcs along with 1,000 undead skeletons and 1 stone golem warrior along with my grave knight.... leaving Azda in charge while im gone....

we went forth into war...


while most of the owmen were pregent one actually couldnt notice, nor did they move like it either, it was as if they wernt carrying a child at all.

this in mind....

Lucien and co arrived at the dungeon.... it was a standard dungeon unlke his own, and it seemed young... with various snake monsters inside from what i could tell....

deciding to send in the skeletons in first... they charged.