
Drown Me

Chloe was considered an orphan for most of her life until the appearance of a mysterious man, who claimed her as his own. After deceiving Chloe in the hopes of making her stronger, her adoptive father brings her back with one request. As she gets entangled in the world of drugs, guns, blood, and affairs, her only escape is the pool located in her apartment.

DaoistjINpfJ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

How She Died Part III

"You gamble in the hopes to win, and lose in the hopes of winning." -Chloe Harper.

"Wake up."

My eyes abruptly opened as my chest rapidly moved, begging for air. I looked around in distress at the unfamiliarity of the place. The place was dark and shabby. The only source of light was a small opening from the vents.

I stood up, only for the dizziness to overtake me.

"You should sit down," said a voice, causing me to look up to find a brown eyes brunette. "You were out for two days."

"Two," I repeated, bewildered by that statement. "What is this place ?"

The brunette studied me attentively before smirking, almost like she didn't believe me.

"The real question is why you are here," she responded, ignoring my question.

I looked at her, unable to answer her question. I was wondering the same thing as her.

"My name is Chloe," I said, breaking the silence that was starting to fill the room.

"Mine is Andrea," answered the brunette before handing me a set of clothes. "And you'll need something more comfortable."

Taking the clothes, I quickly changed into an oversized shirt and sweatpants and put on a pair of slides. Opening the door, I immediately gagged at the smell of cigarettes and sweat.

"Come on," said Andrea as she escorted me back to the ring from yesterday. Acknowledging the anxiety on my face, she handed me a bucket and a mop. "We're clean up duty."

Nodding my hand, I started working. The room was big but small enough for two people to clean. The events from yesterday replayed in my mind vividly. I wasn't scared anymore. I was now angry, and only one word came to my mind, Barbaro.

Too lost in thought, I didn't notice that tall figure in bumped into.

"Piccola puttana."Dropping the mop, I looked up at the man. The anger, sadness, and disappointment I felt were pouring out. This time I was too hurt to be scared.

This was my punishment for wanting happiness, I could have predicted this.

And before I could process it, my hand moved. The pain that ran through my hand was the only thing I could feel.

"You little..."And before he could retort, another one came crashing down on him.

Stumbling back, I snapped back to reality, scared by the scene. I gulped in terror at the blood on my hands and the blue on the man's face, and before I could do anything, my legs left the ground, and found myself on the other side of the room.

What did I fucking do?


One month later.

The sound of gunshots didn't scare me anymore, and the smell of blood was like fresh air.Pulling the trigger was like a game, and watching some bleed was like watching the water flow from a fountain. The people that scared me now feared me.I killed myself to become reborn.

Stepping out of the building, I felt nauseous at the smell of the fresh air.

I sighed at the familiar sight of a black car, the same one from the orphanage. Entering the car, I looked out the window. I forgot that the world was so bright. I felt mesmerized by its beauty. The car ride was quiet, which was something I craved for.

The sight of the familiar white mansion left me numb.

I spent weeks thinking about my reaction to this moment, and now that it's here, I feel empty.

Entering the house, I went to the only place in that house that I'd never been to, the conference room. Opening the door, I glared at the man sitting at the end.There was my adoptive father in all his glory.

"I'll make this short," he spoke. "I want you to take over my business in Japan."

"What business," I questioned, knowing my answer to his request.

"I want you to take care of our Mafia business located there," answered Mr. Barbaro.