
Dual Cultivation Master

Zhang Wei, once known as the fearsome Celestial Emperor and God of the Sword, was betrayed by his most trusted disciple and perished in despair. On the brink of death, a mysterious light transports him to a new and unforgiving world. Reborn as Feng Wei, he now inhabits a weak and despised body, facing the harsh reality of his new existence. However, the key to survival in this brutal era lies in the hands of his mother. A legendary cultivator and the most powerful on the continent, she was betrayed by her own father and husband, which led her to close her heart to the world and even to Feng Wei, who grew up deprived of motherly love. Determined to regain his strength and carve a place in this new world, Feng Wei embarks on a dangerous journey. To survive, he resorts to deceit, lies, and dissimulation unlike his previous life; he doesn't intend to be so naive this time. In this tolerant story full of twists and turns, the conventions of hero tales are set aside. The protagonist is not the typical altruistic savior of justice, but an individual motivated by personal interests and gain. Meet the MC, a cynical, manipulative, pragmatic anti-hero who would never risk winning a damsel in distress without gaining some leverage in doing so. Rather than taking the path of heroism and immunity, he is more tolerant of protecting the villain if it has benefited him. (Tags: Master-Disciple Relationship/Hidden One's True Identity/ Enemies Become Lovers/Harem/Misunderstandings /Relentless Protagonist/R*pe Victim Becomes Lover/milf/#soncon/siscon/incest.) I am a novice writer, my native language is not this one. Don't judge by the first few chapters, as the writing has room for improvement. Wait at least twenty chapters to know if it's your tea spoon or not.

Fang_Xiuying · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Aunt Ning's beauty

Feng Wei left the library and went to the courtyard where his aunt Ning Xia was gathering herbs.

Ning Xia: (indifferent and cold) "Late again, little Feng."

Feng Wei: (changing the subject) "You are as beautiful as ever, Aunt Ning. No matter how much I look at it, I can't get used to it."

Ning Xia: (pretending to be angry) "Do you think your smooth talk will save you today?"

Feng Wei (in her mind): "Let's test this artifact's fate-reading ability. Aunt Ning's cultivation is impressive, but I wonder what the artifact will reveal about her fate."

Ring Spirit: "I'll try, but I must warn you that the difference in cultivation levels between the two is significant. It might not be as accurate as you hope."

Feng Wei (mentally): "Okay. Just try it."

The spirit of the ring concentrates and a faint glow emanates from the artifact. He hovers over Ning Xia and his glow intensifies as he tries to read her fate.

Her future seems intertwined with hers, but my understanding is limited. It's challenging to read the fate of someone with such a vast cultivation disparity."

Suddenly a screen appears:

Name: Ning Xia

Physical: blocked information

Cultivation Level: X

Skills: X

Destination: X

Steal fate: x

Love/Hate: 10% normal percentage shown to close friends and relatives / 0% hate

Affection: 0 points

Description: to unlock information it is necessary to increase the level of love or hate by generating positive or negative emotions, gaining affection points or reducing the difference in cultivation

Weak point: it is linked to his hobby, phrases that contain the dao.

Feng Wei (thoughtfully): "Hmm, that was unexpected.

Thought of Feng Wei: "Should I see if that guy's memories will be useful to me? Despite not having cultivation in that world, his acting, manipulation and flattery skills are master level. If I combine these memories with my experience, it will be usable"...

Feng Wei (smiling): "Well, it doesn't hurt to try, does it? But seriously, Aunt Ning, your beauty is truly dazzling, like the bright moon on a starry night. Your eyes, bright as stars, mesmerize anyone who meets them. Your presence is like the gentle spring breeze, bringing comfort and joy to everyone around you."

+10 affection points

A message : Oh, I'll add some dao

Ning Xia (trying to hide a smile): "Have you always been so sweet-tongued? It seems that someone here is quite popular with the girls, isn't it little feng? ."

Feng Wei (with a look of innocence): "Ah, but I only have eyes for my beautiful aunt! You are like a beautiful painting on an ancient scroll, enriching the world with your grace and elegance, and your kindness is like the gentle rain that nourishes the earth and blooms the beauty around you."

Ning Xia (surprise becoming a little softer): "You have a sharp tongue, but I can see that you've learned the art of the Dao very well."

Feng Wei (with a light laugh): "Perhaps I have learned a few things from you, Aunt Ning. After all, you are the master of alchemy in this sect, renowned for your wisdom and grace. Your healing potions are legendary and have helped countless disciples advance in their cultivation. I truly admire your skill."

Ning Xia (trying to maintain her poise): "Praise aside, you still need to explain why you're late again. You should be concentrating on your cultivation and studies, not wandering around."

Feng Wei (with a sincere look): "I was at the library, seeking knowledge to become a better cultivator. I believe that learning shouldn't be restricted to a single field."

+10 affection points

Ning Xia (with a touch of pride in her eyes): "That explains the dao I felt just now. So in addition to the way of the sword, you are learning the way of the dao."

Ning Xia (sighing): "Very well, I'll let it go this time.

Ning Xia (with a light smile): "Now you can help me gather these herbs. And if you have time, you can pay for the shoulder rub you owe me."

Feng Wei (excited): "Of course, Aunt Ning! In the meantime I'd love to share some of the most touching stories I found in the library. I'm sure you'll enjoy them."

As they worked together to gather the herbs, Feng Wei began to tell some of Earth's moving stories. With his innate talent for storytelling and the poems inherited from the body's former owner's memory, he captivated Ning Xia's attention. She pretended to be indifferent, but she couldn't help but let out a few shy laughs or let out an emotional expression at certain times.