

Jenna didn't find Blake anywhere when she woke up. Panicking, she opened the wardrobe and found all still there. Complete, not reduced to a single outfit, except for the formal shirt he used wear-which he deliberately brought for business purposes.

Blake is a businessman, it's only natural that even on vacation trips tucked into a business plan. Especially what he has said to Jenna about the plan to open a branch of his business in this place.

It seems that Blake is not messing about it.

Either because it was his intention from the beginning, or it was all because of Jenna. Because this city is Jenna's dream city.

Jenna grabbed her satin sleeping robe, put on her fuse, then went around the suite entering each room, looking for the whereabouts of her lover. Although she knew Blake might indeed be away, who knew he was still in the hotel so it was still possible to give him a goodbye kiss before the man left.