
Endgame and Leaving

Lucifer was really overjoyed since the Infinity War happened. He had been tor-training Keith to the ground that even Death was feeling pity for him. Every time he was done training Keith, he would watch as Keith would go to the back of the bar and cry in agony.

5 years have already gone by and Steve has been coming to the bar more frequently now. He could be seen drinking on the bar or even moping around in his room. Death was doing everything she can to make him happy again but couldn't.

Tony finally went off the grid and had a child named Morgan Stark with Pepper and it seems that Peter didn't make it just like the original film. Every time Lucifer visits them, their child always clings to him like a monkey. He was quite disgusted at this but it seems like the Starks and Death were enjoying his misery or they were just happy with Morgan interacting with him.

Thor seems like he was gaining weight over the years that he went there. After the 5th year, Thor finally looked like he had a basketball in his stomach. Lucifer kept teasing and laughing at him but Thor seems like he doesn't even care.

Hulk, on the other hand, had finally merged with Bruce Banner and now he was permanently green. Seeing a smart Hulk in real life, Lucifer was quite astounded at first but quickly got over it. It seems like Hulk became a Professor over the 5 years since Infinity War.

Carol came back after the fight and it seems like she was looking for Fury. When she saw Lucifer, the first thing she did was hug him, getting a punch on the stomach courtesy by Death. She was pretty angry that they didn't help the Avengers but she knew that beings of their level couldn't be bothered to fight for humans.

Over the 5 years, Carol finally cut her hair and she was still out in the galaxy saving people. Lucifer was kind of amused at her first reaction on seeing him but was more amused when Death punched her. Death was pretty neutral over the matter so she just let her be after the punch as she knew that Carol was afraid of her.

Natasha was pretty much a wreck when she knew that the Barton family was in the half of the population that was snapped. When Lucifer visited the Avenger's HQ with Steve, she was really a wreck to him with all of her stuff on the ground and that she looked very haggard to him.

After the snap, Clint was out in the other countries doing stuff that assassins were supposed to do. Lucifer was pretty much stalking him when he wasn't training Keith as he liked all the blood that was following Clint/Ronin around. Well, it should be Ronin now because that's what he was called now but Lucifer still calls him Clint.

After knowing that Peter was one of the people who got snapped, Death suddenly went on a manhunt for Thanos. Lucifer was by her side supporting her all the way. When they finally found him in his nice and beautiful planet, she then started torturing the poor grape by;

Plucking out all of his nails, cutting all of his limbs, castrating him, skinning him alive, boiling him alive, spiked choke pear on the anus and mouth, blood eagle, bamboo torture. With Lucifer providing all the matters and healing Thanos. He evened fastened up the growth of the bamboo to hasten their trip.

After doing all those tortures, Death left the planet satisfied with what she had done. She was supposed to kill the grape but she decided against it because she knew that the others would like to take a turn in torturing the purple shit.

After reminiscing all those torture moments, Lucifer was really missing all those things as he was really bored these days now, as he was done training Keith into one of the strongest beings in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Death looked at Lucifer's bored face and said, "Why the long face, Lucy?"

Lucifer looked at her and gave her a bored look and said, "I'm bored!! I don't have anything to do other than wait for Steve to travel back in time so that we can jump worlds now." Death just rolled her eyes and said, "Well, lucky you. While you're complaining over there, I'm reaping billions of souls and sending to my realm to be judged."

Lucifer looked at her lazily and said, "Why don't you just make a clone for that?" Death 'humphed' at him and said, "What do you think I am? Stupid? I already did that, but I still feel myself doing all those things even with the clone."

Lucifer gave her a surprised look and said, "Wow, I didn't know that." Death rolled her eyes again and said, "Well, it's because you turned down the chance of getting Omniscience." Lucifer looks at her seriously and said, "I don't want to be all-knowing because that would be just a pain in the ass to know everything that's happening and that will happen or even everything that's already happened."

Death looked surprised at his seriousness and said, "I kind of sensed that you've become stronger again. If that isn't because of Omniscience then, what is it?" Now it was Lucifer's turn to be surprised and said, "I didn't know that you felt that. But if you can feel my sudden growth, then why didn't you feel yours?"

Death was even more surprised at his words and tried feeling her strength and soon felt that she did get stronger. She then excitedly gave him a hug and said, "How strong am I right now?" Lucifer smiled at her and said, "You're now as strong as me 5 years ago."

Death looked at him in amazement and said, "I'm as strong as the One Above All now?" Lucifer just nodded his head in confirmation while smiling warmly at her. She then squealed in happiness and hugged him. She then looked at him in confusion and said, "If I'm as strong as you 5 years ago, then how strong are you right now?"

Lucifer then thought the word status and then he saw;


Name: Daemon Morningstar

Species: Fallen Archangel

Noticeable Aliases: Lucifer Morningstar, The Lightbringer, Satan, The Lord of Lies, The Devil, The Prince of the East, The Morningstar, The Sunlighter of God, The Adversary

Cultivation: None

Forms: Devil and Archangel

Powers: Godlike strength, Nigh-Omniscience, Omnipotence (DC Multiverse), Omnipresence, Creation, Invulnerability, Immortality, Regenerative healing factor, Flight, Pyrokinesis, Disintegration, Thermal-Blast, Reality warping, Energy manipulation, Energy Absorption, Energy Projection, Matter Manipulation, Soul manipulation, Time manipulation, Darkness manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Shapeshifting, Dimensional Travel, Magic, Molecular Reconstruction, Healing, Molecular Acceleration, Photokinesis, Power Distribution, Ressurection, Teleportation, Size Alteration, Reality Alteration, Necromancy, Interstellar Travel, Energy Blasts, Elemental Manipulation, Terrakinesis, Thermokinesis, Electrokinesis, Weather Manipulation, Biokinesis, Molecular Combustion, Power Negation, Smiting, Empathy, Dream Walking, Mental Projection,

SP: 413,000,000,000

Lucifer smiled at Death and said, "I don't know how to rank myself anymore but I think I'm stronger than the One Above All now." When she heard his words, Death was looking at him as if he was joking with her.

Looking at her dumbfounded face, Lucifer was kind of happy that he told her that. He then walked away from the still surprised Death and went towards the bar. Noticing that Lucifer wasn't in front of her anymore, she followed him downstairs and saw that there were many people in the bar now.

The people who suddenly appeared in the bar looked confused at the people who they were sitting on and started shouting at them while the people who were sat on were shocked. The people who were snapped finally came back! The people who were sat on immediately explained to the people who got snapped what was happening and quickly got out of their way when they rushed out of the door.

Noticing that Death was finally arriving, the people got nervous because they didn't want Death to go on a rampage just because many souls were taken away from her domain. When they noticed that Death wasn't doing anything to the snapped people, the others let out a sigh of relief and continued on what they were doing.

Lucifer looked at Death and smiled at her and said, "I felt that the Infinity Stones were used again. Wanna have a look at who it was that used the gauntlet this time?" Death raised an eyebrow at him and nodded as she was also curious about the person who was using the Infinity Stones again.

Lucifer then held Death's hands and looked seriously at Keith and said, "You be careful with the customers, okay? Don't want them to suddenly run out of the bar without paying. Be sure to apport the people who got snapped back to come here so that you can get their pay." After saying those words, Lucifer and Death disappeared from the people's views.

Keith looked at his boss's previous spot and thought, 'Was that a goodbye speech he just said' He then looked at the customers with his glowing blue eyes and coldly said, "Just because the boss isn't here doesn't mean that nobody could protect the bar anymore. I'm one of the strongest beings in the Universe due to the boss's training and I can kill you all and revive you if I must."

The customers looked at Keith in a terrified manner and looked away. When they looked at Keith's eyes, they suddenly felt that they were being looked at by a demon. Not knowing that their thoughts were very much spot-on.

When Lucifer and Death arrived at the final battle, Lucifer suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of pride blossom in his chest. He doesn't know what caused this feeling and he doesn't care in the slightest but bloody Hell is the feeling wonderful!

When Lucifer and Death looked closer at the battlefield, they noticed that all the fights were done by now and that many people were surrounding something. Knowing what it was they were surrounding, Lucifer strode forward and wanted to take a look at this historical moment.

Knowing that Tony was about to die, Death also walked beside Lucifer wanting to be the one to reap his soul. When they were walking, they noticed that almost all the eyes of the people there were watching them but they still ignored it.

Seeing that it was Lucifer and Death who arrived, the people who knew of their true identity felt that they could do nothing about Tony's death anymore as Death was even giving a bit of her time to be the one to reap Tony's soul.

Seeing that Death was getting closer to Tony, many of them started crying and kneeling on the ground. While the two Omnipotent beings were walking, they change into their True Appearance, or in Lucifer's case; his preferred appearance.

When the other people, who didn't know who the two 'humans' were, see them walking towards the dying Tony, they got vigilant. But when they saw both of them changing into different forms, they were speechless.

The previous drop-dead gorgeous woman was now turning into a skeletal figure wearing a blue cloak and the handsome man turn into a red humanoid creature with red bat-like wings. Seeing his glowing blood-red eyes and the hallowed sockets of the skeleton, the other people in the battlefield shuddered.

When Death came close to Tony, she kneeled beside him and Pepper and said, "It seems that it's already your time Anthony Edward Stark." Tony looked at Death and chuckled while weakly saying, "So that's what you really look like, this is what I was expecting for you to look like not that gorgeous woman."

Tony then looked at the person behind her and saw what he surmised as Lucifer and said, "This is what I was expecting for you to look like, you watermelon." Lucifer just chuckled at Tony and said, "Even with Death, you still waste your breath on stupid things."

Tony chuckled a little but coughed blood after that and weakly said, "I wouldn't be Tony Stark if I didn't do that." After saying those things, Tony's breathing started to slow down. Death then leaned forward and kissed Tony on the forehead, pulling his soul out in the process.

All the other people present saw Tony's soul being dragged out when Death kissed him and was shocked and sad amidst the process. Most of the people there were crying while others were bowing their heads in respect.

Seeing that Tony's soul was still present and wasn't being disturbed by Death, the crowd was surprised at this development. After a few seconds, Lucifer suddenly glowed an ethereal white and suddenly looked like he was an Archangel with his beautiful white wings.

Lucifer then grabbed Tony's soul and waved his hand towards the sky, sending him to Heaven. He then looked at the crying Pepper and Peter and said, "Well, he's in Heaven now. You all shouldn't mourn too much for him. He wanted to do this for all of you."

He then turned around and saw that Death was already in her human form and looked at the Mjolnir wielding Steve and walked over to him. When he arrived in front of him, Lucifer smiled at Steve and said, "I'm proud that Mjolnir has found you worthy Steve. I just want to tell you that your mother and I are going off-world now. We just waited until you've finally found your answer to how Future Steve was with Peggy."

Steve looked at him with shock and sadness, he then looked at Death and Lucifer and hugged them while silently crying. He then whispered, "You guys are one of the best parents a person could ask for. I know that both of you are being portrayed as evil beings in the Bible but to me, you guys are the kindest bunch that I've ever met. Please take care when you're in the next world."

When Death heard Steve say all that, she cried and hugged him fiercely. When she was done hugging him, she then pushed Lucifer towards Steve and had both of them hug it out. Lucifer and Steve chuckled at her antics but still abided by her decision as they were going to do it anyway. After a few seconds of hugging, Lucifer finally released the hug and smiled while saying, "We'll be going now, Steve."

Lucifer and Death then walked a few meters away from him and Lucifer waved his hand, thus creating a dimensional tear. Lucifer and Death looked at Steve one last time and stepped into the portal.

Steve then looked at the closing portal in sadness and looked back at the dead body of Tony and silently cried again. He thought that it would be just Tony that he was losing right now, he didn't expect that his parents would be gone too!

After Lucifer and Death stepped out of the portal, they saw that they were in front of a half man-half horse, a human with horns and goat legs, an awkward-looking kid, and a cherub looking, god.

Lucifer and Death looked at the peculiar group playing pinochle and Lucifer smiled in amusement and said, "Well, this is going to be interesting."

The group looked at the new arrivals and tensed. The centaur pulled a bow out of nowhere, the satyr looked like he was going to use his can as a weapon, and the cherub suddenly made vines grow out of the ground.

The wimpy looking kid suddenly said, "Who's Cinderella and Prince Charming? Are they part of the Camp?"

I think I'm going to either drop the story or put this on hold and try to make a new novel. Either way, I'll try to post chapters every now and then.

JustACommonReadercreators' thoughts
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