

WARNING : Includes self harming,Alot of dark and depressed stuff like sucide. If triggering then please don't read and if you do then please do vote and comment. Will be updated when I need to let some emotions out. Thought I was healing, thought I was finally getting it right,till I realized I was only just at the surface cause now it feels like am drowning,it's choking and I can't breathe .....and am scared I'll never be able to fix me.

Sophie_Davies_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Looking in the mirror

Wishing I was different

Wishing I was happy

I have everything I could possibly want

But why do I still lost

Why can't I just be happy

Go a day without crying

Smile without trying

I don't know what's wrong

Scared I can't be strong

Being perfect so they don't mock

So fed up but I don't talk

Depression tries to stalk

On my shoulder it lurk

Am too young!

Why does life hurt me wrong!

It hurts to stay strong

And am tired

Of crying and screaming I'm my bedroom

I just want to shout

I want to let it out

But ...

It comes back

Always leaving a mark

I try to make it stop

But it seems the only way is to drop

I don't want to die!

I just don't want to... cry

Just want to wake up with no sore eyes

Want to smile with no more lies

I try not to break

Reasons I try to make

Life has no reason to give

So I have no reason to live