
~ Chapter 2 - Mansions of Jin Clan ~

Dale was filled with emotion; he became gloomy and downhearted. While being on the back of Xiao ba, he would frequently pinch his cheek to check if all of this was a dream. He somewhat wanted to go back.

'I should focus more on surviving as most MCs do. This is also a world of survival of the fittest.' thinking of this dale suddenly remembered his job as a servant.

'Sh*t; I must leave this job first. There is no way I am working as a servant of someone.'

Why would he be willing to work as a servant? After reading all those novels about powerful and badass MCs; there is no way he is gonna waste his life on this f*cking job.

'I am the MC here; for god's sake, please!'

After pondering for a moment, he began examining the surroundings; he saw many people wearing fancy clothes, talking and laughing and enjoying the moment.

'It's strange, this doesn't seem normal at all; am I in some weird world.'

There were quite a few shops on that particular street but a lot of buildings. At the end of the street, one could three huge mansions side by side; ahead of those were lawns filled with ample trees. And many guards were guarding the entrances. It was looking like a set of a movie from his previous life.

'It-Its magnificent. I never thought that the 'Jin' clan would be this rich; I really underestimated them. hmm... Now I think of changing my thoughts; a servant of such a big clan must be rich hehe...'

He began thinking of those enthusiastic fantasies from his previous lives. His emotions took a complete 180 turn. 'Damn...this life might be not so bad after all.'

The middle and the extreme right entrances were very lively and quite a lot of noise coming from there; there were many people who will frequently leave on their carriages further away from the mansions.

"We are here," said Xiao ba as he carefully puts down dale and supports him to stand up. they began closing up to the entrance.

Soon they reached the main entrance of one of those mansions. It was located on the extreme left and was comparably smaller than the other two. It didn't have anyone nearby, unlike other ones. The entrance had a few guards patrolling it. Two of them stationed at the front and some beside them on either side. As Dale and Xiao Ba were near the gate, one of them came forward and opened the gate. Some gazes fell on them as Xiao Ba supported Dale's limp body and entered the gate.


'They are quite dangerous... They can easily be compared with the top wrestlers on Earth... and yet they are just guards... but still this does make sense... in this world, everything is just....*sighs* '

"Dale, you still haven't told me how did you get into this condition?" Xiao Ba asked impatiently

"Did you got into a fight with someone? I am quite worried; you know"

"Ah! that..." Even he didn't know what actually happened. He only remembered that he was reading a novel while walking down the street. And suddenly everything became blurry; as he looked up, all he can see was white light. His head was in intense pain just before he woke up in this world.

Moreover, in the memories of old dale, he didn't find any memory of what the old dale was doing in the alley. He did not know how he got into this condition where he can't even move properly. This is a world of martial arts and Inner energy coinciding with magic and mana.

Dale thought that he was new to the body and this world; that's why he was struggling to adjust and can't use his body properly; As there is a weird kind of energy surrounding him that made him uneasy. In Old Dale's memory, he found out that it's the spirit energy that body refiners used to cultivate themselves.

"What are you thinking?" Xiao Ba was very worried about dale; He thought that Dale was acting very strange and weird. He never behaved like that before.

Dale knew what Xiao Ba was thinking and thought of some excuses to relieve him. Even though Xiao ba was his best friend and very trustworthy, he didn't want to tell him about the truth. Moreover, Xiao ba was loyal to old dale; but whether he would also be loyal to the new one was quite doubtful.

"You still haven't told me about what happened earlier."

Xiao Ba was now anxious.

'Why is he so quiet so suddenly? You don't want to tell me?

Dale felt awkward. He was not answering even a single question of him.

'He must be thinking that something is wrong with me.'

After they arrived in front of a small building, Dale finally opened his mouth.


Thank you for reading!

There are definitely some grammar mistakes, so please don't hesitate to correct me in the comments.

Meet you soon


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