
~ Chapter 3 - Jin Clan's Servants Quarters ~

"I can't remember what happened to me? Hell, I can't even remember anything except my name. I think I have lost my memories."

Hearing this Xiao ba was stunned-'What? Lost your memories?'

Xiao Ba stopped and glanced towards dale, who was standing beside him with a serious face.

'He doesn't seem to be joking. Did he really lost his memories?'

Some moments of silence later Xiao Ba responded-

"Ar-Are you telling the truth? Don't joke with me haha.."

"I AM telling the truth and I mean, why would I even lie? I can't remember anything, however, I try; You have to believe me.

Obviously, Dale was lying without any shame. But it was not completely a lie as some of his memories were really lost. He wanted to know more about the Jin clan and this world. He believed that, as his closest friend, Xiao ba would help him.

"I-I believe you; I think we should report this to the clan. Even though you are just a servant, but it doesn't mean that the clan would not do anything regarding this." Xiao Ba was now angry and worried.

"But who would do this to you? Do you remember anything about him?" He said a moment later.

Dale smirked internally as his plan worked. 'Good, now I can extract some information.'

"No, I don't," Dale responded

Xiao Ba pitied Dale. He is such a hard-working and kind man. Just Who would do this to him?

After some moments Xiao Ba continued "Dale, Do you remember that before I said if anything happened to you, I would help you. Now is the time, I would make your memories come back; There must be some way. We will also ask for some help from the second young master. He would definitely help you.

Xiao Ba said with a serious face

'Hm? Everything is good but I think I just hurt his emotions. I am sorry Xiao Ba, Later I would surely tell you the truth.'

He responded with "OK" and they continued on their way towards the living quarters.

"I swear, I am gonna find whoever did this to you and will give him a painful death. A PAINFUL DEATH!!" Xiao Ba while supporting Dale roared towards the sky.

Soon they reached the living quarters. It was quite big and was bustling with excitement and joy. They entered a big hall through the gate and saw many servants sitting, eating, chatting together. It was quite a scene.

'huh? That's odd. Don't tell me they are THIS happy being a servant. They are enjoying life. Weren't they supposed to be tired and stuff while working their ass off? WTF?' Dale questioned his existence while Xiao Ba didn't mind them at all and soon both of them left the hall. They were now in a very long corridor.

"Where are we going?" Dale asked Xiao Ba even though he already knew that they were going towards their rooms.

"Ah! yeah, you lost your memories, sorry; We are going towards your room. You should remember the route, OK." Xiao Ba answered while scratching his temples

Xiao Ba continued to support dale as they moved through the long corridor. There were small corridors branched together with the long one. Xiao Ba soon took one of the small corridors and one could see many rooms on both sides. After some moments they stopped in front of a room. There was a wooden door on which 'Room NO-77' was written.

"This is your room; Room NO.77," Xiao Ba said while opening the wooden gate.

"En. Thank You Xiao Ba" Dale was honest in his speech and soon he entered the room.

"HaHa...This is my responsibility as a friend. You should rest now; I am going to talk with Old Ha about your condition. Oh! You might forget about him; Let me tell you, He is the man in charge here. He is appointed by the masters of the Jin Clan. All servants have to obey his orders. He would definitely help you." Xiao Ba didn't enter the room as he spoke. After receiving an 'OK' from Dale, he left.

Dale closed the door impatiently as his legs were still in pain and he couldn't stand properly.


Dale looked at the contents of the room and the first thing he saw was the bed. Its size was fair enough for a person. He hastily walked and sat on that bed. Soon he lifted his legs and also put them on the bed to feel more comfortable. He then felt some pain easing. He then sized up the room curiously. Even though he already knew every corner of it from his memories. There was a table on the bed's left side and a window on its right. In front of the bed was a wooden cupboard in which were his clothes and other things.

'Not bad for a servant. Whatever you have to say, This Jin Clan is just very rich.'

He soon rested his head on the pillow and started thinking about the past events.

'Hooh! Just what happened today? I can't believe it.' He still doubted if he was not dreaming. All that happened just now was just too fictional to be believed easily. He first got transported to another world and then spewed a shameless lie and now he is living as a servant of the Jin Clan.


He turned towards his right side and looked out of the window.

'The night sky of this world is just too beautiful.' Dale glared at the night sky continuously.

'I didn't realize this at first but this is exciting. I always wanted to live in this kind of world where on every road there is something interesting, where one could only find is just excitement, where everything is full of dangers but also a thrill of survival.'

'MMMMMbbbhhhhhh' Dale stretched his hands.

'There is a boundless world left to discover. What is stopping you, Dale? Hahahaha...I guess it's not too bad after all.'

Soon he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

New chapter coming soon!!!

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