
Dreamwalker's Bride

“You are the least objectionable groom of all the ones I’ve seen,” Anaisa replied seriously. “Thank you for the glowing compliment,” Trace grinned, “but that didn’t quite answer my question.” ___ Anaisa is an orphan and a pariah. In an ultimate act of betrayal, her father, a Count of the Realm, is accused of deserting and betraying the army in a time of war. Not only is he immediately executed for the offense, but the king declares he must have been a fake all along! His two daughters are stripped of their titles and inheritance, replaced by a distant cousin and cast out of their home with nothing. Anaisa swears someday she will get her title and lands back, but in the mean time, she and her sister Katia have to figure out how to survive. Trace is an anomaly among his people; instead of revealing their son as a magic user and thrusting him into the public eye, his parents kept it a secret to allow him to choose the kind of life he wanted. Trace found himself content to rest and play in his own dream world instead of invading the nighttime visions of others. As an adult, his choice to remain unknown is thrown into jeopardy when a mysterious blackmailer forces Trace to enlist in the territorial war between nations, threatening to reveal his secret if the demand is not met. With the war now over, Trace believes he can finally go home to his farm and live the simple, unremarkable life he’s always desired. When Anaisa and Trace are thrown together by a royal edict, the sisters find themselves unwittingly tangled in the web of mystery and intrigue that surrounds the blackmailer’s escalating assignments for Trace. Anaisa begins to suspect it may be connected to the plot to replace her family in the noble court. As the scheme continues to unfold, lives, loves, marriages, and magic will be put to the test to see what forces in the world are strongest.

TheOtherNoble · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
266 Chs

Meeting the in-laws

Anaisa was still struggling with deciding whether to believe in her husband's goodness when he spoke again.

"I hope you'll like my family," Trace smiled at her. "There's my mother and father, my brother Seth and his wife Sarah, and their children. I visit on festival days, and I expect they'll come out to our home sometime soon to help you settle in."

Anaisa pressed her lips together. 'Our home', he said. 'Settle in'.

Clearly, he had a strong expectation of her staying. She had already known that from their conversation the night before, but to hear it so casually spoken of made her feel a sort of flutter in her middle. Guilt?

She pushed the feeling aside roughly, but it lingered in the lower reaches of her heart. 

"I look forward to meeting them," Anaisa replied honestly. She needed to know what sort of a family produced this man to have a better chance at understanding him. He was so readable on the surface, but she was convinced he must have some sort of awful flaw or hidden dark side.

It was the only thing that made sense to Anaisa. She continued puzzling out the man beside her as the road passed. For the moment, she ignored the question of why she was so interested in learning more about a man that she was planning to leave behind. He couldn't be so interesting that she would ever set aside her plans for revenge, but there was no harm in learning a little more, was there? A study of humanity outside the city. She glanced at him. 

The incredibly good-looking humanity outside the city. There must be something wrong with him. To be so handsome and so kind and remain unmarried until now was a near impossibility. 

The ride was rather long, and bumpy, and at some point Trace turned off the main road and onto a lesser-traveled, grassy lane. They passed through a grove of trees overhanging the road, and Anaisa took in the sight of the natural canopy with awe.

The city did not have many trees along the roads, and none so beautiful as these. Nor so tall!

"This grove was planted by my great grandparents," Trace smiled and pointed around. "The trees are old but healthy. At some point I intend to plant one on my land, I just haven't gotten around to it quite yet. Maybe I'll take cuttings in the spring."

"It's lovely," Anaisa nodded, filing away the information in case she needed it later. Planting and growing were not in her list of experiences, and she had much to learn about it. She might someday want a few trees like these in the courtyard of the manor in the city.

The lane opened up before a lovely home, much larger than Trace's, but of similar style. A large, wraparound covered porch boasted several rocking chairs ranging from adult to child sized.

It was utterly charming, and Anaisa felt overwhelmed at the richness of the place. Not its size, but the heritage and cared-for feeling it exuded. The support beams of the porch were worn smooth by decades of hands touching them, yet they did not look shoddy or dilapidated.

The house was like a spry, kind grandmother ready to embrace its occupants. It made Anaisa's grand estate in the city seem somewhat heartless and cold by comparison.

"Mom! Dad!" Trace called informally as he pulled the horses to a stop.

A mad clucking of chickens around the side of the house preceded three children sprinting into view.

"Uncle Trace!" They cried in unison as he jumped down. The littlest threw herself at his legs, wrapping her arms around them and nearly knocking the man over as he laughed.

"How are you gremlins?" He ruffled each of their hair. "Where's your mama and papa and grandparents?"

"We're coming, if you'll be patient for twenty seconds," A stately woman called as she opened the front door of the house and stepped out. She was wiping flour off her hands with her apron as she took in the scene. "We didn't expect you to visit today."

Her eyes landed curiously on Anaisa as a younger woman followed out of the house.

"Good Morning, Trace," She greeted. "Mia, you have to let Uncle Trace go or he'll trip and fall right on top of you."

"Yes, Mama," The tyke answered as she reluctantly unwound herself from around her uncle's legs. Her large brown eyes focused on the newcomer.

"Uncle Trace, Who have you brought to play with us?" She asked boldly, stepping toward Anaisa. 

"I'd like to introduce her to everyone at once, if that's all right," Trace demured, looking around. "Where are your dad and grandad?"

"Washing up, I expect," Trace's mother said, "They were repairing a fence and that old bull of your father's decided it would be fun to run them both into the mud."

Anaisa's eyebrows rose. Apparently there were dangers on a farm she hadn't considered. She noticed Trace didn't offer his hand again, and she climbed down herself while the two women stared at her with open curiosity.

It seemed a more delicate situation than she'd anticipated it being. Trace was about to tell his family they were married, which would make it much worse for him when she carried through on her plan to leave. He'd be humiliated.

On the other hand, maybe he was going to introduce her as a friend… or something… who was staying nearby or in the barn and would need some basic necessities. But if that were the case, he wouldn't have delayed the introduction as if it were some big to-do. Her stomach knotted nervously as she waited.

Trace's mother went to the corner of the porch and picked up a short metal rod, striking it against a thin metal pipe hanging on a delicate chain.

A distinct tone rang through the air.

"The dinner bell? Really Mom?" Trace shook his head.

"I need my curiosity satisfied," She winked at him as two men came running up from around the back of the residence. "Now that we're all here, who is this lovely young woman you have brought to visit us?"

Slightly sassy moms are the best moms. You can't change my mind about this.

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