

“ why are you here again?” “ I wanted…..to….. dulai listen “ “ I thought I told you to stay away from me?” He was trying so hard to resist her but she was not making it any easy. “ no….no… dulai please it doesn’t have to be this way “ she said with that lovely voice that always drives him into ecstasy. Looking at her eyes one would see the crazy and unfiltered love in them. He was really helpless with her but still they can never be together. It was impossible. “ leave Anastasia”he said and made to leave but she held him back. “ just listen to me once please “ “ what do you want from me Anastasia?” She came forward with that lovesick eyes. The way she looked at him will forever be his undoing. She placed her slender and slim fingers on his chiseled chest having few buttons of his shirt open revealing the most beautiful tanned and sexy skin she had ever seen. “ I love you” At this his heart began pounding rapidly. She was killing him. His beating heart seized the moment she landed her cherry like lips on his. At this very moment all hell was broke loose. He lost it. They were literally on fire. “ to hell with mr thurston” Dulai was abducted and sold to Mr Maynard Thurston a wealthy and reputable man in America as a slave . He found himself in a world of slavery where the blacks had no will or choice of their own . Where blacks were treated and killed like animals. He couldn't be himself until he realised that there was a reason fate took him there and he was determined to fulfill his destiny. Mr Maynard Thurston's youngest daughter Anastasia fell in love with Dulai at first sight. The first time she saw him she was intrigued by him. The first reason being his skin colour and unique black beauty. When Dulai found out she was in love with him he tried all he could to avoid her, because she would cause trouble for him and the other blacks. And moreover he hated the White and he plans on avenging and retaining their freedom. He never imagined he would end up hating the White until he came to this side of the world. Anastasia's parents and siblings were not fond of the blacks and so that would never be possible. Mr Maynard Thurston was a reputable man in the society and he hated the blacks like wise his only son sir Nicholas. In between these Chaos Dulai unexpectedly fell in love with Anastasia. Their love is forbidden in the society . A love story between a black boy and a noble white lady from a very reputable family. What do you think? Will they be able to fight against the society because of their love ? Read and find out !!! I guarantee it an interesting and captivating story even though its my first official writing work. The story dates back to the 1880s before the abolition of black slavery.

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A person has a past. The experiences gathered during one's life are a part of today as well as yesterday. Memory exists in the nostrils and the hands, not only in the mind. A fragrance drifts by, and a memory is evoked . It damages people to rob them of their past and deny their memories, or to mock their fears and worries. A person without a past is incomplete.

A person's past is inconceivable without a place . The places of ones wounding, individually and collectively, historically and contemporaneously are infused with the actions and adhere to the victims both in body and harmony.

African history, I have learned is a series of atrocities and traumas . Physically, emotionally, psychologically, as our ancestors endured much.

As much as slave trade , this has come to define my sense of the wound of African continent generally. Africans were kidnapped, stolen from their homelands and sold to slavery.

Dakar, Senegal 🇸🇳 was one of the main ports of transit where captives were brought, bought and shipped to America 🇺🇸. To understand Senegalese ethos today , one must understand the importance of the experience of the African slave trade, which extends to the visuals , the emotions, the memories of place , that is to the entire experience.

The myth of Goree island and the house of slaves that we ,must seek to understand. For the European by stander , it is easy to dismiss the slave trade as having happened over 100 years to some group at some places ; it is markedly different if ones cultural identity rests in a continual retelling.

As Donald L. Fixico writes " when retold , the experience comes alive again, recreating the experience by evoking the emotions of listeners, transcending past, present and future. Time does not imprison the story "(fixico 2003 , pt. 22). "The telling of these stories forms an integral part of Senegalese ethos, both as a haunt and as a wound.

To this I bring you the story of DULAI. A boy who was a victim of slavery and his life story , and most especially his intriguing love ❤️ story.