
Ducosym - My Dungeon Core System

 In the world of magic, ‘Cores’ emerge.  They are powerful entities with power over the very fabric of reality. They can alter the world through their mind, enslaving other creatures to build powerful structures only known as “Dungeons”.  But what happens when a core isn’t born into the heart of lava or cold of ice, but the dirty mud? What happens when a core doesn’t start out as a tyrant over trolls or the leader of a nation, but the prey of spiders and bugs?  “Huh?” Sunny wakes up in the prison of a gemstone, missing all his memories. And what appears to be just another fever dream soon becomes a challenge for survival.  – – –  Hi! This is a novel I’m very excited about. If you have any suggestions on what creatures and monsters to include in the next chapter, feel free to leave a comment on the latest issue!  I love listening to your creative ideas! I have the best readers ever!  ^w^  

Sacrishee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Plastic Love

Say something brave… say something brave…

"What nice weather we have!" Sunny said awkwardly.


"oh god…"

[ Name: Luna ]

[ Race: Insect ]

[ Subrace: Silk Moth ]

[ Level: 6 (0/25) ]

[ HP: 6/6 ]

[ Strength: 2 ]

[ Agility: 6 ]

[ Constitution: 2 ]

[ Intelligence: 3 ]

[ Boons: 'Soul-gifted' ]

"You leveled up? When?"

"Back when we fought against those tadpoles! Master, don't you remember? We're in a party! That means we share our battle experience!"

"Ah. I wonder what my stats look like. I can't see them from this body."

"Will your vessel gain experience?"

"I hope so." He said, gripping his katana. "I should've asked him for permission before taking his body. Damn it! I promise you, little soldier! I won't let you die!"

As the unending horde of ants were only a few steps away, Sunny unsheathed his sword. Holding it with both arms, he raised the weapon into the air and yelled his battle cry!

"Let's give them hell!" Sunny roared.

"Yes!" Luna laughed playfully. "Give them hell, make them cry!"


Luna charged into the crowd! She pushed the enemies aside, while Sunny attacked both sides.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

The blade danced around the moth, cutting enemies on all sides. Green and yellow blood shot to the air as Sunny guided the katana into the ants' skull.

"Master! I'm losing speed!"

"Fly up! Fly up!

Luna groaned from the heavy weight, but flew up nonetheless. The ants weren't to let them go and they climbed on top of each other. An anthill formed below the moth.

Cut! Cut! Cut!

"Shitty ants!" Sunny shouted while cutting those below them. "Luna, can you fly higher?"

"Guhh, I can't! Guhh… I'm sorry, Master!"

"No problem." He said before taking a deep breath. "Have you ever seen an explosion?"

"Huh?" She looked up, feeling something tickle her back. Though she couldn't really see it, she felt a massive amount of energy form inside Sunny. "Master, what are you doing?"

Sunny let go, falling straight into the anthill.

"Master! No!"

Suddenly, she felt a blast of wind as Sunny shouted:



The ants were pushed aside, making way for him! As soon as he got down, they charged at him, but he was faster!

Cut! Slash! Cut-cut-cut!

Tiny heads and long legs flew through the air in a gory rainbow. Sunny too was surprised by his suddenly gained sword-fighting skills.

"This must be that boon… 'Swordsman Apprentice', was it called. It must've improved my fighting skills. Damn, if this isn't cool! I'm like a goddamn samurai!"



Ants flew through the air as something approached him from the village. It was none other than his slime friend! Sensing his master, he came to aid!

"Damn you, you slimy bastard!" He chuckled, cutting off an enemy's head. "After we're done, you're getting a promotion!"

The ants attacked the little gel, biting and tearing at it to no avail. The little slime consisted of liquid. Biting into it meant entering its court.

And entering its court meant no escape! The slime slowly sucked them up, crushing and drowning them in the mucus.

"Damn, you're strong!" Sunny said, looking away from the ants. They used that to their advantage and bit him in the back!

"Gahh! You son of a…" He spun around, cutting everyone in his path. "Bitch!"

All the while they fought, Luna observed from above. Guilt sparkled in her heart.

"Master… I can't let you get hurt! I cannot allow!"

She flew headfirst into the enemy!


Like a crazed ram, she hit the enemies with her head!

"Stupid ants! Die!"

She bashed and punched and gave headbutts after headbutts… but the ants stood up. Her fluffy head was too soft to cause any real damage.

"Kyaah!" She cried out as an ant bit her leg. And then another! And then ten more!

Sunny was only a few steps away, his back turned on the little moth. He didn't see as opponents ganged up on her.

Luna tried shaking off her opponents, but none have moved. Instead it dug their mandibles deeper in her flesh.

And yet all the while she felt the worst pain of her life, she stayed silent.

"Khahh! I can't… disturb…. Master! If I scream… then… he'll come and save me…"

Her legs went numb from the pain.

"Guhh! If he tries to save me… then he'll open himself for attacks… just to save me… hehe… I know him too well…"

She closed her eyes. Not she had finally succumbed to pain. But she has calmly accepted fate.

"Goodbye, Master. Thank you… for letting me live."

Suddenly a green beam appeared!


"Huh?" She opened her eyes.

It was the slime! It used the crushed ants' blood as a laser beam and shot down the attackers!

Luna couldn't believe it. A whirlwind of mixed emotions rushed through her mind. It was only made worse as Sunny cut down his last opponent and noticed the little moth.

"Luna!" He dropped the katana and rushed to the little moth. Green energy emanated from his hands. "Don't move! I'll heal you!"

Her heart was about to explode. She tried to push him away, but couldn't. Her legs were too weak.

"Hang in there, little guy! We're almost done!"

"Master, please… don't…"


Suddenly, an ant appeared! It tried to attack him from behind, but the slime shot a hole through its head.

"Master, don't… heal…"

"See? Your wounds are healing! Just hang in there, we're almost done!"

If moths could cry, she would've. Yet the gods didn't allow her eyes. Such a cruel fate, made worse by survival…

Splash! Splash!

Eventually the few remaining ants got wiped out. Sunny took a few wounds, most of them minor. The slime only grew in size.

What surprised Sunny the most was the ant's commitment. None of them ran away, even when the tides of battle ultimately turned. This left a bitter taste on his lips. Something felt… off.

"Well, whatever!" He put Luna on the slime's back, placing her head on his thighs. "We did a thousand times better than expected. I'm very proud of you guys! Nyehehe, I wonder what rewards we'll get! Maybe an epic sword? What do you think, Luna?"

She fled his gaze and looked through the distant skies.

"What nice weather we have…"

Once this volume ends, I'll go back and do some quality control.

Btw, I listened to breakcore while writing this and I enjoyed myself way too much.

Sacrisheecreators' thoughts