
Dungeon Master: Divinity

Following a Reincarnator killed by truck-sama. watch as he builds up a grand dungeon

Tristan175 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

taking down the outpost

i decided to set up a raiding a party....

i bought another 25 male goblins and stood before them.... i gave them each full plate gear of the humans, and sword... and my fallen angel who i named Angmar was clad in full plate too, as he walked next to me silently....

also i discovered a title i had witch increases my affinity with all species... [ Demon King ]

apparently it gave me a bunch of privelages to help me run my dungeon such as increased DP gain....

so we set out into the forest of death...

a troop of goblin Knights leading the way.


the trees were tall, and the dark misty forest was thick in white clouds, turns out were on the peak of the mountain, and right below us was the human outpost....

a troop numbering 100 knightly looking fellows were there, toiling away around and inside the wooden palisades....

a few horses and merchent caravans were there... paddling their wares to the few rough looking fellows there

i looked at my own forces.... wondering what to do... while i could reinforce the already adequete number of decided to harrasss their trade caravans....

but first i decided to scout out myself this outpost of theirs.... waiting till dark, i went in myself since i look the most human, and Asda....

a few rough looking knights stood there, and watched us pass vigilantly... inside were houses being constructed, and defenses still being placed.... seems this place still rather new... and they seemed to be preparing to build a fortress here... as there was mass of already finely cub cubed stone, more and more kept coming in....

i continued to assess their threaat level.... it wasnt all that high, only 100 or so knights, with some miltia mixed in, i could probably take out this outpost with my current forces with a little preperation, when suddenly, i saw something witch peaqed my interest.

a slave pen...

walking over, i looked inside, and saw a mine underneath, it was the start of a quarry.... in preperation for the fort, and i saw something witch surprised me....

beastmen in chains, that had black colors on their necks, the chains linked up with the other slaves... that was when i decided.... to free them...

i walked over to the well, witch wasnt guarded by anyone, and i dropped something inside it, and i did that to all three wells inside the outpost, to make sure.


arriving at the dirt road outside the outpost i alsao called for my snipers to work in tendom, as they preppared their ghillie out fits as according to my intructions....

the surrounding is a dark forest, covered in leaves and bark...

that, and that was exactly what i made them gather... and cover their ghlllie outfits with, i also taught them how to move around the forest quietly....

i taught them a sniping prone position, where they move excruciatingly slowly.... but they seemed to have the viciousness and patience for it.

i gathered my forces.... i sent a detachment with Garros to block off the roads and to attack any incoming traffic.

while i stood on the ridge along with all the females, that sent certein, looks my way witch made me shiver, they were practically indistingushable from their counterparts, apart from some lumbs in certein places....

they all looked vicious, and ready to rain death....

i stood over them, with Asda mingling with the knights in the forest waisting for nightfall for us ro make our move....

it was time.... for a slaughter.


as nightfall came....

i stood in front of the legion of women handling their bows behind me, their arrows soaked in oil... and than one after the other they began to light their arrows with the fire i it.... and than... i held my hand up.... and than brought it down in an arc... and they all loosed as one....

ttwo hundred and fifty arrows loosed as one.... bringing down fire upon the tinder box....

immediately lighting it up....

the knights were experiencing something awful, many were on the toilets, or puking their guts out, spewing up blood, or vomiting....

while some had realised the well was poisoned and they didnt dare give their merchendise the poisoned water....

and the local stream was a mile away on the plains, the forest of death was quite harsh indeed, no source of water, besides a great resovoir down below, but it was poisoned.

such was an ill fate. no one thought one of their kind, or someone that looked like them, would poison their own.... the Azin Empire had an extreme commradarie with each other due to being at the bottom of the food chain... if it wasnt for heroes rising in their race, they would been turned to cattle long ago.

than arrows began to rain down in droves from the sky spreading over the entire outpost.... kngihts who were off duty and militia were killed in droves.... while those that tried to escape were gunned down by an arrow in the back either by their own on duty knights or by a stealthy arrow no one saw coming.... no one knew where they were coming from either.

one by one as a fire grew wild in the camp everyone started to panic.... however one voice struck out in all the mayhem, it was their commander. Azin named after the great empire itself....

he regally and bravely, shouted out....


immedaiatly 40 or so knights, ran together and brought their shields up into the sky covering their heads from the rain of death, and fire....

another reason why humans were not cattle, their ingenuity.

i smiled at this sight...

testudo had a fundemental weakness, 1, humans wernt as strong as monsters, they skilled, monsters with training though mostly muscle heads, can easily match it, just many chose not to, opting for brute strength!

but would lucien let his monsters be such weak willed idiots?


"Do it."

immeadiatly, a female archer at his side, shot one last arrow at the testudo from the ridge, and shot it up into sky above, wayward, and lighting up a massive bon fire on top of the cave entrence above them....



howls of wolves could be heard

they came in from all sides.... while Azin the enemy commander shouted "fear not men! we will not die today! SPEARS!!!!!!"

he shouted at the top of his lungs, on command they scrouped for anything long and pointy, while some had short spears instead of swords, and they immeadiatly stuck it out between the cracks of the shields... making it look like a porcupine, however, the spears were far and inbetween, leaving lots of gaps to attack....

however Azin the fearless... shouted at the top of his lungs as he lunged out of the testudo.... "take them down!"

it was a war cry! a powerful moral boosting ability!

immeadiatly they began to roar... and branded their blades and spears however it was at that point, the wolf riders simply retreated....

i brought my hand down once more as a massive rain of arrows came flying downward as they were unprepared.. many died in the onslaught.

they had spread themselves out too much, and Azin was taken by surprise.....

"you bastards!!!!!!!!"

he shouted at me, locking eyes with me furiously....

it was at point as if on que... an arrow flew behind him from a nearby bush.... and hit the back of his neck....

'why would i risk my close combat troops.... when i have ranged units still ready with arrows?'

he smiled... but to everyone it seemed to be one of the devils....

in other words, it was a faint, and the women behind him, raining down death, were the hammer, not his shocktroops... or cavalry or infantry.... not in this battle.

however, they wont fall for the same trick... than it was at this point a warhorn could be heard....

as Goblins clad in full armor, appeared running in madly like bezerkers, sword and shield at the ready, as they crazzily began to slaughtered the already injured and tired knights....

it was a massacre....

all the while... 'if im a demon king, ill bring darkness to this world... if im the demon king, ill rule my way...' he watched as goblin knight shattered a sword of a defending knight with its full strength.... and than swiftly beheading him as he screamed in pain at his arm breaking....

'yes.... fear us, fear me.... for petty lives-' he stopped his train of thought, as he began to think aloud...

"when did i become so cold?"

indeed a darkness was setting in luciens mind.... hearing this the goblina next to him spoke to him....

"your not cold, master, you gave a home, food, shelter... but if you are actually cold...."

she began to undress, beginninig to take off her leather armor.... with a 'seductive' smile on her face...

she said something so warm, but something so terrifying as well.... i paled... and i gestured for her to stop...

not in your life goblina!

i looked back down to the ensueing battle and Azda my knight made an appearance.... he unfurled his two great black wings.... and began a slaughter nobody would have guessed....

everyone stopped to look at this grand warrior on the battle field, the world seemed to stop as darkness enshrouded him....

he looked like the angel of death.... silently, he brought his sword down, onto a nearby awed knight, decimating him, armor and all, as he was bisected... he moved on to the next knight, and the next, until there was no more.... killing them in all sorts of ways.


the goblins began to draw water from the well, and brought buckets over and began to put out the flames....

while i walked to the slave pen and quarry.... and began to release the beastmen..

they numbered 40 in total... men women and children, they had hollowed eyes before, but now they didnt, they were live, and vibrant....

they smiled at me, in a mixture of happiness and bitterness...

i rounded them up... and simply said join me.... they did so with happy smiles.