

Odlanyer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

The Empire’s West Branch Church (1)

"Don't talk like that grandpa, I'm sure you can still live for a long long time to accompany your granddaughter. I trust that the holy one will give a long and fulfilling life to his devout believer. Of course, when I have the chance to meet her later we will definitely become good friends. Knowing you, your granddaughter must also be a caring and beautiful person."

"It's not like that, my granddaughter has a very cold nature, she usually won't talk to anyone. It all started after she knew that her father won't be coming back anymore. That day she started to close everything about herself. If one day you meet her, please don't take offense to her cold personality, it's her own way to keep moving on in this catastrophic world. Her name is Eveline. Cardinal Sera is quite like her but with that child personality she'll always keep some distance with the people around her. If you pass by the principality main branch church one day, you can visit her on my behalf as I'm always busy working around the humanity domain and cannot meet her too often."

"Okay grandpa, I'll remember it. Cardinal Sera is my aunt, she will definitely take good care of Eveline."

"You're Auguste's grandson right? I heard from the news this morning that he will retire as the pope. What will he do after this?"

"Did you know my grandfather personally? Well, even at the end of his leadership period as the pope, he's still working hard to solve the complex problem that the church has. Even at this time he must still be managing the church reports and personnel allocation. But for me it's nice seeing grandpa will be free from all the church matters, after this he'll have a lot more time with this cute grandson of his. It sounds a bit selfish of me to say that because I know that many people still expect my grandpa's protection in this dangerous world. The humanity domain only left with this small piece of territory after the Descent and the demon coming to this planet. Even after this no one can ensure what will happen to us in the future, maybe something more terrible than them will come or maybe not.. No one knows. My grandpa is no different than any other person, he's just a bit stronger but not omnipotent and he's getting older by the day. How can you expect an old retired man like him to protect all humanities domains forever? After this I will have my grandpa to train all his grandchildren and dedicate his time just for his family. We'll go fishing together, watch some competition, and grandpa likes our tea time the most. Yes! He'll just be a retired normal neighborhood old man after today. Hehe.."

"Everyone in this world should know about his name. Even though I never met him in person, I know about his deeds. His deeds when he's slaughtering demons in the war against them is still imprinted in the memory of many people including me. Although I'm looking like this right now, a decade ago I'm still quite capable of fighting. I see your grandpa that time at the border facing the demon side when I'm assigned there to search for new material for the news. Gathering information at the border about the demon and your grandpa at that time made me quite successful and now I have my own small business with a lot of capable young people that can help me."

The aunty is done cooking and the waiter in the stall brings our food to our table. The chicken is tender and tasty, no wonder the food stall is crowded. You can never underestimate a cook nowadays. If an aunt beside the road cooking normal food is already this good then what about those chefs. Zeon, Li, and Toast can eat food prepared by five star chefs, the taste and the nutrients inside of these foods are very useful for improving their training result. But not many people are as lucky as them, only the rich, influential, and strong people can taste the food made by these star chefs. The old man and the three kids finished eating their food. There's still some minutes until the prayer ends. The kids decided to wait in the stall while ordering more fruit juice to drink.

"Where are you going to go after this grandpa? It's quite late, you know. There are many church patrols around the area but it doesn't mean that everywhere is safe. There are many bad people nowadays, especially at night time. It's not safe on the road for kids and old men, you know. Those criminal organizations and demon contractors can suddenly appear at any time. Why don't you stay the night with us at the west branch church?"

The old man looked at Zeon deeply, maybe he's touched by his consideration for him. Li can be seen nodding his head, agreeing to Zeon's proposition that the road at night time is not safe for an old man like him. For some unknown reason, Toast started to look a little panicked with his eyes looking at Zeon, a bit unbelievable at the invitation that he said just now. Toast wanted to say something but didn't dare to let that person know what he's thinking, so he decided to keep silent and let the holy one decide his fate tonight.

"Are you sure Zeon, I don't want to trouble you?"

"It's okay grandpa, the church is not so stingy especially when you come with us, let's just say that we are friends and everything else can be discussed later."

"I'm really grateful Zeon, then I will trouble you tonight. Lucky me, at least I can save some money for tonight's lodging."

Many people can be seen going out from the direction of the church. This represents that the evening prayer should have ended. The old man and the kids pay for their food and walk to the direction of the west church branch.

Many deacons can be seen accompanying many people out in front of the church gate after the evening prayer. An old man and three kids walking against the direction of this group of people toward the church. The deacons feel a little weird seeing this combination of people. They thought that it must be another old man sending some orphans toward their church. The deacons' facial expressions become a little uncomfortable seeing these beggars coming to their church. The old man and the three kids finally reach the front gate of the church but before they can greet those deacons they get stopped by them.

"Stop here! Sorry old man, the evening prayer has already ended and we're going to close our gate. We're also full and didn't accept another orphan to our church. You should go to another place to send those kids. I heard that the north branch church still has a lot of space left to accept those orphans."

The old man and the three kids are the party of Zeon who wants to visit the north branch church. The old man looked at these people with intrigued eyes like looking at some clown performing some jokes in front of him. Toast didn't say anything while following from behind. Li can be seen a little bit angry with what they are saying about his home, no wonder this afternoon he's seeing more orphans in the north branch church, it's because of these people.

"You dirty trash! No, calling you people trash is too kind of me. You maggot who are worse than trash. Hey maggot, just squirm like you should in the trashcan and stop talking nonsense to us." Li said while looking quite angry at the one who was trying to chase them away.

"What did you say? Do you want to disturb the tranquility of the church? We'll call the patrol team to detain all of you if you are still stubborn and insulting us." many deacons started to feel insulted by the fat kid words.

"In the first place isn't every church supposed to accept every orphan and give the weak, old, and disabled person a place to stay for the night when they have nowhere else to go? And the gate of the church isn't supposed to be closed at this time, didn't you read the regulation that it will only be closed when all the church personnel go to sleep." Li is still trying to argue with these deacons.

"You're really babbling too much, kid. Just go away or we really send all of you to prison! We're already saying that our place is already full and there is no more room for another orphan. It's also up to us when to close our gate! We're all already tired by today's training and prayer. We're going to sleep after this, do you want to disturb us like this? Old man, teach your kids some respect when they are talking to someone older or someday they will offend someone they shouldn't have offended. We're already forgiving enough by letting you go after saying all those harsh words, be grateful and go away, the night is still young, you still have plenty of time to go somewhere else."

"But I can see and hear some people still talking in the church?"

"It's none of your business, kid! They are our precious patrons who will donate some things for the church continuity, we still have many orphans to be fed and cared for. They are different from you people who will only take advantage of the church's kindness. Whether they want to stay the night or do anything inside the church it's up to them. As the holy teaching said that we should repay good deeds many times over."