
The voice in my head

So far it had been a normal day but little did I know that my life was about to change.

I was in math class day dreaming about superheroes and whatnot when a mechanical voice sounded out of nowhere. It said "downloading system data checking compatibility compatibility is only 28% raise compatibility level to unlock more features" I was so startled that I hollered out loud "did anybody else hear that voice." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me like I was crazy. I quickly slunk down in my seat. Next thing I know a big transparent screen popped up in front of me reading what it said i finally understood so system was finally here.The screen read "Host congratulations on receiving the cloning System" "Host has received two skills and one starter package" "Would host like to open the starter package" I quietly whispered hoping no one would here me. "Host has received 25 unallocated stat point and 15 skill points would host like to assign unallocated stat points"