
~ Chapter 1 - "Am I dreaming?" ~

Winkstain city,

Even though the entire city was bustling with excitement,

But inside a dark alley, A young boy was lying beside the wall, his face towards the sky. His eyes were closed yet trembling with fear and there was a hint of uneasiness on his face,



The silence was followed by his screams of pain, his eyes opened in a flash and his head got up swiftly. But he was lying in such a position before, that his head hit the wall and a loud 'Bang' was heard followed by yet another groan of intense pain.

"WHA-, What was that?!"

He started panting loudly as if he just won an Olympic race.

"What happened?!"

He quickly started scanning the surroundings while he tried to stand up. However, he couldn't feel his legs, it was like gravity suddenly increased many times. He again laid down because of a lack of energy.

'What is the meaning of this? Wait, I was walking down the street, and then..and then uhh... all I could feel was intense bone-piercing pain.' He gulped down his saliva and tried to remember more of what actually happened.


Suddenly, he felt extreme pain in his head as tons of memories stormed into his mind. He quickly started stroking his head to relieve some of the pain while trying to look into the memories that were displayed in his head.

He was in Winkstain city of the Fire Lotus province. He was dale, a young 13-year-old boy with a young and youthful yet handsome complexion. He was living as a beggar but seeing his promising potential he was taken as a servant by Jin Ping, the young master of the 'Jin' clan. It was one of the biggest clans in the province. At starting, he was provided with quite good resources but they were denied after he was constantly failing to make a breakthrough.

"So, we have the same name. Hmm... this seems like a starting of an isekai novel. Then I must have some kind of cheats with me, Hey author give me some cheats!"


After waiting some moments, dale began to gather all of his energy and tried to stand up. He took the support of the wall and forced his legs to stand up. This time he succeeded and leaned against the wall while rubbing his head which was still hurting quite a bit.

"Let's assess the situation...I am a servant of some 'Jin' clan and I am in Winkstain city. Ok...Wait, I am a SERVANT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I must be dreaming but I was not even asleep though.

*sigh*... let's just get out this alley first."

Dale dragged his feet while leaning towards the wall. It was quite a long alley, it took him about two minutes to reach the end. It was nighttime and some people were walking on the street with a festive look on their faces. Dale also heard songs playing in the background.

"Hmm...Is it a festival or something? He wondered

"Hey! You there!" Dale's face moved about 50 degrees right and he saw a muscular guy pointing at him.

"Me?!" He shouted from the distance and slowly moved towards him with all his strength.

"Yeah! you, ...wait why are you walking like that?"

"Uhh..that-" Dale was trying to search him in his memory while walking towards him.

The muscular guy ran towards Dale as soon as he saw him struggling, "Hey! what happened to you?" The guy asked while supporting Dale with his arm

At first, Dale failed to recognize the guy but going through his memories, he finally found that he was 'Xiao ba', a fellow servant. He later found about the times they spent together, He was his best friend and helped the previous owner of his body many times.


"What happened?" Xiao ba was quite worried about him.

"I don't have any energy right now; I need a little bit of rest."

"Uhh...OK Let me help you" Xiao ba suddenly bent down and grabbed dale's feet; dale wasn't able to respond because of his lack of energy and let Xiao ba carry him.

"Hey!What are you-"

"It's okay; I will carry you until we reach the dorms."

In the end, Dale let Xiao ba carry him even though it was quite uncomfortable for him.

'Wait, am I not dreaming? However, This is just too real to be a dream. Am I really in some different world just like those novels; That might be not so bad... but...still' Dale became anxious as he remembered the time he spent with his family and friends even though he didn't have that many.

Okay! Hope you like it ;-)

New chapter coming the day after tomorrow.

Bye! Have a nice day;

And yeah remember to add this to library

Devil_Is_Herecreators' thoughts