
Dropped His Dime

Yasmin Wilson is stuck between being in love with her current boyfriend Kevin who carries drama of his own interfering in his relationship choices. While Malik comes in trying to be her night and shining armor being problematic himself. Will she choose to be with Kevin or Malik.

ValenciaAvail · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 14

"Sir you're free to go," said the officer.

I was free thank god I didn't know who set me up but I got to bond. I was escorted up front to receive my valuables to find out when I checked my phone that Yasmin was in the hospital. I called her sister for her to tell me to come to the hospital as soon as I could. Making my way into the front entrance I was face to face with Jordan. In small details Lisa lead me outside with Yasmin's sister. Her sister explains that they didn't know much but Kevin was the possible cause. Lisa kept biting her nail before asking me random questions as to whether I had kids. And are there any mental illnesses in my family? Steady going on and on until Yasmin's sister told her to stop. Ignoring her she asked me how much did I truly care for Yasmin.

"Honestly I made a mistake to not tell her I once had a drinking addiction but there was nothing I wouldn't do for her. Only if my mother stops butting in we could've been happy. But that couldn't be since she married Kevin. So I support her, she got what she wants."

I walked off to think about the fact I was foolish to show up. Yasmin was married who knows where her husband was but right now I exposing us both. Lisa ran up beside me to inform me that they were waiting on information from a doctor. And that they didn't know how long it'll take. I started walking as Jordan caught up to us.

"Yo what the fuck going on Lisa?"

"Nothing baby. Look Malik don't leave yet till you get enough information."

"There is nothing else for me to stay here for she made her choice. I'm no damn 2nd option" I murmured loud enough only for her to hear.

"There surely is something going on!"

"Jordan do me a favor and let me talk to him."

"For what you fucking off on me Lisa?"

"No what let me let Yasmin explain everything after she wakes up. Right now she truly needs your support more than ever. She'd be glad to know that you're here."

After the resolved issue with Jordan and Lisa, they led me inside. We sat waiting in the waiting room until my mother showed up looking for Kevin. I hurried over to let her know that I went to jail. She wasn't surprised before asking why I was at the hospital instead of jail. I informed her that I knew what she did and that she was going to get hers. Kevin spoke up explaining that their baby was the cause and Lisa got up to walk off to avoid eye contact with me. Not wanting to draw too much attention I told them to excuse me. I caught up to Lisa getting on an elevator that leads to the cafe. Before the door closed I stuck my right hand inside to stop it. She told me to get off and wait for the next one.

"Lisa I know your hiding information and if it's important and you're her friend you can tell me."

"I cant that's my fucking best friend!"

When the elevator opened she aimed for the coffee machine. Still, on her tail, I pleaded for her to tell me. Then bravery came to mind before I pulled out a hundred-dollar bill. She took the hundred and kept walking to head over to a table. I grabbed the chair flipping it back to sit in it taking off my suit jacket. Lisa stirred the coffee before adding the packet of sugar off the table.


"Okay, Malik damn don't tell her I told you but the baby yours. She sure it's yours but she feels Kevin is a better fit to be a father to this child."

I ran taking some steps that led to where everyone was sitting in the waiting room. Lisa was calling out to me but I kept going. I got back in the waiting area we were in before when Kevin turned around to face me. With every bit of strength I had, I ran over to see Yasmin in a wheelchair kissing Kevin. I charged at Kevin before hitting him in the face. And walked over to her with the coldest look on my face to speak.

"Congratulations on your bundle of joy just know that I know a fake ass couple when I see one. And Kevin if you feel some kind of way about me then know I'm more man than you could ever be. Yeah, I told her about you and my mother but she still wants you. Know what stay the fuck out my life that goes for all of you and especially you."

I pointed to Yasmin watching tears fall from her eyes. She began to cry but no one felt as bad as I did right now. I wanted to be a part of my child's life and wasn't even given a chance. I left out to wear my heart on my sleeve. I wasn't the same Malik I was back to my old self. Pulling out my phone I called the receptionist from the office named Kima to come over to ease my mind. By midnight she arrived with a bottle in her hand. I didn't want to speak on anything I just let her come inside before asking if she came over for some dick or not. I took no time to get to know her I was hurt needing just to feel good. I pop the top on the Henny before telling her I wanted to be pleased. She took off everything before I went to bent her over tearing up her walls. She made me feel good matching my force she threw it back. Then she tried to kiss me on the mouth before I guided her mouth elsewhere. It felt good she kept licking before I released. When I pulled my pants up I told her to go clean herself up. When she returned she asked if we could chill before she left and I denied it.

"So we can't chill after we fuck Maurice. I have been doing things on your time to get her leftovers. I'm not cool with being a one-nightstand that's just not me."

"No, and it's Malik but I don't give a fuck about you hoe. I'm sure you did had your share of men now you want to play games. Know what here you go."

I had her a few bills before she took them and walked out the door. I got up to lock my door cutting out my lights to sulk in the dark. I was still hurt at Yasmin doing what she did to me. But I know karma is a motherfucker and she was gone get hers.