
Dungeon Exorcists: Tower to Paradise

Magic is not abundant in this world. Most dungeon exorcists have to use magic weapons to give them an edge, the chances of getting a magic weapon through dungeon rewards is slimmer than a worm. This world was ordinary by (our modern society standards), but then that structure appeared and offset the lives of living things on earth, scared shit-less the government left it alone. Soon more structures appeared. Eventually they were everywhere, and the government finally decided to sent tropes into the structures. Out of 100 special operatives only 3 escaped tell the tale. Monsters they said, but no one believed them until reports of individuals with powers started to be made. When the first dungeon was cleared humanity gained a new hope. Newbie, Exorcist, Master, Arch Exorcist and Blessed Creation. There's only one blessed creation. It's a title given to the most powerful exorcist. Many have tried to become the most powerful exorcist to ever exist, they tried. Hope you enjoy the book.

KinPhenis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Path of Blood and Sacrifice


Neutral Annihilation, Neutral Annihilation, Neutral Annihilation, Neutral Annihilation!!(At this rate I'll run out of stamina.)

~Queen of the undead

Human, you are incapable of killing me, because your movements are slow, you're only defending yourself while I attack relentlessly. It's time to kill you like you killed my son without remorse.


Wait, the demon I fought before you was your son?

~Queen of the undead

I am a demon, but I have a heart, and after I'm done with you I'll destroy this world.


I can't let you do tha-

Shiegi suddenly coughed up blood. A blood spike pierced his heart from the back.

~Queen of the undead

Mortals can't hope to scratch an ageless being such as myself.


(How could I let this happen?)

~Queen of the undead

If you can't kill me then it's impossible for you to kill The Shadow of the Elder.


I feel like my body is burning.

The blood magic of the queen covered Shiegi.

~Queen of the undead

You'll be the first ghoul that I create in this world.

Yunsu ran to Shiegi, grabbed him and blitzed away.

~Queen of the undead

What's this? You think you can run & hide from me?


(We might not be able to run, but we can hide.)

Yunsu regrouped with Meyu in a deserted cabin.


It's good that we're all here, but what happened to him?


His heart is losing blood. Can you heal him?


I'll try my best.

Yunsu laid Shiegi on the floor.


Enhancement Magic: Steel body.

Shiegi's wound began to heal, however it did very slowly.


This is all I can do.


It's okay. This is enough. (I drained my lifeforce a bit by converting it to mana in that last fight).

The roof of the cabin was torn off.

~Queen of the undead

Found you.

She moved her hand in a swatting motion and blood spikes were summoned.


(So much power, could I ever hope to defeat this demon.) Even if I don't. Atleast tried!!

Yunsu manifested Chrono-stealer.


(I'll convert much more of my lifeforce this time.) Time Magic: First Law of Time.

Yunsu Chrono-stealer blade transformed into a claw. The spikes descended, and Yunsu slashed the air erasing all of them, then he shot forward and swiped at the queen. Blood flowed endlessly from the wound.

~Queen of the undead

(My wound should of healed by now, wait it can't be.) That magic you use, isn't yours...


Enough chitchat, time to end this.

Yunsu rushed to the kill, however a force expanded rapidly from the queen.

~Queen of the undead

Blood Monarch Magic: Vendetta of the fallen.

The queen's elegant form morphed into a colossus monstrosity with a plain white mask covering it's face.

{At the news station}


We have received word that a demon has appeared in the forest. Thankfully the exorcist are already at the scene.


Shiegi tried to open his eyes, but it was like they were sewn shut.


I don't have much time so I'll make this short.


Who are you, and why can't I see anything.


Because there's nothing to see. Right now I only have a voice.


What do you want from me?


I want your ***s in exchange I'll lend you my full power.


I'll give you one for half.


I, the fifth *******n *****n is at your service.

First of four. Be the prey for others or prey on them.

KinPheniscreators' thoughts