
~ Chapter 4 - Breakfast ~



Dale opened his eyes on the back. He was still aware of his leg's condition. He gently put one leg on the floor and the other followed the same. He then let go of his support of the bed and stood up completely on his legs.

'Ah! Finally' His legs weren't paining anymore. He also did this in his previous life. Whenever he got some pain in any part of his body, he would just sleep and think that it would be no more once he wakes up.

Dale was overjoyed as he roamed around the room. Soon, he opened up the cupboard and a few robes. He took one of those and left the room after closing up the window.

Dale was a man of cleanliness, He got into one of the bathrooms and came out fresh and clean. He changed his robes and washed the previous one.

'Hmm? There arent many servants here. How can they not bathe daily seriously?

The servant's bathrooms were very few as many didn't use them frequently and instead preferred to bath at the lakeside. And that was also twice a week.

Dale shook his head in disgust and left. He was now looking for Xiao Ba for he is his only friend in this entire world. First, he went to Xiao Ba's room but didn't found him there. Then, Dale went to the area where the bathrooms were to look for him but didn't found him there either.

'Where the hell are you?'

Dale was now impatient as it was the time for breakfast and Xiao Ba was nowhere to be found.

'Maybe, he already went to eat breakfast; I should just look for him in the hall.'

Dale hurried to the hall. As soon as he entered, the first thing he saw was the enormous crowd of people. He was quite an introverted type of guy, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

He saw many round tables and chairs filled with the crowd. Dale then turned his head and saw five lines of servants waiting to get the food. He also got into one in which, according to him, was the least people.

After waiting for about 10-15 minutes in line, it was finally his chance. There was an old lady at the counter who was holding a pen in her hands. On her right side was an old man who was distributing the food. That old lady asked Dale for his name before giving him a wooden plate.

As soon as he got the plate, the old guy put a loaf of bread in it and showed the way out of the line. Dale left the counter and saw a table deep far in the extreme corner that was empty. He walked very fast towards it as he didn't want to miss that.

Luckily, there was no one who was interested in that table. He sat on one of the chairs and put his plate on the table. He saw a jug together with some wooden glasses on the table. The Jug was half-filled with water. Then he looked at his plate and a look of disappointment came on his face as he remembered that the taste of the bread was terrible from his memories.

Dale closed his eyes and started eating it without looking at it. He believed that if there is anything that you don't like to eat, just close your eye and engulf it without any thought and don't pay any attention to what you are eating.

After gulping down the entire loaf, he took one of the glasses, filled it with water, and drank it while closing his eyes.

But he didn't leave the table and instead looked around him.

'There are so many people, but the Jin clan feeds all of the breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also pay them quite an amount of money every month and even gives them their own room. Either they are just too generous or maybe they have just so much money that they don't have anything to do with it.'

Dale now completely accepted his new life and already decided to become strong and explore this boundless world.