
Navi's Illness

"Hey, what is wrong with you, don't cross your limits" , saying she pushed him back, " the moment you saw the chance that no one was around, you pounced, pervert", she shouted at him.

Forgetting the main question of why he was back home she continued her accusations.

Hardeep was having a hard time controlling his emotions, he clenched a tight fist and said, " I'm not a pervert , secondly you were trying to seduce me, with half of your revealing body, thirdly, aunty requested to give you off, so I came to collect my file. Dare you come in front of me like this, or otherwise also, " saying so he picked up his file and went out slamming the door loudly.

Navi was unable to think or speak. Her hands were still over the sore lips.

"Hmm , is this the way he should have behaved with me? As if I'm at fault, so what if the robe was undone", looking down she realized the robe hardly covered anything. No normal man can stay in senses. Picking up the towel and other clothes for laundry she left his room.

"Anyways, now that it's my day off, I'm gonna go and sleep but before that let me go and check the doors." Thinking aloud , as it was becoming her habit,

She checked the door and as Jenny had the spare keys, Navi without any thought went to her room , closed the door and after taking off her robe she wore her night suit. But before that she admired herself in the mirror feeling an untellable pain .

Leaving her thoughts behind, she slid under the covers, and slept for hours. Meantime Jenny came and did all the cleaning and laundry and left after locking the door.

The moment she was trying to lock the main gate, she heard the honking of the car horn. She turned and saw Hardeep's driver. She stopped locking and waited for the driver to come out.

"Jenny, can you please get me a Sir's shirt ironed and packed as sir had to attend the meeting and ask Ms Navi also to get ready by 7 pm for the meeting, I'll come to pick her up".

"Ok, I'll ask her only to pick the shirt for sir and will pass on the message", saying so she went to Navi's room and after knocking she entered and saw her sleeping. She tried to wake her up but couldn't do so. She touched her forehead and felt it hot as iron. She quickly ran down and said, "Navi di is suffering from high fever it seems, tell sir she won't be able to come, I'll just give you his shirt but first let me call the family doctor."

"Don't worry, I'll tell the boss, I'm calling him to inform and I'm staying here, you guys might need me".

"What happened? Didn't get the pack ready?"

"No sir, Navi madam is suffering from high fever, Jenny has called the doctor, I'm also staying here as their driver is also not here. Might have to go to the hospital." As the driver was elderly, he took this decision.

"O, no, I'm also coming home, I'll hire Uber." Saying so he called Reva and asked her to cancel the appointments till Carry further notice. Meanwhile, call Uber and book a cab for me.

"I'm working from home, if you need anything just call me as Navi is also not well".

Reva knew almost all, so she nodded and booked a cab.

Hardeep rushed home the moment the cab came, reaching there, he got off quickly and went inside as the payment was prepaid.

Reaching her room he was relieved to see the doctor.

The doctor was injecting her arm , even unconscious, she winced.

"Why is her condition like this? What happened?" How much time will she take to recover?"

" So many questions?????She'll be fine in a day or two. I think this is the case of exhaustion, ``the doctor replied.

" I've prescribed some medicines. Make sure she intakes on time." , Saying so the doctor gave the slip to Hardeep.

" Thanks,and please have a cup of coffee or tea before leaving".

"No need, thank you, I can see myself out. You also take rest and make sure she drinks water and if still the condition persists, she'll be hospitalized. Upto her and you".

Hardeep just nodded and looked at the driver.

Driver bowed and took the bag from the doctor and led him out. He was on duty to take him home.

Meanwhile, Hardeep just went to his room to change and then came back and sat on the couch with his laptop and started working, Jenny brought his coffee and evening snacks in the room only.

" Sir if you need me , I can stay overnight all I have to do is inform my mom".

"Ok, dear if there is no inconvenience to you. I appreciate it."

" Jenny, go and rest. I'll call you if needed through the intercom. Let me finish up with reading these mails and replying, I'm here only. And yes, prepare some porridge for this silly girl."

Hardeep finished reading emails and was about to keep the laptop aside when he heard some whimpering.

He saw Navi stirring and shivering. He got up and checked her temperature, it was still hot. He shook her a little so that she can have her medicine but Navi was in another world.

He buzzed Jenny to bring Navi's food and after setting it on the table, he motioned her to go.

After Jenny left, closing the door behind her, Hardeep sat near Navi and tried to wake her up. Though she got up yet was drowsy due to the medicine s. He made her eat a few teaspoons then gave her water to drink, coaxing her as if she's a small baby. Though he was having a hard time controlling himself.

Navi again slept like a log after taking her medicine. Hardeep kept on massaging her forehead for some time. After an hour or so he wanted to get up but Navi was holding his hand tightly in her hands. He tried his best to remove his hand but Navi kept on clinging, murmuring in her sleep, " don't go, I'm sorry".

Switching off the bedside lamp he climbed into the covers.

He made himself comfortable on the bed and lied down while Navi used him as her pillow.

Poor fellow, he wanted to have cold showers as the fragrance of flowers coming from her body was drawing him insane.

Then he thought of making the most of it.

He kissed her lightly on her forehead and then on her lips. Hardeep couldn't stop himself from kissing her exposed breasts.

Navi stirred and seemed to enjoy it in her dreams as she molded herself into him.

He was getting hard .

To quench his thirst, he just guided her hand into his boxers and tried to suck her pebbled breasts one at a time . It seemed both were engrossed. Moving down he let his hands play dangerously, almost touching her velvety part above her pajamas.

Navi's hold was getting tighter on his hardened dick.

Unsaid desires were floating in the air.

Before things got out of control, he checked himself, and just hugged her , letting her hand remain inside and slept.