
Dungeon Master: Divinity

Following a Reincarnator killed by truck-sama. watch as he builds up a grand dungeon

Tristan175 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

the might of the undead

i watched as my skeleton warriors charged into the dungeon... i there was no traps or anything of the sort bar past the entrance... it was just a common large pitfall trap with spikes at the bottom.... however... what could that do aganst the undead? they simply shifted in midd air, as much as they could and avoided the spikes and than began to climb back up to the very top again and with the help of its fellow comrades they began their charge again, and was met with a force of hundreds of small snakes witch hissed that their arrival and charged towards them aswell...

however when they met each other in battle it was clear that the undead didnt even need to defend themselves from the venom, with their superior unholy strength, they simply waved their weapons, spears, helberds, glaives, swords, maces.... and fought till there was no force to kill anymore....

than undead being as they were began their charge again!

undead had unlimited stamana, they were the perfect soldiers.... when suddenly i told them to stop and they all did in unison, stopped moving entirely... as a massive acid trap could be seen above....

i commanded one of them to throw their weapon at the acid tipper and a hammer smashed it up, and it poured onto the floor ceaselessly.... melting into the ground like an xenomorphs spit....

soon after it disipated and they continued their rampage... arriving at the next to floor after some stairs, and 100 giant snakes could be seen with scales across their hide... they hissed but it sounded like a roar.... immeadiatly i told them to retreat

those were giant kumo snakes! from what i could tell, they had monstrous strength and could spit acid.

this time, it required the hammer!


immeadiatly knowing what to do.... he ran forth in a black blur and arrived there in moments, as he went past the retreating figures of the undead,

he arrived on the 2nd floor, and brandished his two broadswords.... and jumped forth in a flurry of death.... slicing up the first giant kumo snake, he lurched forth to the next, than the next, than the next, slicing them up in a variety of efficient manners

landing on the next snake, he stabbed his sword into the snakes forehead, and began to glide down its back slicing its entire back open and blood rained down from the sky from the wound he created on the kumo snake... the next he landed on its head, and simply stombed his foot down, squishing its head into paste....

it didnt take him long, he slaughtered all 100 giant snakes and arrived at an alter.... it sent him to the next level... and a massive beast met him there, with glowing green eyes, sickly glowing fangs... its size was three times that of an elephant in body width alone, compared to the small grave knight, he was puny who was the size of a regular humanoid... however....

"stop! STOP" a red haired lamia was screaming at the grave knight to stop however.... he suddenly disapeared, and arrived in front of the great beast... and used a skill [ Dark Strike ] he raised his right hand instead of brandishing his broadsword and punched the giant snake... sending it aloft into the air as he spoke

"you dare bare your fangs at me?"

its head was squished and battered as it turned into pulp, and exploded as torrent of dark energy blasted out from his hand like a tornado....

the red lamia simply sighed at this sight... and bitterly smiled to herself, as she looked at the next alter she had created... a red orb was sitting above it... that was her dungeon core.

she chose to bow down before the grave knight instead of needless slaughter...

"i pledge my eternal servitude to you, dungeon master."

the grave knight brandished his sword at her neck, waiting for his lords command.... as he felt the will of his lord inside his mind...


[ Dungeon successfully conquored. do you wish to -

1 - Vassalise the dungeon

2 - absorb the dungeon

3 - destroy the dungeon ]

seeing this... i wondered for a moment...

A i could turn the dungeon into my subordinate, b i could absorb the dungeon, make it into my own absorb, C, destroy the dungeon and absorb its mana....

i chose to vassalise the dungoen...

immeadiatly, a black aura drifted from my body, as the core of the dungeon began to change, and become upgraded...

i learned that her dungeon was incredibly straight forward, and that her name Alteria...


sensing the place was changing for the better alterias appearance changed a bit, her body became longer... up to 20 meters in length and she became a little maturer, with beauty acompanying that.... her assets became larger....

and Alteria and Ivory made their way outside the dungeon....

and as she arrived alteria sent a flirtatious look toards luciens way, as her snake lower half moved to coil up around him.... however, Lucien didnt bother even to defend him as he gestured and the grave knight ivory stood inbetween her and his master, making her turn into a large obstinate puff ball...


she said....

but i ignored her, than a tengu alerted me to the next dungeon.
