
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 65: Planning

It's been a week.

It's been a week since Izumi and Kyouko conquered the Haltina Labyrinth and returned to the Orcus mansion. Luckily they didn't attract any attention as it would have been a pain to deal with. Since then, Izumi has been practicing all of the seven magic that he has acquired in Tortus: Space, Gravity, Creation, Restoration, Spirit, Metamorphosis and Evolution. Even with his talents, Izumi couldn't use that magic whenever he wants due to its immense restrictions.

Kyouko has also been practicing her powers. Izumi saw her train diligently. However, something had changed in her. Now that they had gotten all of the ancient magic of this world, Izumi could see that she had a fierce and determined expression when she trained. When she first declared that she would kill the Ehit, Izumi was worried about her going full Sasuke, but it seems like his worries were unfounded. While she had her goal, she continued to keep a calm mind. Isaiah felt her reserves of Holy power had grown a lot since the first time he had found her. She even created some new spells. However, the most surprising change was her wings. Izumi didn't remember when it started, but every time she used her powers the characters on her wings started to glow slightly. From afar. it might seem like her black wings were simply tinged with gold and yellow holy power, but when he looked closely, it was simply the characters he had seen before. For some reason, his skill (Devil's Tongue) was not working on it.

'Angel's language perhaps? I think it was called Enuk? Enat? No... Enoch. That's right! The language of the angels is called Enochian if I'm not wrong. Even with (Silver tongue), it's going to be a bit difficult to understand since this is a divine language and I have almost nothing to base it on.'

Usually, human languages have common factors in between them making them easier to comprehend and learn. The only reason, he was able to partly understand Ehit's magic circle was because there were some words in the book that matched the ones in the circle.

'Now that I think about it, does Ehit not have a divine language? Since he used human language to create the circle and summon the students to Tortus?'

He decided to think about it later since it was time to put his plan into motion. Now that he had gotten all the ancient magic of this world as well as Concept Magic, it was time to hunt a god.

At this point, Izumi was now going in blind. The books he had gotten from the chat didn't develop far enough into the story for him to know about Ehit and his abilities. The teen only knew his name and his so-called angels: the Apostles. He also knew that he was the one who brought the students into this world as new chess pieces for his board. However, Izumi also knew that the god already knew of his existence since the latter had sent an apostle to kill him. What confused him was why he hadn't attempted anything else. Was it arrogance or simply stupidity? The teen would never know, but he was not so naïve to think that he could let his guard down. Even with all of his abilities, his enemy was a god. A being of unparalleled power who ruled over Tortus by using the power of faith he received and countless schemes and manipulations simply for his amusement.

There was also the fact the demon king was Yue's uncle. The very same uncle who sacrificed himself to hide Yue from Ehit who coveted her body. Due to this unexpected development, he had sent drones to the demon country with the goal to infiltrate the castle and gather information. Unfortunately, he could only send the ones containing no mana since they could be sensed by someone skilled enough and someone with the title of Demon Lord is bound to be strong.

That was two days ago.

Ever since then, the drones silently flew around the castle disguised as insects gathering information for Izumi to use and he was surprised.

Alva, the Demon Lord, is an entity worshipped as a god for the demons just like how Ehit is worshipped by the humans. But, how could Yue's uncle be Alva when he is a vampire older than even Yue? The teen knew the Demon Lord was someone who conquered at least two Labyrinths seeing as he saw him controlling monsters and the fact he had left a message for his niece in the Orcus Labyrinth. Seeing all this, he came to four conclusions. Either the uncle is a double agent, he really betrayed Yue and elevated himself as a god in the eyes of the demons, he really did become a god or is being possessed by said god. The esper-mage didn't know yet, but he had a sneaking suspicion that the uncle didn't betray his niece. Either the vampire was alive and had posed himself as a demon lord. But that wouldn't make sense due to the numerous actions taken by the Demon Country in the history of Tortus and the man's message for his niece added to his credibility. Therefore, Izumi went with the fourth theory, Alva was someone else and he posing as Yue's uncle. The teen has already confirmed that the body Alva was using was real and not an illusion, thanks to his drones indicating that Dienleed was dead and someone had taken possession of his body.

Izumi was sitting on a self-made bench as he took a break from his training in the mansion's training ground. He was rubbing his temple as he processed everything.


'There are a lot of things to do. For one, I don't know the strengths of these gods. I may be strong, but I'm still human. What if Ehit has authority over domains I don't know of. I mean, he's bound to be powerful due to being the only god worshipped by the humans, the most populated race in Tortus. And if I somehow defeat them, I don't want to be like those heroes who defeat powerful leaders and disappear leaving power vacuums and consequences to this world and endangering the innocents. If I want to defeat them, I need to do it by leaving as few consequences as possible. I have one week before the invasion of the Capital. I need to prepare for that time and solve everything in one swoop. I need to confirm the identity of Alva and his connection with Ehit. If he is in cahoots with Ehit, I'll the both of them. Second, I need to find Ehit, but that will be solved thanks to the compass. I also need to do something about Suzukuwa and Hiyama.'

Izumi shook his head,

'On second thought, I'll probably leave the both of them to Hajime and his party. There is also the fact that Noint is not here, but I can't rule out the fact that Ehit hasn't already sent another Apostle to the Castle. He may even send an army of them due to how I killed Noint. So many questions, so few answers.'

He suddenly felt Kyouko approach and sit next to him. She then leaned her head on his shoulder,

"What are you thinking so hard about?" she asked.

Izumi smiled,

"I'm just making plans. I received new information and I need to prepare for it."

"Hm? Like what?"

"Like there is going to be an invasion on the Capital a week from today."

Kyouko shot up,

"WHAT! How!?" she exclaimed at the unexpected news.

"I sent many drones to the Demon Country to infiltrate and gather information. I saw an army gathering manpower and heard their plan for the invasion." Izumi calmly explained.

"T-Then we need to do something about it. We can't sit still." Kyouko began to panic, but the boy stood up and held her shoulders before slowly making her sit down.

"I know. That's why I'm making plans to not only stop the invasion but also remove Ehit's influence."

The girl looked at her boyfriend in shock,

"Eh? How are you going to do that?"

Izumi smiled wryly,

"Well, I'm still figuring out the details, but we'll use the invasion to deal a massive blow on the people's faith in god. You've seen in the Labyrinth how the god plays with people's lives right?"

Kyouko nodded.

"Well, we are going to do something that will flip the gameboard."

Kyouko slowly nodded before her eyes changed showing her fierce expression,

"Then, how can I help?"

Izumi smiled,

"You, Kyouko-chan, will continue to train hard. Once I finish the preparations, I will tell you my plan."

The girl narrowed her eyes,

"You're not going to do something that will get yourself killed, right?"

Izumi shook his head,

"No, no. I just need some time for my preparation," he replied.

He then paused,

"You know what? On second thought, I'll need your help."

Kyouko perked up,

"Oh? What do you need?"

"Well, first of all, for my plan to work, Just the two of us won't be enough. We'll need help from those with enough power to help us."

Kyouko caught on to what he was saying,

"You're going to meet Hajime-san's party. right?"

Izumi nodded,

"Yeah, I need to talk to them about the invasion."

Kyouko frowned,

"To be honest, I don't think he would care about the Capital, to be honest. In fact, I don't think he would care about anyone except for his harem and maybe Aiko-chan." the girl replied as she cringed slightly at the mention of Hajime's harem.

Izumi nodded,

'Harem, huh?'

To be honest, Izumi never knew how harems worked. Just a bunch of girls jumping on a guy who, typically, had no clue they had feelings for him. And even when he realizes their feelings, he can't reciprocate them because he has to treat them equally which can take a tremendous amount of time and resources. There is also the fact that the girls in question will form some sort of hierarchy in the group which would lead to more problems as some of the girls would complain about not getting enough affection. Izumi had read many stories featuring harems and most of the time, the girls would immediately fall in love with the mc because they lent an eraser when she had none or some shit and become yes-men for him.

Of course, a harem is every man's dream. Who wouldn't want a bunch of girls just for themselves? Surrounding themselves with women and girls is the dream of every hot-blooded young man. Even Izumi when he was still single. There is a reason why it's called a dream. Who wouldn't want girls to love them and only them?

Izumi shook his head and sighed.

"We don't need to worry about that."

Kyouko tilted her head,


"Because I have something he desperately wants." The boy summoned the compass and grinned, "A way home to Earth."

The girl raised an eyebrow,

"Weren't you going to take him and the others back to earth anyway?" she asked.

Izumi shrugged,

"Yeah, but he doesn't know that. Besides, I'm only taking back those who want to go back or even deserve to go back."

"So you're going to scam him? The edgelord incarnate?"

"Yup" Izumi grinned

"And what did you mean by "deserve"?"

Izumi frowned,

"I'm sure you know that there is a traitor in amongst the students, right?"

Kyouko slowly nodded as she remembered telling Izumi about her suspicions,

"So you found out about it?"

"Well yeah"

"W-Who is it?" the girl asked.

"A guy named Hiyama. Hiyama Daisuke."

Kyouko let out a shaky sigh as she looked down.

"I... I see. I knew something was wrong with him. He used to bully Hajime-san to whole time we were there. But I never thought he would try to kill him. But why? Why did he try to kill Hajime?"

"Obsession." Izumi immediately answered.

"Obsession?" Kyouko snapped her head toward him.

Izumi nodded,

"Obsession. That little shit was so obsessed with a girl he would commit murder just to have her to himself."

"A girl? Are you telling me he attempted murder just for a girl he couldn't get? What the actual fuck!?" Kyouko shouted.

Izumi simply nodded,

"Who? Which girl was it that made him this insane?" the girl asked bewildered.

Izumi sighed once more.

"Shirasaki Kaori-san."

"Kaori? How do you know?"

"The same way I know about the invasion," Izumi said as he raised a palm.

A small bug-like drone landed in the middle of it.

"Oh. The drones."

"Yup. And you know what the worst part is?"


"Right after we left, the Hero party and Hajime's Party went back to the surface. There they separated, but not before Kaori confessed to Hajime and insisted to join his party. The latter reluctantly accepted and they went to Ankaji."

Kyouko gave an awkward smile,

"So Kaori joined Hajime's harem, huh?" the girl whispered.

Inwardly she was relieved that the girl was away from the psycho. She then snapped her head to the boy and gave a smile that didn't feel like one.

Sensing the weird atmosphere, Izumi could feel the sweat on the back of his head,


"You know, we've been talking about harems and such, but you haven't told me your opinion about it?"

"A-And what did you want to ask about?"

"Do you want a harem?" the girl asked with a mischievous smirk.

"Eh?" Izumi was caught off-guard.

He never would've thought that question would come out of the mouth of his girlfriend.

"You heard me, do you want a harem?"

"W-Why are you asking that?"

"I'm just curious," Kyouko asked as shifted herself.

She then got up and sat on the boy's hips and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck.

*Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

Izumi could feel his heart beating due to the girl's unexpected actions. Usually, he would be the one to tease her. The fact that Kyouko's body had changed due to her unlocking her Fallen Angel heritage didn't help at all. He felt her butt shifting on his legs as The boy feared that something was going to rise and it wouldn't be the shield hero. He could see the cleavage formed by her newly developed breasts. He had seen her in nothing but a towel, but for some reason, her figure up close to him with the skin shining from the slight sweat she had worked up made her even more seductive.

'Holy shit! Where did she learn this? I know Fallen Angels are inherently sexy, but what the hell!?'

"So?" the girl asked.

"Ha ha ha...." Izumi had a hard time tearing his eyes from Kyouko's boobs and looked into her eyes,

He saw her grin as well as the mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"So what?"

"Do you want a harem?"

Izumi then shook his head. He saw the girl's smile growing bigger,

"Why? I heard all boys wanted a harem though," she asked with a slight tilt of her head,

Izumi didn't know how, but that cute gesture somehow made her even sexier.

"W-Where did you hear that from, Kyouko-chan?"

"From my dad."

'What the hell did you teach your daughter, Kyousuke!?'

Izumi then smiled,

"Because I already have what I want."

"Is that so? And what's that?"

At this point, their noses were practically touching and they could feel each other's breath as their breathing grew heavier and hotter. Izumi then wrapped his arms around the girl's slender waist. He could feel the curves underneath her clothes. He then simply uttered a word,



The boy didn't leave her any chance to answer before attacking her lips with his own.


Kyouko surprised by the attack let out a yelp. Taking advantage of the opening, Izumi thrust his tongue inside her mouth and started to massage her own. After calming down from the attack, Kyouko melted into the kiss. For what seemed like an eternity, the two were lost in their own world exploring each other's mouths as they let out occasional moans.

Finally, they separated as a single strand of saliva still connected them and panted from the intense make-out session they just had.

"You know *hah* this is only *hah* a preview, right?"

"*Hah* Preview?" Izumi perked up at her words,

"Hm-huh. Who knows what might happen when we return."

Izumi grinned,

"Then I better work hard to find a way back home."

Kyouko giggled before getting up and walking toward the mansion,

"I better take a shower since we'll be going out. See you later." the girl said and continued to was while swaying her hips.

Izumi was mesmerized by the sight and continued to stare until she entered the mansion.


On the other side of the door, Kyouko collapsed on the floor as she covered her mouth with her hands,

'OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! What the hell did I just do!?'

Her heart beat so fast she almost thought it would burst out of her chest.

"What the hell happened? That was so unlike me! Is my fallen side acting up? I would've never thought of doing something like that back home. I would've never said anything like that either. A preview? Who the hell says that!"

She continued to sit on the floor as she remembered the kiss they just had,

'I think it was poking me." she thought.

She then began imagining if they went further. How his hands would touch her body as her clothes would be removed one by one. She imagined the body underneath his clothes right on top of her ready to-


Kyouko quickly waved her hands wildly as if trying to push her thoughts away. She quickly got up from the floor and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

'I need a cold shower.'