
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

ValenciaAvail · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 4

I was on my private jet when I realized that my business partner Trey never called like he told me he would. He was always about time and being persistent when it came to people's time so that was odd. When I look at my phone there was Yasmin's image on the screen. She was fine as hell I didn't notice when I dropped my phone in the exchange I got hers and was going to return it once I got back to Georgia. As of right now, I would be good without it because I wouldn't have to deal with my mother Olivia day to day checkups. Olivia was my mother who couldn't keep a man she was always wandering into other people relationship even every single one of mines. Mainly her being my reason for going off to school in North Carolina in the first place. Last night my thoughts were all over Yasmin who looked ten times better in person compared to magazines' images. Also having a stuck-up sucker for a husband who probably wasn't hitting it the right way. I knew he wasn't by the way she walked. But if given the chance I would blow her back out. Her phone ringed and it was him so instead of letting it ring I ended the call. He called probably 5 times back to back before I was getting inside a cab to head into the city to meet Trey and this realtor once my flight landed.

I felt the ambiance of the place it was chill thinking to myself this would be a nice place to take one of my little hoes. Following the hostess to the table, there sat Trey and a woman I immediately shook her hand ready to get this deal over with. I was about business tonight so when I get back to Georgia tomorrow I was going to see Yasmin one way or another. The waitress came over to ask what I wanted to drink after placing drinks on the crowded table. When she did I took the corona that sat on the table with the lime. When I took a swallow all eyes landed on me especially the woman talking to Trey.

"Ummm... that wasn't yours."

"Well, who one was it?"

"It was mines," said the woman standing beside me as my eyes looked up to see Yasmin in the flesh.

"My bad, here you want it?" I handed it to her half-full.

She took it from me putting it on an empty waiter tray as they passed. I thought to myself how I could have finished it off but I closed my mouth. Her attitude told me she wasn't feeling my vibe. Holding her hand out she asked for her phone and I gave it to her. She cursed me out explaining that our phones wouldn't have been exchanging if I watched where I was going. I then caught my tongue before her phone ringed and she answered getting up to walk outside. I watched from a distance through the glass as her hand notion told me it was a bad argument. When she returned she got down to business asking us about this project. We explain the purpose, as well as the details Trey and her had already been going over the last few weeks. From my side of the table, I could tell that her sister and my partner were familiar with each other. They kept the conversation going attending to nothing we were there for. Yasmin's level of annoyance was raised as her phone ringed again. Turning her phone on vibrate she then spoke some more before I indulged.

"Damn Kevin ass must need to know your every move. I'm going to assume that one of you cheated."

"This meeting is over nice thanks for meeting me Trey and fuck you Malik you need to mind your own damn business. Oh yeah, let me remind you that I don't need to explain anything that goes on in my relationship to you."

Trey hopped up following Yasmin and her sister Zari to keep her from leaving as I stayed seated. Ain't no woman was gone make me chase her down. After a few minutes, Trey came back with her sister without Yasmin's insight. Confused I watch them both sit down before he told me to go apologize as she waits for her Uber to go take her to get her car. I got up and did as he asked before taking a sip of her new corona she never touched the waitress just brought. Walking outside it began to snow a little bit. She started shaking before I walked near her standing on the sidewalk looking for her ride. When I got close Yasmin began to tell the valet driver that if I touched her to call the police as he nodded.

"Please do me a favor and stay over there I'm waiting on my ride and Trey informed me of everything you're looking for so there is nothing further for us to discuss."

Pulling out a cigar as I lit it to help my nerves. For some reason, her attitude was turning me on whether she knew it or not. I have never been around a woman who treated me like this. I think it might have been the red bottom on her feet and that dress that hugged her figure in all the right places. Women usually give in to me. Yasmin was the younger version of Ashanti appearance-wise. I took another pull before putting it out offering her a ride. She denied before staring at her phone which I could see from her Uber app that the driver would be to her in 45 minutes from all the traffic. My car arrived before I went to open the passenger door to see if she'll get in.

"I'll be fine Malik just go because your mouth too much for me."

"I've been told, baby."

"See there you go again being an asshole. Listen I'm not your baby, boo, hoe, bitch, or thot so the next time you come out your mouth sideways it will be the last okay."

"Okay now let's go."

I watched her contemplate as the snow began to fall harder as she got in the car when I joined her to blast the heat for us to warm up when I got inside. I asked her where I was headed as she mentioned her family house. The further we drove out the more traffic was rerouting. The radio interrupting my thoughts saying that tonight the bridge would be closed down we needed to use to get her family place. Only for us to pass the same officer twice asking him if there any want to get across the bridge as a detour. He told us no before she told me to drop her off at a hotel only to return as I waited out front to say that they had no more room available. I cut her off informing her a lot of hotels were booked for the blizzard so she might not be so lucky. I was slowly growing tired of driving. After repeating myself so many times she had no choice. So I swooped in like superman to her rescue hoping to gain some kind of cool points.

"Look Yasmin I'm hungry and tired I want to rest I'm not driving you around all night. So I want to offer for you to come to my house I promise I won't hurt you. I won't look your way or anything I got my part of the house. I can assure you that you won't even know I'm there."

Going through her phone she searched and searched before realizing I was her only option. Agreeing finally we were now on our way to my crib. And tonight or over the next two days, I was going to get her to let her guard down.